Sistem Monitoring Berat dan Sukrosa Pada Royal Jelly Berbasis Internet of Things

Arini, Monifa and Dr.Eng. Panca Mudjirahardjo, S.T., M.T. and Eka Maulana, S.T., M.T., M.Eng. (2022) Sistem Monitoring Berat dan Sukrosa Pada Royal Jelly Berbasis Internet of Things. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Lebah merupakan salah satu keanekaragaman hayati yang saat ini banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia karena sifatnya yang tidak agresif, proses budidaya cukup mudah, serta kondisi iklim tropis yang mendukung dalam pengembangan. Produk yang dihasilkan lebah madu sangat beragam, seperti madu, royal jelly, propolis, bee wax. Royal jelly memiliki eksklusifitas produk dan kandungan zat aktif di dalamnya. Karakteristik royal jelly tergolong mudah rusak jika queen cup dibiarkan terbuka dalam waktu yang lama, sehingga kualitas dari royal jelly yang dihasilkan kurang baik. Kualitas yang buruk akan menyebabkan kandungan-kandungan penting di dalam royal jelly menjadi rusak dan sulit diidentifikasi, sehingga dapat menurunkan jumlah produksi royal jelly. Pemanenan yang ditemui saat ini masih konvensional dengan cara mencongkel queen cup. Metode konvensional dengan mencongkel satu per satu queen cup memakan waktu lebih lama per tangkainya. Jika metode konvensional diterapkan pada jumlah besar, maka peternak kesulitan dalam pemanenan royal jelly. Namun, alat pemanen tersebut belum terdapat pengukur dan monitoring komposisi royal jelly yang menunjang. Pada penelitian skripsi ini dilakukan perancangan sistem monitoring berat dan sukrosa pada royal jelly dengan sistem pemantauan salah satu nilai kandungan gula yaitu sukrosa secara otomatis dan pengiriman data secara realtime yang disimpan melalui database. Selain itu, sistem ini juga dapat melakukan pengaturan nilai sukrosa agar sesuai dengan alat ukur brix meter yang dilakukan kalibrasi menggunakan regresi linier pada sensor TCS- 230. Setiap hasil panen royal jelly dilakukan pengukuran berat menggunakan sensor load cell untuk mengetahui peningkatan jumlah produksi dengan alat otomatis ini. Hasil proses pengujian kadar sukrosa mampu memenuhi standar nilai dari ISO yaitu 0% sampai 3%. Hasil pengujian ini disebabkan karena adanya pengukuran kadar sukrosa dalam pengkalibrasiannya menggunakan regresi linier. Hasil pengukuran berat panen pertama sebesar 26,2 gram kemudian mengalami peningkatan sampai panen kelima yaitu sebesar 113,2 gram. Pada proses pengukuran kadar sukrosa dan berat ditampilkan pada aplikasi aurojel, aplikasi berjalan dengan baik dan data yag ditampilkan sesuai dengan nilai pembacaan sensor. Proses pengiriman data terdapat delay sebesar 0,31 sekon atau 310 ms.

English Abstract

Bees are one of the biological diversity that are currently widely cultivated in Indonesia because of their non-aggressive nature, the cultivation process is quite easy, and tropical climate conditions that support development. The products produced by honey bees are very diverse, such as honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee wax. Royal jelly has product exclusivity and active substance content in it. The characteristics of royal jelly are classified as easily damaged if the queen cup is left open for a long time, so the quality of the royal jelly produced is not good. Poor quality will cause important ingredients in royal jelly to be damaged and difficult to identify, so that it can reduce the amount of royal jelly production. Harvesting encountered today is still conventional by prying the queen cup. The conventional method of prying one queen cup at a time more than slow per stalk. If conventional methods are applied to large quantities, then breeders have difficulty in harvesting royal jelly. However, the harvester does not yet have a measurement and monitoring of the composition of royal jelly that supports it. In this thesis research, the design of a weight and sucrose monitoring system in royal jelly is carried out with an automatic sucrose value monitoring system and real-time data transmission that is stored through a database. In addition, this system can also adjust the sucrose value to match the brix meter measuring instrument which is calibrated using linear regression on the TCS-230 sensor. Each harvest of royal jelly is measured by weight using a load cell sensor to determine the increase in the amount of production with this automatic tool. The results of the testing process for sucrose levels were able to meet the standard values of ISO and SNI, namely 0% to 3%. The results of this test are due to the measurement of sucrose levels in the calibration using linear regression. The results of the measurement of the first harvest weight of 26.2 grams then increased until the fifth harvest, which was 113.2 grams. In the process of measuring sucrose and weight levels displayed on the aurojel application, the application runs well and the data displayed is in accordance with the sensor reading value. The process of sending data has a delay of 0.31 seconds or 310 ms.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522070359
Uncontrolled Keywords: Royal Jelly, Sukrosa, Berat, Internet of Things. .- Royal Jelly, Sucrose, Weight, Internet of Things
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.38 Electronics, communications engineering > 621.381 Electronics
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2023 01:43
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2023 01:43
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