Haloho, Sri Dewi Kristina and Dr. Lilik Zuhriyah, SKM., M.Kes and Dr. Safrina Dewi Ratnaningrum, S.Si., M.Si.Med (2022) Keikutsertaan Skrining Kanker Serviks dengan Metode IVA Tes pada WUS Menurut Model Precede- Proceed di Puskesmas Tandun I,. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kanker serviks merupakan salah satu jenis kanker yang paling umum terjadi pada wanita. Kanker ini merupkan penyebab kematian kedua di dunia, dengan hampir 70% kematian akibat kanker terjadi di negara berpenghasilan rendah dan menengah. Kanker serviks dapat didiagnosis melalui riwayat medis, pemeriksaan klinik dan tes laboratorium. Pengobatan kanker serviks dapat dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu pengobatan lesi prakanker dan pengobatan kanker serviks secara invasif Secara umum, lesi prakanker tidak menunjukkan gejala. Pada kanker invasif, pendarahan (contact bleeding, pendarahan saat berhubungan) dan keputihan merupakan gejala yang paling umum. Skrining kanker serviks dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode IVA, Pap smear, pap net, angiografi serviks, kolposkopi, dan sitologi cairan. Metode IVA merupakan metode skrining yang paling sederhana, termudah, termurah dan tercepat untuk mendeteksi kelainan serviks. Metode IVA menggunakan asam asetat 3-5% secara inspekulo dan dapat diamati secara langsung. Keikutsertaan dalam skrining kanker serviks dipengaruhi oleh karakteristik sosial demografi, biaya dan pengetahuan serta sikap perempuan. Selain itu, jarak ke fasilitas kesehatan terdekat juga mempengaruhi cakupan skrining. Jarak merupakan salah satu faktor pendukung berdasarkan model precede-preceed. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keikutsertaan skrining kanker serviks dengan metode IVA tes pada WUS menurut model precede di Puskesmas Tandun I. Penelitian dilakukan secara kuantitatif pendekatan desain cross-sectional dengan pengambilan sampel tehnih simple random sampling yang dilakukan pada bulan April-mei 2022 diPuskesmas Tandun I Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Provinsi Riau. Subyek penelitian ini adalah WUS yang sesuai dengan kriteria dari umur 15-49 tahun yang berada diwilayah Puskesmas Tandun I, sehat secara fisik dan mental serta memiliki pasangan hidup. Jumlah kriteria penelitian ini sebesar 120 responden. Analisa yang digunakan Uji Chi- square yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis Regresi Logistik Biner dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS versi 25.0 dengan Alpha =0.05. Hasil analisis bivariat penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan (p =0,011), pendapatan (p=0,010), pengetahuan (p=0,024 ), sikap (p= 0,025) ada hubungan keikutsertaan skrining kanker serviks dengan metode IVA tes diPuskesmas Tandun I. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan umur (p=0,576), pekerjaan (p=0,474), paritas (p=0,497 ), sarana prasana (p= 0,344), biaya (p=0,325) dan jarak (p =0,589) terhadap keikutsertaan skrining kanker serviks dengan metode IVA tes diPuskesmas Tandun I. Model regresi logitik berganda diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah I/(1+exp-(- 7,886 +1,203 (pendidikan)+ 1,503 (pendapatan)+ 1,491 (dukungan keluarga)+ 2,195 (dukungan tenaga medis). Hasil ini berfungsi memprediksi probalitas WUS dalam keikutsertaan skrining kanker serviks berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan, pendapatan, dukungan keluarga dan dukungan tenaga medis. Kesimpulan penelitian ini Faktor prediposisi variabel pendidikan, pendapatan didapatkan hasil berpengaruh signifikan dengan keikutsertaan dalam skring kanker serviks. Faktor pendukung variabel sarana dan prasarana, biaya, jarak tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keikutsertaan skrining kanker serviks. Faktor pendorong variabel dukungan suami dan tenaga kesehatan berpengaruh terhadap keikutsertaan skrining kanker serviks. Nilai R-Square model 0,371, menunjukan bahwa 37,1% variabel keikutsertaan skrining mampu dijelaskan oleh variabel pendidikan, pendapatan, dukungan suami, dukungan tenaga medis dan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap keikutsertaan skrining kanker serviks di Puskesmas Tandun I adalah dukungan tenaga medis Saran bagi Praktisi Kesehatan khususnya bidan yang bertugas di Puskesmas Tandun I maupun di Puskesmas Pembantu agar terlatih dalam skill melakukan tes IVA. Untuk lebih proaktif untuk meningkatkan mutu materi penyuluhan/ promosi kesehatan tentang kanker serviks, bahaya kanker serviks (bisa menyebabkan kematian), kemudian untuk Stake Holder dalam pengambilan kebijakan dalam rangka peningkatan program promosi dan pengenalan tentang skrining kanker serviks pada Wanita usia subur dan keluarga serta memaksimalkan strategi dalam meningkatkan keikutsertaan skrining IVA pada Wanita usia subur. Bagi akademis peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan untuk melakukan penelitian dengan desain studi kualitatif dan harapkan dapat menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan serta referensi khususnya tentang program deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan metode IVA serta mengembangkan penelitian ini dengan melihat pengaruh strategi promosi kesehatan dari petugas kesehatan terhadap perubahan perilaku wanita dalam pelaksanaan skrining kanker serviks dengan metode IVA tes.
English Abstract
Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in women. This cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, with nearly 70% of cancer deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Cervical cancer can be diagnosed can diagnose cervical cancer through a medical history, clinical examination, and laboratory tests. Treatment of cervical cancer can be divided into two types, namely treatment of precancerous lesions and invasive treatment of cervical cancer. In general, precancerous lesions do not show symptoms. In invasive cancer, bleeding (contact bleeding, bleeding during intercourse) and vaginal discharge are the most common symptoms. Cervical cancer screening can be done using the IVA method, Pap smear, Pap net, cervical angiography, colposcopy, and fluid cytology. The IVA method is the simplest, easiest, cheapes,t and fastest screening method to detect cervical abnormalities. The IVA method uses 3-5% acetic acid inspeculo and can be observed directly. Participation in cervical cancer screening is influenced by socio-demographic characteristics, costs, and women's knowledge and attitudes. In addition, the distance to the nearest health facility also affects screening coverage. Distance is one of the supporting factors based on the precede- proceed model. The purpose of this study was to determine the participation of cervical cancer screening with the IVA test method in WUS according to the preceding model at the Tandon I Health Center. The study was carried out quantitatively with a cross-sectional design approach with a simple random sampling technique sampling which was carried out in April-May 2022 at the Tandon I Health Center, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province. The subjects of this study were women of childbearing age (WUS) who met the criteria from the age of 15- 49 years and were in the area of the Tandon I Public Health Center, physically and mentally healthy, and had a life partner. The number of criteria for this research is 120 respondents. The analysis used was the Chi-square test followed by Binary Logistic Regression analysis using SPSS version 25.0 with Alpha = 0,05. The results of the bivariate analysis of this study showed that education (p = 0,011), income (p = 0,010), knowledge (p = 0,024), and attitudes (p = 0.025) had a relationship with participation in cervical cancer screening with the IVA test method at the Tandon I Health Center. This also shows that there is no relationship between age (p=0,576), occupation (p=0,474), parity (p=0,497), infrastructure (p= 0,344), cost (p= 0,325) and distance (p = 0,589) to participation. cervical cancer screening using the IVA test method at the Tandun I Health Center. The multiple logistic regression model obtained in this study is 1/(1+exp-(-7,886 +1,203 (education) +11,503 (income) +1,491 (family support) + 2,195 (medical support). participation in cervical cancer screening based on education level, income, family support and medical personnel support. The conclusion of this study is that the predisposing factors of education, income, and income have a significant effect on participation in cervical cancer screening. The supporting factors for the variables of facilities and infrastructure, cost, and distance did not have a significant effect on participation in cervical cancer screening. The driving factor of the husband's support variable and health workers has an effect on participation in cervical cancer screening. The R-Square model value is 0,371, indicating that 37,1% of the screening participation variables can be explained by the variables of education, income, husband's support, and medical personnel support, and the most influential factor on cervical cancer screening participation at the Tandun I Health Center is the support of medical personnel. ix Suggestions for health practitioners, particularly midwives on duty at the Tandun I Health Center and the Sub Health Center, to be trained in the skills of administering the IVA test in order to be more proactive in improving the quality of health education/promotional materials about cervical cancer and the dangers of cervical cancer (which can cause death), and then for policymakers to improve promotional programs and introductions about cervical cancer sc. For academics, further researchers are expected to conduct research with qualitative study designs and hope to add knowledge and insight as well as references, especially regarding the early detection program for cervical cancer with the IVA method, and develop this research by looking at the effect of health promotion strategies from health workers on changes in women's behavior in implementing cervical cancer screening by the IVA method.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0422060130 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Skrining kanker serviks, metode IVA, Model procede proceed,-Cervical cancer screening, IVA method, Precede-proceed model. |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 618 Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics > 618.2 Obstetrics |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Kebidanan, Fakultas Kedokteran |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 13 Feb 2023 01:49 |
Last Modified: | 13 Feb 2023 01:49 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/197416 |
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