Ramadhani, Attariq Hafidz and Ir. Oyong Novareza, ST., MT., Ph.D. and Ir. Sri Widiyawati, ST., MT. (2022) Analisis Peningkatan Produktivitas Menggunakan Value Stream Mapping pada Produksi Lunch Box PT. Keong Nusantara Abadi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Di era zaman modern ini, perkembangan sektor industri dan teknologi menjadi semakin pesat hingga menjadi tolak ukur dalam kemajuan suatu negara. BPS mencatat pertumbuhan industri manufaktur di Indonesia pada tahun 2021 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 3,7% diatas pertumbuhan pada tahun 2020. Selain itu, kontribusi sektor industri terhadap PDB mencapai 64,85%. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, industri manufaktur menjadi leading sector terhadap sektor lainnya. Sehingga perusahaan industri manufaktur harus bisa memaksimalkan keuntungan yang dihasilkan. Salah satunya yaitu PT. Keong Nusantara Abadi yang merupakan perusahaan produksi Lunch Box dari bahan baku kayu sengon. Produknya sendiri telah di ekspor ke berbagai negara asia maupun eropa. Namun dalam lini produksinya masih terdapat permasalahan yaitu ditemukannya pemborosan dan produktivitas yang rendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan implementasi Lean Manufacturing dalam melakukan analisis serta memberikan improvement. Diawali dengan menggambarkan current state mapping terlebih dahulu untuk memperlihatkan kondisi eksisting lantai produksi Lunch Box. Setelah itu dilakukan identifikasi pemborosan dengan bantuan formulir waste finding checklist dan penjabaran waste. Dimana semua proses produksinya menunjukkan indikasi adanya ketujuh pemborosan (seven waste). Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan process activity mapping (PAM) dapat mengklasifikasikan aktivitas yang termasuk VA, NNVA dan NVA. Kemudian dengan analytical hierarchy process (AHP) ditentukan tiga urutan prioritas waste yang harus diperbaiki terlebih dahulu. Terakhir dengan cause and effect diagram (CED) untuk mencari akar penyebab permasalahn pemborosan tersebut. Hasil dari current state mapping menunjukkan total lead time sebesar 16.170 menit, processing time sebesar 102,04 menit dan value added ratio (VAR) hanya sebesar 63%. Dari hasil AHP ditentukan tiga prioritas pemborosan. Yang pertama yaitu defect laminasi dengan nilai sebesar 1,256. Prioritas kedua yaitu waiting perakitan sebesar 0,772 dan prioritas ketiga yaitu inventory pengemasan sebesar 0,700. Berdasarkan analisis CED, diperlukan usulan perbaikan meliputi Kanban, Just-in-Time, Work Standard, Kaizen dan konsep 5R. Kemudian merubah sistem produksinya dari traditional batching menjadi One-Piece Flow. Mengadakan training atau pembekalan bagi karyawan. Mendatangkan lean consultant. Membuat poster Lean Manufacturing dan menempelkannya pada area produksi. Penjadwalam Maintenance. Merancang pengadaan alat bantu pengeringan yaitu Dryer Box with UV Lights dan terakhir dengan menambah jumlah operator dan material handling pada proses pengemasan. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan, future state mapping menghasilkan peningkatan persentase VAR sebesar 9% atau meningkat menjadi 72% dan juga menurunkan non value added time menjadi 13,21 menit. Sehingga untuk total lead time berkurang menjadi 11.946 menit dan processing time menjadi sebesar 85,98 menit.
English Abstract
In this modern era, the development of industrial and technological sectors is becoming increasingly rapid so that they become a imagery in the progress of a country. BPS noted that the growth of the manufacturing industry 2021 in Indonesia increased by 3,7% above the growth in 2020. In addition, the contribution of the industrial sector to GDP reached 64,85%. Based on this, the manufacturing industry has become a leading compared to other sectors. So that manufacturing companies must be able to maximize the profits generated. One of the solution is with eliminate waste that occurs in the production process. PT. Keong Nusantara Abadi is a company that produces Lunch Box from sengon wood as raw materials. The products themselves have been exported to several Asian and European countries. However in the production line, there are still problems. It is a wasteful activity and low productivity has been discovered. This study used the Lean Manufacturing aproach to analyze and provide improvement. First step by explained current state mapping to see the existing condition of the production floor. Then, identified waste using the form of waste finding checklist and waste elaboration. Has shown that all production processes are wasted. Furthermore, using process activity mapping (PAM) can classified activities including VA, NNVA, and NVA. Hereafter, used the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the priority order of waste elimination. And used cause and effect diagrams (CED) to find the root cause of the waste problem. Current state mapping has obtained a total lead time of 16.170 minutes, processing time of 102,04 minutes and the percentage value added ratio (VAR) only resulted in 63%. The main priority is a waste defect in laminating process with a value of 1,256. The second priority is waste waiting in the assembly process turns out 0,772 and the third priority is waste inventory in the packaging process turns out 0,700. These three wastes have been analyzed for the problem factors using the cause and effect diagram (CED) method. Based on the CED analysis, proposed improvements include Kanban, Just-in-Time, Work Standard, Kaizen, and the 5R concept. Next by changed the production system from traditional batching to One-Piece Flow. Conduct training and debriefing for employees. Bring in lean consultants. Making Lean Manufacturing posters and put on production area. Setup and configure the lamination machine early. Maintenance Scheduler. Designing the procurement of drying aids, namely Dryer Box with UV Lights and increasing the number of operators and material handling in the packaging process. After applied the improvement, the future state mapping resulted in a VAR percentage of 72%, or increased 9% from the previous value and reduced non-value added time until 13.21 minutes. In conclusion, the total lead time is 11.946 minutes and the total processing time is 85,98 minutes.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522070291 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Process Activity Mapping (PAM), Cause and Effect Diagram, Produk Lunch Box .- Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Process Activity Mapping (PAM), Cause and Effect Diagram, Lunch Box Product. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 08 May 2023 01:42 |
Last Modified: | 08 May 2023 01:42 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/197854 |
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