Evaluasi Kinerja Supplier menggunakan Metode Analytical Network Process dan TOPSIS di PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika

Abhiyoza, Byan Rifki and Ir. Ihwan Hamdala, S.T., M.T., IPM. (2022) Evaluasi Kinerja Supplier menggunakan Metode Analytical Network Process dan TOPSIS di PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PT. Aneka Jasa Grhadika merupakan industri yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan jasa konstruksi dan berfokus pada bidang pergudangan, perdagangan, jasa umum, dan EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction). Dalam memilih supplier, PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika mempunya kriteria-kriteria yang harus terpenuhi agar supplier lolos menjadi supplier terpilih dimana hal tersebut dilakukan menggunakan metode Scoring (metode existing perusahaan). Dalam penerapan metode tersebut, seringkali didapat supplier yang tidak sesuai dengan kriteria pada saat periode tutup buku dan terdapat supplier besi beton yang terlambat mengirimkan material tersebut sehingga mengganggu proses produksi. Tujuan penelitian diarahkan untuk memperbaiki kondisi yang ada dan metode yang digunakan oleh perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan penentuan kriteria dan subkriteria evaluasi kinerja supplier, penentuan bobot kriteria dan subkriteria tersebut, serta penilaian preferensi terhadap supplier besi beton dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Network Process - Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (ANP-TOPSIS). Beberapa tahapan setelah menentukan apa saja kriteria dan subkriteria yang dipertimbangkan, yaitu pembobotan kriteria dan subkriteria menggunakan matriks perbandingan berpasangan dimana input matriks tersebut didapat dari kuesioner yang ditujukan kepada key person di bagian pengadaan. Setelah itu menentukan hubungan keterkaitan antar subkriteria menggunakan kuesioner yang ditujukan kepada key person di departemen pengadaan. Output dari kuesioner yang telah dilakukan sampai tahap ini merupakan input dari software Super Decisions yang digunakan sebagai tools agar membantu penelitian. Bobot kriteria dan subkriteria yang didapat dari tahapan sebelumnya juga digunakan sebagai input metode TOPSIS Bersama dengan hasil dari kuesioner penilaian supplier yang diberikan kepada key person bagian pengadaan. Hasil dari TOPSIS ini merupakan penilaian akhir terhadap supplier yang dievaluasi. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 5 kriteria dan 15 sub kriteria yang teridentifikasi dan berikutnya dilakukan pembobotan. Pembobotan kriteria dan sub kriteria dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode ANP. Kriteria yang dinilai paling penting dalam evaluasi supplier adalah kriteria Quality yaitu dengan bobot 0,324. Urutan kepentingan 4 kriteria lainnya adalah Warranties & Claim Products dengan bobot 0,255, Price dengan bobot 0,183, Delivery dengan bobot 0,158, dan Performance History dengan bobot 0,08. Lalu dari metode TOPSIS didapat hasil pembobotan Supplier A sebesar 0,749, Supplier B sebesar 0,324, Supplier C sebesar 0,795, dan Supplier D sebesar 0,426. Sehingga, supplier yang memiliki bobot tertinggi adalah Supplier C dan dipilih alternatif Supplier C dengan nilai sebesar 0,795.

English Abstract

PT. Aneka Jasa Grhadika is a industry that engaged in construction services trading and focused on warehousing, trading, general services and EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction). In selecting a supplier, PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika have criterias that must fulfilled so that the suppliers passes the supplier selection, this assessment is called Scoring (existing method in company). In he application of this method, suppliers that didn’t fulfill the criterias during the closing period are often found, and there was suppliers of concrete iron that didn’t delivered the material on time and disrupting the production process. The goals of the research are to improve the existing conditions and the method that used by the company. In this study, the criterias and subcriterias for evaluating suppliers were determined with that weight also, as well as an assessment of preferences for concrete iron suppliers using the Analytical Network Process-Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (ANP-TOPSIS). There is some steps after determining what the criterias and subcriterias are considered is the weighting of that using pairwise comparison matriks where the input matrix is obtained from the questionnaire addressed to the key person of the procurement department. After that, determining the relationship between the subcriterias using a questionnaire addressed to the key person of the procurement department. The output of the questionnaire that has been carried out until this step is input of the Super Decisions software which is used as a tool of the research. The weights of the criteria and subcriteria obtained from the previous step is also used as input for the TOPSIS method along with the results of the supplier assessment questionnaire addressed to the key person of procurement department. The result of TOPSIS method are the final assessment of the evaluated suppliers. The results of the research are 5 criteria and 15 subcriteria obtained, are identified and then weighted. The criteria that are considered as the most important in the evaluating suppliers is the Quality criteria with a weight of 0,324. The order of importance for the other criterias is Warranty & Claim Products with a weight of 0,255, Price with a weight of 0,183. Delivery with a weight of 0,158, and Performance History with a weight of 0,08. Then from the TOPSIS method, the results obtained are Supplier A with a weight of 0,749, Supplier B of 0,324, Supplier C of 0,795, and Supplier D of 0,426. As a result, the supplier that has the highest weight and the choosen one is Supplier C with a value of 0,795.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522070298
Uncontrolled Keywords: Evaluasi Kinerja Supplier, Analytical Network Process,Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, ANP-TOPSIS .- Supplier Performance Evaluation, Analytical Network Process,Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution, ANP-TOPSIS
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 04 Apr 2023 02:41
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2023 02:41
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/197878
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