Karakteristik Fisik, Kimia, dan Organoleptik Chiffon Cake dengan Substitusi Tepung Pisang (Musa Paradisiaca L.) Candi Modifikasi Pregelatinisasi.

Andini, Reni and Erni Sofia Murtini,, STP., MP., Ph.D and Latifa Putri Aulia,, STP., MSc. (2022) Karakteristik Fisik, Kimia, dan Organoleptik Chiffon Cake dengan Substitusi Tepung Pisang (Musa Paradisiaca L.) Candi Modifikasi Pregelatinisasi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Chiffon cake umumnya berbahan baku tepung terigu protein rendah dan kue ini memiliki karakteristik lembut, ringan, berbusa, berpori-pori. Karena tepung terigu merupakan produk impor, maka ketersediaan pisang candi yang melimpah dapat diolah menjadi tepung dan digunakan untuk substitusi sebagian tepung terigu pada pembuatan chiffon cake. Tepung pisang candi dapat dimodifikasi pregelatinisasi yang dapat memperbaiki sifat fungsional dan rasa berpati dari produk substitusi tepung pisang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan rasio substitusi terbaik dari kedua jenis tepung pisang dan membandingkan perbedaan karakteristik chiffon cake perlakuan terbaik dengan kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Pola Tersarang (NESTED) dengan faktor mayor 2 taraf yaitu tepung pisang candi (P1) dan tepung pisang candi pregelatinisasi (P2). Faktor minor 4 taraf rasio tepung terigu : tepung pisang candi atau tepung pisang candi pregelatinisasi yaitu 0:100 (R1), 25:75 (R2), 50:50 (R3), dan 75:25 (R4). Analisis chiffon cake dilakukan berupa analisis fisik (volume pengembangan, porositas, warna, profil tekstur), kimia (aktivitas antioksidan, kadar total fenol), dan organoleptik (warna, aroma, tekstur, rasa, overall liking). Hasil data dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA (α = 0,05), hasil berpengaruh nyata diuji lanjut Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) menggunakan perangkat lunak Microsoft Excel 2010. Penentuan chiffon cake perlakuan terbaik menggunakan metode Multiple Attribute Zeleny. Chiffon cake perlakuan terbaik dilakukan analisis proksimat, aktivitas antioksidan, dan kadar total fenol. Hasil data dianalisis dengan paired t-test menggunakan perangkat lunak Minitab 17. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan rasio tepung yang tersarang dalam jenis tepung berpengaruh nyata (α = 0,05) pada volume pengembangan, warna (L*, a*, b*), porositas, cohesiveness, kadar total fenol, parameter organoleptik warna dan overall-liking. Chiffon cake tepung pisang terbaik diperoleh dari rasio 50:50 dengan karakteristik volume pengembangan 104,25%; porositas 0,562 mm2; warna (L*, a*, b*) 64,17; 3,40; 19,20; hardness 226,30 g; cohesiveness 0,62; springiness 7,73 mm; aktivitas antioksidan 21244,03 ppm, dan kadar total fenol 9,78 mg GAE/g. Pada analisis organoleptik memiliki rerata tiap parameter yaitu warna 5,30; aroma 5,28; tekstur 5,68; rasa 5,56; dan overall-liking 5,58. Chiffon cake tepung pisang pregelatinisasi terbaik diperoleh dari rasio 75:25 dengan karakteristik volume pengembangan 121,22%; porositas 0,457 mm2; warna (L*, a*, b*) 66,13; 3,30; 21,30; hardness 240,40 g; cohesiveness 0,64; springiness 7,76 mm; aktivitas antioksidan 25306,65 ppm, dan kadar total fenol 8,57 mg GAE/g. Pada analisis organoleptik memiliki rerata tiap parameter yaitu warna 5,16; aroma 5,04; tekstur 5,46; rasa 5,44; dan overall-liking 5,42. Chiffon cake perlakuan terbaik berbeda nyata dengan cake kontrol pada parameter kadar lemak, aktivitas antioksidan, dan kadar total fenol.

English Abstract

Chiffon cakes are generally made from soft wheat flour and the characteristics of cake are soft, light, foamy, and porous. Because wheat flour is an imported product, high amount availability of Candi bananas can be processed into flour and used as a partial substitution of wheat flour in the produce of chiffon cakes. Candi banana flour can be modified by pregelatinization which can improve the functional properties and starchy taste of banana flour substitution products. The purpose of this study are obtain the best substitution ratio of two types banana flour and compare the difference of characteristics between chiffon cake with the best treatment and control. This study used a Nested Design with 2 major factors, Candi banana flour (P1) and pregelatinized Candi banana flour (P2). Minor factors as 4 levels of the ratio of wheat flour : Candi banana flour or pregelatinized Candi banana flour are 0:100 (R1), 25:75 (R2), 50:50 (R3), and 75:25 (R4). Chiffon cake was analyzed by physical analysis (volume expansion, porosity, color, texture profile), chemical analysis (antioxidant activity, total phenol content), and organoleptic (color, aroma, texture, taste, overall liking). The results of the data were analyzed by ANOVA test (α = 0,05), the results with significant effect were tested again by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) using Microsoft Excel 2010 software. Determination of the best treatment chiffon cake using the Multiple Attribute Zeleny method. Chiffon cake with the best treatment was analyzed proximate, antioxidant activity, and total phenol content. The results of the data were analyzed by paired t-test using Minitab 17 software. The results of this study showed that difference in the ratio that nested in type of flour had a significant effect (α = 0,05) on volume expansion, color (L*, a*, b*), porosity, cohesiveness, total phenol content, color and overall-liking parameters of organoleptic. The best banana flour chiffon cake was obtained from ratio 50:50 with a characteristic of expansion volume 104,25%; porosity 0,562 mm2; color (L*, a*, b*) 64,17; 3,40; 19,20; hardness 226,30 g; cohesiveness 0,62; springiness 7,73 mm; antioxidant activity 21244,03 ppm, and total phenol content 9,78 mg GAE/g. In organoleptic analysis, the average of each parameter are color 5,30; aroma 5,28; texture 5,68; flavor 5,56; and overall-liking 5,58. The best pregelatinized banana flour chiffon cake was obtained from ratio 75:25 with a characteristic of expansion volume 121,22%; porosity uniformity 0,457 mm2; color (L*, a*, b*) 66,13; 3,30; 21,30; hardness 240,40 g; cohesiveness 0,64; springiness 7,76 mm; antioxidant activity 25306,65 ppm, and total phenol content 8,57 mg GAE/g. In organoleptic analysis, the average of each parameter are color 5,16; aroma 5,04; texture 5,46; taste 5,44; and overall-liking 5,42. Chiffon cake with the best treatment was significantly different from control cake on parameters of fat content, antioxidant activity, and total phenol

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100425
Uncontrolled Keywords: chiffon cake, tepung pisang, modifikasi pregelatinisasi,chiffon cake, banana flour, modified by pregelatinization
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 08 Feb 2023 07:39
Last Modified: 08 Feb 2023 07:39
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/197346
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