Wijaya, Agmey and Sisca Fajriani, (2022) Pengaruh Kerapatan Naungan Dan Konsentrasi Nutrisi Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Selada (Lactuca Sativa L.) Metode Hidroponik Sistem Sumbu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Selada merupakan sayuran yang dimakan bagian daunnya. Selada memiliki mineral dan vitamin yang baik bagi kesehatan. Selada membutuhkan lingkungan dengan suhu 15-25°C dan cukup air. Intensitas radiasi matahari yang tinggi dapat menurunkan kelembaban dan meningkatkan suhu udara sehingga tanaman selada melakukan transpirasi dengan cepat pada siang hari. Penanaman pada hidroponik tidak membutuhkan tanah sehingga tanaman tidak bergantung pada tanah. Nutrisi dapat diatur sesuai yang dinginkan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan kerapatan naungan dan konsentrasi nutrisi yang tepat pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman selada metode hidroponik sistem sumbu serta mempelajari lingkungan mikro yang terbentuk dari perlakuan kerapatan naungan yang berbeda. Hipotesis penelitian adalah kerapatan naungan 25% dan konsentrasi nutrisi 1000 ppm akan menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman selada yang tinggi. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Bringin, Kecamatan Badas, Kabupaten Kediri. Bahan yang digunakan adalah botol ukuran 1,5 L, larutan A (Kalsium nitrat, kalium nitrat dan Fe EDTA) dan B (Kalium dihidro fosfat, Amonium sulfat, Kalium sulfat, Magnesium sulfat, Cupri sulfat, Zinc sulfat, Asam borat, Mangan sulfat, Ammonium hepta molibdat), arang sekam, benih selada varietas Grand rapids, naungan 25%, naungan 50%, naungan 75% dan bambu. Alat yang digunakan adalah luxmeter, termohigrometer, TDS meter, timbangan digital dan penggaris. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan petak terbagi yang disusun secara faktorial dan terdiri atas petak utama dan anak petak. Petak utama yaitu perlakuan kerapatan naungan yang terdiri atas 4 taraf yaitu kerapatan naungan 0%, 25%, 50% dan 75%. Anak petak adalah perlakuan konsentrasi nutrisi yang terdiri atas 2 taraf yaitu konsentrasi nutrisi 750 ppm dan konsentrasi nutrisi 1000 ppm. Kombinasi perlakuan menghasilkan 8 kombinasi yang diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Pengamatan terdiri atas 3 variabel yaitu pertumbuhan (panjang tanaman dan jumlah daun), hasil (luas daun, warna daun, bobot segar total tanaman dan panjang akar) dan lingkungan (intensitas radiasi matahari, suhu udara dan kelembaban udara). Data pertumbuhan tanaman dan hasil tanaman dianalisis dengan uji F taraf 5% untuk mengetahui pengaruh beda nyata pada perlakuan. Jika F hitung lebih besar dari F tabel, dilanjutkan uji BNJ taraf 5%. Perlakuan kerapatan naungan 0% memberikan peningkatan bobot segar pertanaman 9,3%, jumlah daun 9,2% dan panjang akar 3,7% dibandingkan kerapatan naungan 25%. Konsentrasi nutrisi 1000 ppm meningkatkan bobot segar pertanaman 9,1%, jumlah daun 6,3% dan panjang akar 9,6% dibandingkan konsentrasi nutrisi 750 ppm. Perlakuan kerapatan naungan 25% menurunkan intensitas radiasi matahari sebesar 12% dan suhu udara 0,7% sedangkan kelembaban udara meningkat sebesar 1,7% dibandingkan kerapatan naungan 0%
English Abstract
Lettuce is a vegetable that is eaten with the leaves. Lettuce has minerals and vitamins that are good for health. Lettuce requires environment with a temperature of 15-25°C and enough water. Higher light intensity can reduce humidity and increase air temperature so that lettuce plants transpire quickly during the day. Planting in hydroponics does not require soil so that plants do not depend on soil. Nutrients can be adjusted as desired. The aim of the research was to determine the shade density and the right concentration of nutrients on the growth and yield of lettuce plants using the hydroponic axis system as well as to study the microenvironment formed by the treatment of different shade densities. The research hypothesis was that 25% shade density and 1000 ppm nutrient concentration would result in high growth and yield of lettuce. The research was conducted in Bringin Village, Badas District, Kediri Regency. The materials used are a 1.5 L bottle, solutions A (Calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate and Fe EDTA) and B (Potassium dihydro phosphate, Ammonium sulfate, Potassium sulfate, Magnesium sulfate, Cupri sulfate, Zinc sulfate, Boric acid, Manganese sulfate, Ammonium hepta molybdate), husk charcoal, curly lettuce seeds Grand rapids variety, 25% shade, 50% shade, 75% shade, bamboo. The tools used are luxmeter, thermohygrometer, TDS meter, digital scale and ruler. The study used a divided plot design which was arranged in a factorial manner and consisted of main plots and subplots. The main plots were shade density treatment which consisted of 4 levels as follows: 0% shade density 25%, 50% and 75%. Sub-plots were the nutrient concentration treatment which consisted of 2 levels, as follows: nutrient concentration of 750 ppm and nutrient concentration of 1000 ppm. The combination of treatments resulted in 8 combinations which were repeated 3 times. The variables observed were plant growth (plant length and number of leaves), yield parameters (leaf area, leaf color, total plant fresh weight and root length) and microenvironment (intensity of solar radiation, air temperature and humidity). Data on plant growth and plant yields were analyzed using the F test at 5% level to determine the effect of significant differences on the treatment. If the calculated F is greater than the F table, the BNJ test is continued at the 5% level. Treatment of 0% shade density gave an increase in fresh weight of 9,3%, leaf number 9,2% and root length 3,7% compared to 25% shade density. The nutrient concentration of 1000 ppm increased the fresh weight of the plant by 9,1%, the number of leaves 6,3% and the length of the root by 9,6% compared to the nutrient concentration of 750 ppm. The treatment of 25% shade density decreased the intensity of solar radiation by 12% and air temperature by 0,7%, while the humidity increased by 1,7% compared to 0% shade density
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522040341 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 16 Mar 2023 06:34 |
Last Modified: | 16 Mar 2023 06:34 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/197587 |
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