Putra, Mochamad Fikri Dwi and Ir. Rini Wahyu Sayekti, M.S. and n Ir. Moch. Solichin, MT., Ph.D. (2022) Studi Penentuan Status Mutu Air Dan Sebaran Kualitas Air Dengan Metode DOE-WQI, IP, DWQI, Ved Prakash Index dan Prati Index di Waduk Selorejo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Waduk Selorejo merupakan waduk yang terletak di Desa Pandansari Kecamatan Ngantang di kaki Gunung Kelud. Waduk Selorejo merupakan waduk yang bersumber dari mata air Gunung Anjasmoro dan Gunung Argowayan, serta menerima suplai air dari sungai besar yaitu Sungai Konto, Sungai Pinjal, dan Sungai Kwayangan. Permasalahan utama kualitas air Waduk Selorejo semakin menurun diakibatkan oleh penerimaan suplai air yang mengandung limbah dari daerah pertanian, peternakan, dan rumah tangga. Pencemaran air di Waduk Selorejo sangat berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan sehingga perlu diketahui mutu airnya agar dapat mengurangi jumlah polutan yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penentuan kualitas air dan daya tampung beban pencemaran air di Waduk Selorejo. Pengambilan data parameter air dilakukan pada musim kemarau di tahun 2016-2021. Pemilihan musim tersebut dikarenakan saat musim kemarau kondisi kualitas air masih netral, tidak terpengaruh oleh limpasan hujan yang dapat membawa padatan tersuspensi ataupun polutan pencemar lainnya. Analisis kualitas air pada penelitian ini terdiri dari sembilan parameter antara lain DO, BOD, COD, NH3-N (Amonia), NO3-N, TSS, pH, PO4, dan Faecal Coliform dengan menggunakan metode DOE-WQI, Indeks Pencemaran (IP), DWQI, Ved Prakash Index, dan Prati Index. Untuk pemetaan sebaran kualitas airnya akan didasarkan pada metode IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted). Dalam menghitung daya tampung beban pencemaran waduk akan ditentukan status trofik waduk menggunakan parameter Total-P di tahun 2021 pada musim kemarau. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penentuan status mutu air di Waduk Selorejo pada musim kemarau 2016-2021 dengan menggunakan metode DOE-WQI yaitu 8-13% baik dan 88% 100% tercemar ringan, berdasarkan metode Indeks Pencemaran sebesar 0- 4% telah memenuhi baku mutu dan 96%-100% tercemar ringan, dengan metode DWQI didapatkan hasil 42%-71% sangat baik dan 17%-38% sangat buruk, dengan metode Ved Prakash Index didapatkan hasil 17%-75% baik dan 17%-75% buruk serta pada metode Prati Index didapatkan prosentase sebesar 100% tercemar ringan. Hasil yang berbeda pada metode DWQI disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan perhitungan subindex ditiap metode dan perbedaan parameter yang digunakan. Melalui perhitungan sebaran dengan metode IDW, pada metode DOE WQI, IP, Ved Prakash I, Prati I didapatkan bahwa semakin ke hilir prosentase ketercemaranannya semakin besar. Sementara untuk metode DWQI justru semakin ke hilir prosentase ketercemaran semakin kecil. Dapat disimpulkan dari kelima metode penentuan status mutu air untuk karateristik ketercemaran air di Waduk Selorejo selama 6 tahun yaitu tercemar ringan. Status trofik Waduk Selorejo di musim kering tahun 2016 mengalami eutrofikasi sebesar 50% - 100% Eutrof. Kadar Total-P untuk bagian hulu, tengah, dan hilir berturut turut sebesar 42,475 mg/m3 , 35,767 mg/m3 , dan 37,567 mg/m3 . Besarnya daya tampung beban pencemaran Waduk Selorejo pada bagian hulu, tengah, dan hilir secara berurutan yaitu 71,77 mg/m3 , 80,14 mg/m3 , dan 77,9 mg/m3 . Dengan perbandingan kadar Total-P dan nilai daya tampungnya, maka memperlihatkan bahwa kadar Total-P masih memenuhi batas kapasitas tampungan beban pencemaran waduk.
English Abstract
Selorejo Reservoir is a reservoir located in Pandansari Village, Ngantang District at the foot of Mount Kelud. The Selorejo Reservoir is a reservoir that originates from the springs of Mount Anjasmoro and Mount Argowayan, and receives its water supply from major rivers, namely the Konto River, Pinjal River, and Kwayangan River. The main problem with Selorejo Reservoir's declining water quality is caused by receiving water supplies containing waste from agricultural areas, livestock and households. Water pollution in the Selorejo Reservoir has a very bad impact on the environment, so it is necessary to know the quality of the water in order to reduce the amount of existing pollutants. This study aims to determine the determination of water quality and the carrying capacity of water pollution loads in the Selorejo Reservoir. Water parameter data collection was carried out during the dry season in 2016-2021. The choice of this season is due to the fact that during the dry season the water quality conditions are still neutral, not affected by rain runoff which can carry suspended solids or other pollutant pollutants. Water quality analysis in this study consisted of nine parameters including DO, BOD, COD, NH3-N, NO3- N, TSS, pH, PO4, and Faecal Coliform using the DOE-WQI method, Pollution Index (IP), DWQI, Ved Prakash Index, and Prati Index. For mapping the distribution of water quality, it will be based on the IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted) method. In calculating the capacity to accommodate the pollution load of the reservoir, the trophic status of the reservoir will be determined using the Total-P parameter in 2021 during the dry season. The results obtained from determining the status of water quality in the Selorejo Reservoir in the 2016-2021 dry season using the DOE-WQI method, namely 8-13% good and 88% 100% lightly polluted, based on the Pollution Index method of 0-4% have met the quality standards and 96% -100% lightly polluted, with the DWQI method the results are 42% -71% very good and 17% -38% very bad, with the Ved Prakash Index method the results are 17% -75% good and 17% -75% bad and the Prati Index method obtained a percentage of 100% lightly polluted. The different results for the DWQI method are due to the different subindex calculations for each method and the different parameters used. By calculating the distribution using the IDW method, in the DOE WQI, IP, Ved Prakash I, Prati I methods, it was found that the lower the percentage of contamination, the greater. Meanwhile, for the DWQI method, the percentage of contamination is getting smaller downstream. It can be concluded from the five methods of determining water quality status for the characteristics of water contamination in the Selorejo Reservoir for 6 years, namely lightly polluted. The trophic status of the Selorejo Reservoir in the dry season of 2016 experienced eutrophication of 50% - 100% Eutrophic. Total-P levels for the upstream, middle, and downstream sections were 42.475 mg/m3 , 35.767 mg/m3 and 37.567 mg/m3 , respectively. The amount of pollution load capacity of the Selorejo Reservoir in the upstream, middle, and downstream sections respectively is 71.77 mg/m3 , 80.14 mg/m3 , and 77.9 mg/m3 . With a comparison of the Total�P content and the holding capacity value, it shows that the Total-P level still meets the limit of the reservoir pollution load storage capacity.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522070354 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | mutu air, DOE-WQI, IP, DWQI, Ved Prakash Index, Prati index .- water quality, DOE-WQI, IP, DWQI, Ved Prakash Index, Prati inde |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 627 Hydraulic engineering > 627.5 Reclamations, Irrigation, related topics > 627.52 Irrigation |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 06 Apr 2023 07:12 |
Last Modified: | 06 Apr 2023 07:12 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/198103 |
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