Gusmawan, Maretha Widhya Aulyaa and Dr. Ir. Sitawati, MS. and Dr. Anna Satyana Karyawati, SP., MP. (2022) Pengaruh Konsentrasi Paclobutrazol Pada Berbagai Tingkat Intensitas Radiasi Matahari Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Kecerahan Warna Daun Tanaman Coleus (Coleus Scutellarioides. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Keberadaan Desa wisata di Indonesia kini semakin dikenal oleh masyarakat. Desa wisata adalah suatu kawasan pedesaan yang memiliki beberapa karakteristik khusus untuk menjadi daerah tujuan wisata salah satunya adalah desa wisata Mejono. Coleus (Coleus scutellarioides) adalah salah satu jenis tanaman hias daun, dengan nilai estetika terdapat pada warna daun yang beragam dan menarik. Desa wisata Mejono memiliki banyak pohon-pohon besar yang teduh dan rindang serta banyak ditemukan tanaman bambu sehingga daerah wisata mendapatkan intensitas cahaya yang lebih sedikit. Penanaman coleus pada tempat wisata dapat meningkatkan nilai estetika, namun penanaman tanaman coleus pada daerah yang memiliki intensitas cahaya rendah menyebabkan penampilan tanaman menjadi kurang optimal (warna daun kurang cemerlang atau sedikit memudar dan cenderung lebih cepat bertambah tinggi). Upaya yang dilakukan untuk dapat menghambat tinggi tanaman serta mampu mempertahankan warna daun tanaman adalah dengan mengaplikasikan zat pengatur tumbuh (Paclobutrazol). Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pemberian paclobutrazol pada tanaman coleus yang ternaungi mampu mempertahankan pertumbuhan tanaman dan dapat mempertahankan kecerahan warna daun tanaman. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Wisata Mejono yang terletak pada RT 002/ RW 005, Desa Mejono, Kecamatan Plemahan, Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur pada bulan Juni hingga September 2020. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Petak Terbagi (Split Plot) dengan dua faktor yaitu intensitas cahaya sebagai petak utama dan konsentrasi paclobutrazol sebagai anak petak. Petak Utama terdiri dari 3 taraf yaitu I100 (Intensitas cahaya matahari 100%), I75 (Intensitas cahaya matahari 75%) dan I50 (Intensitas cahaya matahari 50%) sedangkan anak petak terdiri dari P0 (Tanpa Paclobutrazol), P40 (Konsentrasi paclobutrazol 40 ppm), P80 (Konsentrasi paclobutrazol 80 ppm) dan P120 (Konsentrasi paclobutrazol 120 ppm. Parameter yang diamati adalah Tinggi tanaman, Jumlah tunas samping, Jumlah daun, Diameter Batang, Bobot kering tanaman, Laju pertumbuhan absolut (LPR), Luas Daun Spesifik, Warna daun, Kerapatan stomata, Kandungan klorofil, Kandungan antosianin, Radiation Use Efficiency (RUE) dan Intensitas cahaya. Hasil pengamatan dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (uji F) pada taraf 5% dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat interaksi dari perlakuan konsentrasi paclobutrazol pada berbagai intensitas cahaya terhadap parameter Tinggi Tanaman, Jumlah Tunas Samping, Luas Daun, Diameter Batang, Bobot Kering, Laju pertumbuhan absolut, Luas Daun Spesifik, Warna Daun, Kerapatan Stomata, Kandungan Klorofil, Kandungan Antosianin, Radiation Use Efficiency (RUE). Penurunan intensitas radiasi matahari 75% hingga 50% menghasilkan nilai Radiation Use Efficiency yang tinggi. sehingga memberikan nilai diameter batang tanaman, jumlah tunas samping, luas daun tanaman, kerapatan stomata, bobot kering tanaman, laju dan pertumbuhan relatif tanaman yang sama dengan perlakuan intensitas radiasi matahari 100% tanpa aplikasi paclobutrazol. Namun penurunan intensitas radiasi matahari 75% mampu menurunkan kandungan antosianin dan memudarkan warna daun. Pengaplikasian paclobutrazol dengan konsentrasi 80 ppm mampu meningkatkan kandungan antosianin dan mencerahkan warna daun seperti tanaman dengan intensitas cahaya matahari 100% dan tanpa aplikasi paclobutrazol. Sedangkan penurunan intensitas radiasi matahari 50% meningkatkan tinggi tanaman coleus, menurunkan kandungan antosianin dan memudarkan warna daun. Pengaplikasian paclobutrazol 80 ppm mampu menekan tinggi tanaman, meningkatkan kandungan antosianin dan mencerahkan warna daun tanaman coleus sehingga sama dengan intensitas cahaya 100% tanpa pengaplikasian paclobutrazol.
English Abstract
The existence of tourist villages in Indonesia is now increasingly known by the public. A tourist village is a rural area that has several special characteristics to become a tourist destination area, one of which is the tourist village of Mejono. Coleus (Coleus scutellarioides) is a type of leaf ornamental plant, with aesthetic value found in the diverse and attractive color of the leaves. Mejono tourist village has many large trees that are shady and shady and many bamboo plants are found so that the tourist area gets less light intensity. Planting coleus in tourist attractions can increase aesthetic value, but planting coleus plants in areas that have low light intensity causes the appearance of the plant to be less than optimal (the color of the leaves is less brilliant or slightly faded and tends to increase faster). The effort made to be able to inhibit plant height and be able to maintain the color of plant leaves is to apply a growth regulator (Paclobutrazol). The hypothesis proposed in this study is that the application of paclobutrazol to shaded coleus plants is able to maintain plant growth and can maintain the brightness of the color of plant leaves. The research was conducted in Mejono Tourism Village located on RT 002 / RW 005, Mejono Village, Plemahan District, Kediri Regency, East Java from June to September 2020. The method used in this study is a Split Plot Design with two factors, namely light intensity as the main plot and paclobutrazol concentration as a plot child, The Main Plot consists of 3 levels, namely I100 (100% sunlight intensity), I75 (75% sunlight intensity) and I50 (50% sunlight intensity), while the plot consists of P0 (Without Paclobutrazol), P40 (Paclobutrazol concentration 40 ppm), P80 (Paclobutrazol concentration 80 ppm) and P120 (Paclobutrazol concentration 120 ppm. The parameters observed were Plant height, Number of side shoots, Number of leaves, Leaf Area, Stem Diameter, Dry weight of plants, Relative growth rate (LPR), Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Color, Stomata Density, Chlorophyll Content, Anthocyanin Content, Radiation Use Efficiency (RUE) and Light intensity. The observation results were analyzed using a variety analysis (F test) at a level of 5% and continued with the BNJ test at a level of 5%. The results showed that there were interactions of paclobutrazol concentration treatment at various light intensities against the parameters of Plant Height, Number of Side Shoots, Stem Diameter, Dry Weight, Relative Growth Rate, Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Color, Stomata Density, Chlorophyll Content, Anthocyanin Content, Radiation Use Efficiency (RUE). A decrease in solar radiation intensity of 75% to 50% results in a high Radiation Use Efficiency value. thus providing the values of the diameter of the stem of the plant, the number of side shoots, the area of the leaves of the plant, the density of the stomata, the dry weight of the plant, the rate and relative growth of the plant equal to the treatment of 100% solar radiation intensity without the application of paclobutrazol. However, a 75% decrease in the intensity of solar radiation can reduce the anthocyanin content and fade the color of the leaves. The application of paclobutrazol with a concentration of 80 ppm is able to increase the anthocyanin content and brighten the color of leaves such as plants with a light intensity of 100% and without the application of paclobutrazol. Meanwhile, a 50% decrease in solar radiation intensity increases the height of coleus plants, lowers the anthocyanin content and fades the color of leaves. The application of paclobutrazol 80 ppm is able to suppress plant height, increase the anthocyanin content and brighten the color of the leaves of the coleus plant so that it is equal to the light intensity of 100% without the application of paclobutrazol.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0422040053 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 06 Apr 2023 01:56 |
Last Modified: | 06 Apr 2023 01:56 |
URI: | |
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