Siahaan, Benny Tua and Dr. Ir. M. Ruslin A, M.S and Dr. Sobri Abusini, MT (2022) Kajian Kebutuhan Parkir dan Layanan Terminal Penumpang Pelabuhan Pada Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru (Studi Kasus: Pelabuhan Penumpang Tenau Kupang-Nusa Tenggara Timur). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Corona Virus Diseasse 2019 (Covid 19) adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus SARS-CoV-2. Covid19 yang masuk ke Indonesia pada 3 Maret 2020 berdampak pada sektor transportasi khususnya transportasi laut di Indonesia. Angkutan laut mengalami kontraksi sebesar 17,48% akibat pemberlakuan pembatasan perjalanan dan pembatalan perjalanan kapal selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Selama masa pandemi COVID-19, jumlah penumpang di Pelabuhan Kupang Tenau menurun antara tahun 2019 (masa normal) dan tahun 2020 (masa pandemi) pada Juli dan Desember masing-masing sebesar 54,66% dan 53,84%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik pelayanan parkir, menghitung kebutuhan ruang parkir saat ini dan memprediksi kebutuhan ruang parkir setelah masa endemi, skenario penataan parkir sebelum pandemi, saat pandemi dan setelah pandemi dan kinerja pelayanan operasional selama masa pandemi covid19 khususnya pada terminal penumpang pelabuhan Tenau Kupang Survei dilakukan pada tanggal 9 Agustus 2021 sampai dengan 9 September 2021. Untuk karakteristik dan kebutuhan parkir dilakukan dengan survei langsung di lapangan saat masa pandemi covid19 serta mengambil data sekunder dari PT. Pelindo III cabang Kupang dan PT. Pelni terkait data parkir kendaraan dan data penumpang sebelum masa pandemi yaitu pada tahun 2016- 2020. Selanjutnya survei dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan kuesioner kepada 400 orang pengguna terminal sebagai data untuk mengetahui kinerja pelayanan terminal. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan parkir yaitu, analisis karakteristik dan kebutuhan ruang parkir serta skenario penataan ruang parkir. Untuk mengetahui kinerja pelayanan terminal digunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan metode Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa untuk analisis karakteristik parkir di pelabuhan Tenau Kupang memiliki indeks parkir maksimum untuk kendaraan mobil pada tanggal 16 agustus 2021 sebesar 46,03% pukul 18:15-18:30 dan untuk kendaraan sepeda motor pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2021 sebesar 30% pukul 08:30-08:45, hasil yang didapat untuk karakteristik parkir di masa pandemi masih dalam keadaan tidak melebihi indeks parkir (IP <1). Model hubungan antara kendaraan yang parkir dan penumpang kapal yaitu y = 1,3425x + 947,81 dengan determinasi (R2) 0,7621, x adalah variabel penumpang dan y adalah variabel kendaraan. Untuk perbandingan persentase kendaraan yang parkir di Pelabuhan Tenau Kupang, Kendaraan mobil sebesar 31,65% dengan total 192 SRP per sesi kapal sedangkan untuk kendaraan sepeda motor sebesar 68,75% dengan total 414 SRP per sesi kapal. Luasan area parkir kendaraan yang dibutuhkan saat masa endemi yaitu untuk kendaraan mobil sebesar 2395 m2 sedangkan untuk kendaraan sepeda motor sebesar 621 m2 dengan luasan total sebesar 3016 m2. Indeks Parkir terbesar sebelum masa pandemi terjadi pada tahun 2018, dengan sudut parkir 60° sesuai kondisi eksisting sebesar 213,68% dan sudut parkir 90° sebesar 146,32%. Indeks parkir yang terjadi saat masa pandemi dengan sudut parkir 60° sesuai kondisi eksisting sebesar 52,71% dan sudut parkir 90° sebesar 36,10%. Indeks parkir saat masa endemi dengan mengabaikan aturan pembatasan penumpang sebesar 50% yang disesuaikan dalam kondisi normal maka indeks parkir saat pandemi sesuai kondisi eksisting yaitu 52,71% dikalikan 2 sehingga didapat hasil indeks parkir saat masa endemi sebesar 105,43%. Variabel Kinerja layanan di terminal penumpang saat masa adaptasi kebiasaan baru masuk dalam kategori Kuadran I yaitu Pembatasan kapasitas tempat duduk didalam terminal penumpang, Fasilitas jaga jarak (minimal 1 meter) berupa tanda-tanda di dalam terminal penumpang, Petugas menyemprotkan disinfektan didalam ruang tunggu terminal penumpang, Ruang isolasi untuk penumpang yang memiliki suhu badan tidak normal, Pembatan antrian masuk ke ruang tunggu, Sekat penutup antara petugas pengecekan tiket dan penumpang. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan perbaikan kinerja dalam terminal penumpang pada pelabuhan penumpang Tenau Kupang yakni Melengkapi tanda-tanda berupa peringatan jaga jarak, Petugas memperketat pengawasan dalam area terminal, memberikan sanksi berupa teguran untuk penumpang, Menyediakan sekat penutup khusus antara petugas pemeriksaan tiket, Petugas memasukan penumpang satu per satu sesuai kapasias ruang tunggu, Memberlakukan pembatasan tempat duduk dalam ruang tunggu sesuai aturan kebijakan, Menyediakan ruang isolasi bagi penumpang yang suhu badan tidak normal, Petugas melakukan penyemprotan dalam area terminal sebelum dan sesudah keberangkatan. Untuk mengantisipasi lonjakan kendaraan perlu disediakan lahan agar dapat menampung kendaraan sesuai kapasitas parkir yang telah dihitung serta menetapkan tarif progresif sehingga konsumen parkir sesuai kebutuhan. Pada masa endemi covid19 di area terminal perlu menata kembali pelayanan sesuai aturan dan kebijakan yang ditetapkan untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan serta tenaga professional yang mampu mengatasi masalah yang ada di lapangan.
English Abstract
orona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid 19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Covid19 which entered Indonesia on March 3, 2020 had an impact on the transportation sector, especially sea transportation in Indonesia. Sea transportation contracted by 17.48% due to the implementation of travel restrictions and cancellation of ship trips during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of passengers at Kupang Tenau Port decreased between 2019 (normal period) and 2020 (pandemic period) in July and December by 54.66% and 53.84%, respectively. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of parking services, calculate current parking space requirements and predict parking space requirements after the endemic period, parking arrangement scenarios before the pandemic, during the pandemic and after the pandemic and operational service performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially at the Kupang Tenau port passenger terminal. The survey was conducted on August 9, 2021 to September 9, 2021. For the characteristics and needs of parking, it was carried out by direct surveys in the field during the covid19 pandemic and taking secondary data from PT. Pelindo III Kupang branch and PT. Pelni related to vehicle parking data and passenger data before the pandemic period, namely in 2016-2020. Furthermore, the survey was conducted by means of interviews and questionnaires to 400 terminal users as data to determine the performance of terminal services. The analytical method used to determine parking needs is an analysis of the characteristics and needs of parking spaces and scenarios of parking space arrangement. To determine the performance of terminal services, the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method and the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method are used. From the results of the study, it is known that for the analysis of parking characteristics at the port of Tenau Kupang, the maximum parking index for cars on August 16, 2021 is 46.03% at 18:15- 18:30 and for motorcycles on August 25, 2021 it is 30. % at 08:30-08:45, the results obtained for parking characteristics during the pandemic are still in a state not exceeding the parking index (IP <1). The relationship model between parked vehicles and ship passengers is y = 1.3425x + 947.81 with determination (R2) 0.7621, x is the passenger variable and y is the vehicle variable. For a comparison of the percentage of vehicles parked at the Port of Tenau Kupang, car vehicles are 31.65% with a total of 192 SRP per ship session, while for motorcycles it is 68.75% with a total of 414 SRP per ship session. The area of the vehicle parking area required during the endemic period is 2395 m2 for cars, while for motorcycles it is 621 m2 with a total area of 3016 m2. The largest parking index before the pandemic occurred in 2018, with a parking angle of 60° according to existing conditions of 213.68% and a 90° parking angle of 146.32%. The parking index that occurred during the pandemic period with a parking angle of 60° according to existing conditions was 52.71% and a parking angle of 90° by 36.10%. The parking index during the endemic period by ignoring the passenger restriction rule of 50% which is adjusted under normal conditions. the parking index during the pandemic according to the existing conditions is 52.71% multiplied by 2 so that the parking index result during the endemic period is 105.43%. Variables Service performance at the passenger terminal during the adaptation period of new habits is included in the Quadrant I category, namely Restriction of seating capacity in the passenger terminal, facilities for maintaining distance (at least 1 meter) in the form of signs in the passenger terminal, Officers spraying disinfectant in the waiting room of the passenger terminal , Isolation room for passengers who have abnormal body temperatures, Restriction of queues to enter the waiting room, Closing screens between ticket checking officers and passengers. Efforts were made to improve performance in the passenger terminal at the Tenau Kupang passenger port, namely Completing signs in the form of warnings to keep a distance, Officers tightening supervision in the terminal area, giving sanctions in the form of warnings for passengers, Providing special closing bulkheads between ticket inspection officers, Officers entering passengers one by one according to the capacity of the waiting room, Enforcing seat restrictions in the waiting room according to policy rules, Providing isolation rooms for passengers with abnormal body temperatures, Officers spraying in the terminal area before and after departure. To anticipate the surge in vehicles, land needs to be provided so that it can accommodate vehicles according to the calculated parking capacity and set progressive rates so that consumers park as needed. During the COVID-19 endemic period in the terminal area, it is necessary to reorganize services according to the rules and policies set to improve the quality of services and professional staff who are able to overcome problems in the field.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0422070011 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Pandemi Covid, Protokol Kesehatan, Kapasitas Parkir, Terminal Penumpang Pelabuhan Tenau Kupang, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Quality Function Deployment (QFD) .- Covid Pandemic, Health Protocol, Parking Capacity, Kupang Tenau Port Passenger Terminal, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Quality Function Deployment (QFD) |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 624 Civil engineering |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 04 Apr 2023 02:19 |
Last Modified: | 04 Apr 2023 02:19 |
URI: | |
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