Studi Penentuan Status Mutu Air Dan Sebaran Kualitas Air Menggunakan Metode IP, Oregon-WQI, CCME-WQI, NSF-WQI Di Waduk Selorejo Kabupaten Malang

Nastiti, Ken Diah Mangar and Ir. Rini Wahyu Sayekti, MS. and Emma Yuliani, ST., MT., Ph.D. (2022) Studi Penentuan Status Mutu Air Dan Sebaran Kualitas Air Menggunakan Metode IP, Oregon-WQI, CCME-WQI, NSF-WQI Di Waduk Selorejo Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Waduk Selorejo merupakan waduk dimanfaatkan untuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA), penyedia air untuk kegiatan pertanian, dan kegiatan pariwisata. Namun demikian, waduk Selorejo mengalami penurunan kualitas air yang mengakibatkan kematian massal pada ikan yang berada di waduk dan permukaan waduk dipenuhi dengan tanaman kayu apu. Apabila jumlah limbah organik berlebihan, akumulasi sisa proses metabolisme di dasar perairan secara terus-menerus akan menimbulkan penumpukan bahan organik. Tingkat penumpukan bahan organik akan mempengaruhi tingkat kesuburan perairan yang berpengaruh terhadap jumlah populasi algae. Dengan demikian, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengujian kualitas air Waduk Selorejo guna menjaga keberlanjutan manfaat dari waduk. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui status mutu air Waduk Selorejo pada musim kering berdasarkan metode Indeks Pencemaran (IP), Oregon-WQI, CCME-WQI, NFS-WQI yang dihitung menggunakan data dari tahun 2012-2021. Kemudian untuk mengetahui sebaran karakteristik status mutu air di Waduk Selorejo pada musim kering dengan parameter pH, BOD, COD, DO, TSS, Nitrat, Amonia, Fosfat, fecal coliform menggunakan metode pemetaan Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) untuk masing-masing metode. Selanjutnya untuk mengetahui besarnya daya tampung beban pencemaran air Waduk Selorejo pada musim kering dengan parameter Total-P pada bagian hulu, tengah dan hilir selama tahun 2021. Parameter yang dipakai pada perhitungan daya tamping beban pencemaran yaitu Total-P. Setelah dilakukan analisa dipeoleh hasil yaitu penentuan status mutu air menggunakan metode Indeks Pencemaran dari tahun 2012-2021 diperoleh status mutu air Waduk Selorejo yaitu 93%-100% Cemar Ringan. Pada metode Oregon-WQI diperoleh status mutu air Waduk Selorejo yaitu 70%-95% Tercemar Berat. Pada metode CCME-WQI diperoleh status mutu air Waduk Selorejo yaitu 48%-88% Cukup-Baik. Kemudian pada metode NSF-WQI diperoleh status mutu air Waduk Selorejo yaitu 50%-88% Sedang. Hasil dari perhitungan daya tampung beban pencemaran waduk dengan parameter Total-P didapatkan status trofik Eutrof, untuk kemampuan daya tampung beban pencemaran Waduk Selorejo bagian hulu dapat menampung kadar total-P sebesar 71,77 mg/m3 dan rerata kadar total-P selama musim kering tahun 2021 sebesar 42,475 mg/m3. Bagian tengah dapat menampung kadar total-P sebesar 80,14 mg/m3 dan rerata kadar total-P selama musim kering tahun 2021 sebesar 35,025 mg/m3. Bagian hilir dapat menampung kadar total-P sebesar 77,90 mg/m3 dan rerata kadar total-P selama musim kering tahun 2021 sebesar 35,83 mg/m3. Dari hasil di atas dapat diketahui bahwa kadar total-P yang ada di waduk masih berada di bawah batas maksimum beban pencemaran waduk. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi waduk tercemar ringan dan masih dalam keadaan aman. Melihat dari data eksisting yang relatif memenuhi baku mutu air kelas II dan dengan diperkuat dari hasil analisa menggunakan metode Indeks Pencemaran, CCME-WQI, dan NSF-WQI. Dengan begitu dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi mutu aur Waduk Selorejo dalam keadaan Tercemar Ringan.

English Abstract

Selorejo Reservoir is a reservoir used for Hydroelectric Power Plants (PLTA), providing water for agricultural activities, and tourism activities. However, the Selorejo Reservoir has experienced a decrease in water quality which has resulted in mass death of fish in the reservoir and the surface of the reservoir is filled with wormwood plants. If the amount of organic waste is excessive, the accumulation of residual metabolic processes at the bottom of the waters will continuously cause accumulation of organic matter. The level of accumulation of organic matter will affect the level of water fertility which affects the number of algae populations. Thus, it is necessary to carry out research on testing the water quality of the Selorejo Reservoir in order to maintain the sustainability of the benefits of the reservoir. The purpose of this research is to determine the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir in the dry season based on the Pollution Index (IP), Oregon-WQI, CCME-WQI, NFS-WQI methods which are calculated using data from 2012-2021. Then to find out the distribution of the characteristics of the water quality status in the Selorejo Reservoir in the dry season with the parameters pH, BOD, COD, DO, TSS, Nitrate, Ammonia, Phosphate, fecal coliform using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) mapping method for each method. Furthermore, to find out the carrying capacity of the Selorejo Reservoir water pollution load in the dry season with the Total-P parameter in the upstream, middle and downstream parts during 2021. The parameter used in calculating the pollution load carrying capacity is Total�P. After the analysis was carried out, the results were obtained, namely determining the status of water quality using the Pollution Index method from 2012-2021, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 93% -100% Lightly Polluted. In the Oregon-WQI method, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 70% -95% Heavily Polluted. In the CCME-WQI method, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 48% -88% Fair-Good. Then in the NSF-WQI method, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 50% -88% Moderate. The results of the calculation of the pollution load capacity of the reservoir with the Total-P parameter obtained Eutrophic trophic status, for the upstream pollution load capacity of the Selorejo Reservoir it can accommodate a total-P level of 71.77 mg/m3 and the average total-P level during the dry season in 2021 of 42.475 mg/m3. The middle part can accommodate a total-P level of 80.14 mg/m3 and the average total-P level during the 2021 dry season is 35.025 mg/m3. The downstream section can accommodate a total-P level of 77.90 mg/m3 and the average total-P level during the 2021 dry season is 35.83 mg/m3. From the above results it can be seen that the total-P content in the reservoir is still below the Selorejo Reservoir is a reservoir used for Hydroelectric Power Plants (PLTA), providing water for agricultural activities, and tourism activities. However, the Selorejo Reservoir has experienced a decrease in water quality which has resulted in mass death of fish in the reservoir and the surface of the reservoir is filled with wormwood plants. If the amount of organic waste is excessive, the accumulation of residual metabolic processes at the bottom of the waters will continuously cause accumulation of organic matter. The level of accumulation of organic matter will affect the level of water fertility which affects the number of algae populations. Thus, it is necessary to carry out research on testing the water quality of the Selorejo Reservoir in order to maintain the sustainability of the benefits of the reservoir. The purpose of this research is to determine the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir in the dry season based on the Pollution Index (IP), Oregon-WQI, CCME-WQI, NFS-WQI methods which are calculated using data from 2012-2021. Then to find out the distribution of the characteristics of the water quality status in the Selorejo Reservoir in the dry season with the parameters pH, BOD, COD, DO, TSS, Nitrate, Ammonia, Phosphate, fecal coliform using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) mapping method for each method. Furthermore, to find out the carrying capacity of the Selorejo Reservoir water pollution load in the dry season with the Total-P parameter in the upstream, middle and downstream parts during 2021. The parameter used in calculating the pollution load carrying capacity is Total�P. After the analysis was carried out, the results were obtained, namely determining the status of water quality using the Pollution Index method from 2012-2021, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 93% -100% Lightly Polluted. In the Oregon-WQI method, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 70% -95% Heavily Polluted. In the CCME-WQI method, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 48% -88% Fair-Good. Then in the NSF-WQI method, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 50% -88% Moderate. The results of the calculation of the pollution load capacity of the reservoir with the Total-P parameter obtained Eutrophic trophic status, for the upstream pollution load capacity of the Selorejo Reservoir it can accommodate a total-P level of 71.77 mg/m3 and the average total-P level during the dry season in 2021 of 42.475 mg/m3. The middle part can accommodate a total-P level of 80.14 mg/m3 and the average total-P level during the 2021 dry season is 35.025 mg/m3. The downstream section can accommodate a total-P level of 77.90 mg/m3 and the average total-P level during the 2021 dry season is 35.83 mg/m3. From the above results it can be seen that the total-P content in the reservoir is still below the Selorejo Reservoir is a reservoir used for Hydroelectric Power Plants (PLTA), providing water for agricultural activities, and tourism activities. However, the Selorejo Reservoir has experienced a decrease in water quality which has resulted in mass death of fish in the reservoir and the surface of the reservoir is filled with wormwood plants. If the amount of organic waste is excessive, the accumulation of residual metabolic processes at the bottom of the waters will continuously cause accumulation of organic matter. The level of accumulation of organic matter will affect the level of water fertility which affects the number of algae populations. Thus, it is necessary to carry out research on testing the water quality of the Selorejo Reservoir in order to maintain the sustainability of the benefits of the reservoir. The purpose of this research is to determine the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir in the dry season based on the Pollution Index (IP), Oregon-WQI, CCME-WQI, NFS-WQI methods which are calculated using data from 2012-2021. Then to find out the distribution of the characteristics of the water quality status in the Selorejo Reservoir in the dry season with the parameters pH, BOD, COD, DO, TSS, Nitrate, Ammonia, Phosphate, fecal coliform using the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) mapping method for each method. Furthermore, to find out the carrying capacity of the Selorejo Reservoir water pollution load in the dry season with the Total-P parameter in the upstream, middle and downstream parts during 2021. The parameter used in calculating the pollution load carrying capacity is Total�P. After the analysis was carried out, the results were obtained, namely determining the status of water quality using the Pollution Index method from 2012-2021, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 93% -100% Lightly Polluted. In the Oregon-WQI method, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 70% -95% Heavily Polluted. In the CCME-WQI method, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 48% -88% Fair-Good. Then in the NSF-WQI method, the water quality status of the Selorejo Reservoir was obtained, namely 50% -88% Moderate. The results of the calculation of the pollution load capacity of the reservoir with the Total-P parameter obtained Eutrophic trophic status, for the upstream pollution load capacity of the Selorejo Reservoir it can accommodate a total-P level of 71.77 mg/m3 and the average total-P level during the dry season in 2021 of 42.475 mg/m3. The middle part can accommodate a total-P level of 80.14 mg/m3 and the average total-P level during the 2021 dry season is 35.025 mg/m3. The downstream section can accommodate a total-P level of 77.90 mg/m3 and the average total-P level during the 2021 dry season is 35.83 mg/m3. From the above results it can be seen that the total-P content in the reservoir is still below the maximum limit of reservoir pollution load. This shows that the condition of the reservoir is lightly polluted and is still in a safe condition. Judging from the existing data that relatively meets class II water quality standards and is strengthened from the results of the analysis using the Pollution Index, CCME-WQI, and NSF-WQI methods. Thus it can be concluded that the water quality condition of the Selorejo Reservoir is in a Lightly Polluted state.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522070339
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mutu air, beban pencemaran, indeks pencemaran, waduk, Oregon-WQI. .- Water quality, pollution load, pollution index, reservoir, Oregon-WQI.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 627 Hydraulic engineering > 627.5 Reclamations, Irrigation, related topics > 627.52 Irrigation
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 06 Apr 2023 02:48
Last Modified: 06 Apr 2023 02:48
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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