Hartanto, Agustinus Michael and Ir. Oyong Novareza, ST., MT., Ph.D and Ir. Dwi Hadi Sulistyarini, ST., MT. (2022) Identifikasi Waste Menggunakan Metode Waste Assessment Model (Wam) Dalam Penerapan Lean Manufacturing Untuk Perbaikan Proses Filling Galon 19l (Studi Kasus: Pt. Amidis Tirta Mulia). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tingginya permintaan dan banyaknya jumlah industri Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) di Indonesia menuntut perusahaan AMDK untuk lebih kompetitif dan mampu bersaing dengan perusahaan AMDK lainnya, khususnya pada daerah padat penduduk seperti di Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Untuk mampu bersaing dengan kompetitor, perusahaan harus mampu meningkatkan produktivitas proses produksi, perlu memastikan seluruh kegiatan yang dilakukan merupakan kegiatan produktif, dan mampu meminimalisir idle, delays, set up, waiting, dan waste. PT. Amidis Tirta Mulia telah berdiri sejak tahun 1997 dan merupakan perusahaan air minum distilasi pertama di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil observasi awal, ditemukan pemborosan dalam proses filling galon 19L yang mengakibatkan tidak efektifnya proses filling. Pemborosan yang terjadi yaitu overproduction, defect, inventory, unnecessary process, transportation, waiting, dan unnecessary motion. Untuk meminimalisir waste tersebut maka akan dilakukan pemetaan proses produksi dengan menggunakan Value Stream Mapping (VSM), selanjutnya dilakukan pembobotan waste dengan menggunakan Waste Assessment Model (WAM), dan dilakukan analisis akar penyebab waste dengan menggunakan cause and effect diagram. Langkah awal yang dilakukan yaitu pengambilan data dengan cara wawancara dan observasi langsung untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan untuk pembuatan VSM. Berdasarkan hasil current state mapping didapatkan nilai cycle time sebesar 31,22 detik, lead time sebesar 110,03 detik, dan value added ratio sebesar 28,38%. Selanjutnya dilakukan pembobotan waste menggunakan WAM dan didapatkan 4 waste kritis yang terdiri dari inventory, defect, overproduction, dan waiting. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis akar penyebab waste dengan menggunakan cause effect diagram untuk menentukan rekomendasi perbaikan. Rekomendasi perbaikan yang diberikan yaitu penambahan alat bantu proses quality control, forecasting, pengunaan pallet khusus, penambahan operator, penerapan 5S, perbaikan lantai, pembuatan SOP, dan penerapan preventive maintenance. Berdasarkan rekomendasi perbaikan yang diberikan dilakukan pemetaan kembali menggunakan future state mapping dan didapatkan perbaikan berupa penurunan lead time sebesar 23,20 Detik, dan peningkatan value added ratio sebesar 7,58%.
English Abstract
The high demand and the large number of packaged drinking water (AMDK) industries in Indonesia require AMDK companies to be more competitive and able to compete with other AMDK companies, especially in densely populated areas such as Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. To be able to compete with competitors, the company must be able to increase the productivity of the production process, it is necessary to ensure that all activities carried out are productive activities, and can minimize idle, delays, set up, waiting, and waste. PT. Amidis Tirta Mulia has been established since 1997 and is the first distilled drinking water company in Indonesia. Based on the results of initial observations, waste in the 19L gallon filling process was found to be ineffective. The waste that occurs are overproduction, defect, inventory, unnecessary process, transportation, waiting, and unnecessary motion. To minimize these wastes, a mapping of the production process will be carried out using Value Stream Mapping (VSM), then weighted waste using the Waste Assessment Model (WAM), and a root cause analysis of the waste was done with the cause and effect diagram. The first step was taking the data by interview and direct observation to get the data needed for making VSM. Based on the results of the current state mapping value cycle time is 31.22 seconds, the lead time is 110.03 seconds, and the value-added ratio is 28.38%. The weighting of waste is done using the WAM method and obtained 4 wastes consisting of inventory, defect, overproduction, and waiting. Furthermore, analysis of the root causes of waste using a cause-effect diagram to determine recommendations for improvement. Process tools quality control, forecasting, the use of special pallets, the addition of operators, the application of 5S, floor repairs, making SOPs, and implementing preventive maintenance. Based on the recommendations for improvement, re-mapping was carried out using future state mapping and obtained improvements in the form of a decrease in lead time by 23.20 seconds, and an increase in a value-added ratio by 7.58%.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522070272 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Waste Assessment Model (WAM), Cause and Effect Diagram, Galon 19L .- Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Waste Assessment Model (WAM), Cause and Effect Diagram, Gallon 19L |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 03 Apr 2023 02:44 |
Last Modified: | 03 Apr 2023 02:44 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/197804 |
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