Optimasi Suhu dan Waktu Steam Blanching Pada Pembuatan Jagung Manis (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt) Pipil Beku Varietas Paragon

Tanita, Nafisa Dwi and Mokhamad Nur,, STP., M.Sc., Ph.D and Suprayogi,, STP., MP., Ph.D (2022) Optimasi Suhu dan Waktu Steam Blanching Pada Pembuatan Jagung Manis (Zea mays L. saccharata Sturt) Pipil Beku Varietas Paragon. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jagung merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan yang bersifat mudah rusak dalam keadaan segar. Salah satu cara memperpanjang umur simpan dan menjaga kualitas dari jagung tersebut yaitu dengan pengolahan lebih lanjut seperti pembuatan jagung manis pipil yang dapat disimpan dalam keadaan beku (frozen). Dalam pembuatan jagung manis pipil diberikan perlakuan blanching dengan metode steam. Blanching dapat menjaga kualitas dari bahan pangan karena dapat menghentikan reaksi enzimatis, mengurangi jumlah mikroba awal, menjaga kestabilan warna, menjaga tekstur bahan, dan menghilangkan komponen yang tidak diinginkan. Namun proses blanching juga memiliki kekurangan yaitu dapat menurunkan kandungan nutrisi yang terdapat pada bahan seperti vitamin yang rusak karena panas dan senyawa larut air lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan nilai optimal dari suhu blanching dan waktu blanching yang tepat untuk respon kadar air, total gula dan warna jagung manis pipil. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dengan dengan rancang percobaan desain komposit terpusat (Central Composite Design/CCD). Tahap optimasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua faktor yaitu suhu blanching dan waktu blanching. Variabel respon yang ditetapkan yaitu kadar air (%), total gula (%) dan warna. The blanching process affects the water content, total sugar and discoloration of the shelled sweet corn. The higher the blanching temperature and the longer the blanching time on shelled sweet corn, the water content increases, the total sugar decreases and the color change increases. The optimal solution obtained from the response factor to water content, total sugar and color of shelled sweet corn by the Design Expert 13.0 program is blanching at 80oC for 2 minutes. The prediction results from the program on the response to water content produce a value of 83.371%, total sugar 4.056, and color change 1.904. The optimum conditions from the verification results resulted in a water content value of 83.913%, total sugar of 4.234%, and a change in color of 6.04. Then the test results on fresh shelled sweet corn without blanching treatment resulted in a water content value of 81.50%, total sugar of 5.4% and color L*, a*, and b* respectively, namely 66.5; 11.8; and 35.1. The optimum condition of shelled sweet corn compared to fresh shelled sweet corn yields a p-value <0.05 which indicates that the optimum condition of shelled sweet corn is significantly different from fresh shelled sweet corn (control).

English Abstract

Corn is one of the food commodities that are easily damaged in a fresh state. One way to extend the shelf life and maintain the quality of the corn is by further processing, such as making sweet corn kernels which can be stored frozen. In the manufacture of sweet corn kernels, the method of blanching treatment is steam. Blanching can maintain the quality of food because it can stop enzymatic reactions, reduce the number of initial microbes, maintain color stability, maintain material texture, and remove unwanted components. However, the blanching process also has a disadvantages, it can reduce the nutritional content of ingredients such as heat-damaged vitamins and other water-soluble compounds. The purpose of this study was to obtain the optimal value of the blanching temperature and the right blanching time for the response of moisture content, total sugar and color of sweet corn kernels. This study uses the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) method with an experimental design of a centralized composite design (Central Composite Design / CCD). The optimization stage is carried out using two factors, namely blanching temperature and blanching time. The response variables were water content (%), total sugar (%) and color. Blanching process affects the moisture content, total sugar and color changes in sweetcorn kernels. The higher blanching temperature and the longer blanching time in sweet corn causes the water content increases, the total sugar decreases and the color change is greater. The optimal solution obtained from the factors on the response of moisture content, total sugar and color of sweet corn kernel by the Design Expert 13.0 program was blanching at 80oC for 2 minutes. The prediction results of the program on the response of water content resulted in a value of 83.371%, total sugar 4.056, and color change 1.904. Verification results under optimum conditions resulted in a moisture content of 83.913%, a total sugar of 4.234%, and a color change of 6.04. Then the test results on fresh sweet corn kernels without any blanching treatment resulted in a moisture content value of 81.50%, a total sugar value of 5.4% and colors L*, a*, and b*, respectively, which were 66.5; 11.8; and 35.1. The optimum condition of sweet corn kernel compared with fresh sweet corn kernel resulted in a p-value <0.05 which indicates that the optimum condition of sweet corn kernel was significantly different from that of fresh sweet corn kernel (control).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100412
Uncontrolled Keywords: blanching, jagung manis pipil, kadar air, optimasi, total gula, arna,blanching, sweet corn kernels, moisture content, optimization, total sugar, color
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 07 Feb 2023 01:39
Last Modified: 07 Feb 2023 01:39
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/197285
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