Khusmitha, Qatrunnada Naqiyyah and Dr. dr. Dwi Yuni Hidayati, M.Kes, SpMK and Dr.rer.nat. Dra. Tri Yudani M. R., M.App.SC (2022) Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Metanol Bajakah (Spatholobus Littoralis Hassk) Terhadap Jumlah Sel Neutrofil Dan Kadar Serum Il-6 Tikus Model Kandidiasis Vulvovaginal. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kandidiasis vulvovaginal (KVV) merupakan inflamasi yang terjadi pada daerah vagina dan vulva dan disebabkan terutama oleh spesies Candida albicans. Sel neutrofil terlibat dalam patogenesis KVV. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) juga berperan selama respon inflamasi. Azol merupakan obat infeksi jamur tetapi saat ini terdapat peningkatan resistensi. Saat ini sangat diperlukan untuk mengembangkan terapi pengganti yang lebih efektif daripada obat konvensional yang tersedia. Studi eksplorasi secara in vitro menunjukkan tanaman Bajakah konsentrasi 45%, 47,5%, dan 50% dapat membunuh pertumbuhan koloni Candida albicans. Hasil studi in vitro pada ekstrak metanol Bajakah Tampala dapat menurunkan pertumbuhan Candida albicans sedangkan ekstrak etanol tidak dapat menurunkan pertumbuhan koloni Candida albicans karena ekstrak etanol tidak memiliki kandungan flavonoid. Akan tetapi sampai saat ini mekanisme Bajakah Tampala untuk melawan Kandidiasis vulvovaginal masih terbatas. Penelitian dilakukan dengan eksperimen sungguhan menggunakan desain penelitian post test only control group design. Sampel dikelompokkan menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol (-) merupakan tikus tanpa diberikan perlakuan apapun, kontrol (+) merupakan tikus model KVV yang diberikan Flukonazol 10 mg/KgBB, kelompok perlakuan adalah tikus model KVV yang diberikan ekstrak metanol Bajakah Tampala (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk) konsentrasi 45%, 47,5% dan 50%. Isolat Candida albicans didapatkan dari laboratorium Mikrobiologi FKUB, batang Bajakah Tampala didapatkan dari Pontianak, Kalimantan Timur. Pembuatan model hewan coba KVV mengacu pada protokol Animal model candidiasis. Batang Bajakah Tampala dikeringkan dan digiling menjadi simplisia. Simplisia Bajakah Tampala di maserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol selama 3 hari dengan perbandingan 1:4 dan didapatkan ekstrak cair kental. Tikus dibedah setelah tiga hari perlakuan dan diambil vagina untuk pembuatan preparat HE dan dihitung jumlah sel neutrofil pada lumen vagina dan darah jantung diambil untuk pengukuran kadar serum IL- 6 menggunakan metode ELISA. Kandungan fitokimia ekstrak metanol Bajakah Tampala mengandung flavonoid, tanin, fenol, dan saponin, sedangkan ekstrak etanol Bajakah Tampala tidak mengandung flavonoid. Hasil pembuatan tikus model KVV, ditemukan adanya sel neutrofil dan bentukan yeast serta pertumbuhan koloni Candida albicans dari bilasan vagina hari ke dua post inokulasi Candida albicans. Jumlah rata-rata sel neutrofil pada kelompok kontrol negatif (4.80±8.04 sel) lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok flukonazol 10 mg/kgBB (3.00±4.80 sel) dan kelompok ekstrak metanol Bajakah Tampala 45%, 47,5% dan 50% (2.80±3.56 sel; 0.80±0.84 sel; 0.40±0.55 sel) (p=0.545). Kadar serum IL-6 pada kelompok kontrol negatif (6.93±1.62 ng/ml) lebih rendah daripada kelompok yang diberikan flukonazol 10 mg/kgBB (6.97±1.51 ng/ml). Pemberian ekstrak metanol Bajakah Tampala 45%, 47.5%, dan 50% menurunkan kadar serum IL-6 menjadi 4.75±0.75 ng/ml, 4.33±1.68 ng/ml, dan 5.30±1.50 ng/ml (p=0.024) akan hasil uji lanjutan Tukey HSD menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan kadar serum IL-6 antar kelompok (p=0.92). Ekstrak metanol Bajakah Tampala mengandung flavonoid, tanin, fenol dan saponin sedangkan ekstrak etanol Bajakah Tampala tidak mengandung flavonoid, hal ini menunjukkan metanol merupakan senyawa yang efektif melarutkan flavonoid pada ekstrak. Adanya sel neutrofil dan gambaran yeast atau hifa serta terdapat pertumbuhan koloni C. albicans pada media SDA menunjukkan adanya infeksi KVV pada tikus model. Pemberian ekstrak metanol bajakah dapat menurunkan jumlah sel neutrofil pada lumen vagina tikus model Kandidiasis vulvovaginal. Kandungan flavonoid, tanin, fenol dan saponin pada ekstrak metanol Bajakah Tampala dapat menjadi senyawa anti Candida. Jumlah sel neutrofil ditemukan pada kelompok kontrol negatif akibat adanya patogen lain vii yang tidak dapat dikontrol oleh peneliti dan neutrofil merupakan mediator inflamasi sehingga ditemukan banyak sel neutrofil pada tikus yang terinfeksi. Senyawa flavonoid, saponin, tanin dan fenol dapat menghambat jalur NF-kB yang meregulasi ekspresi COX2 yang dapat menarik neutrofil. Selain itu flavonoid dapat menghambat enzim elstase yang memproduksi neutrofil. Pemberian flavonoid sangat mempengaruhi makrofag yang bergungsi menghasilkan mediator pro inflamasi seperti IL-6. Selain itu flavonoid, saponin, tanin dan fenol yang menghambat jalur NF-kB menyebabkan regulasi dan sintesis sitokin pro inflamasi terganggu. Ekstrak metanol Bajakah Tampala dapat menurunkan jumlah sel neutrofil pada lumen vagina dan dapat menurunkan kadar serum IL-6 pada Tikus model Kandidiasis vulvovaginal.
English Abstract
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis (VVC) is an inflammation that occurs in the vaginal and vulvar regions and is caused mainly by the species Candida albicans. Neutrophil cells are involved in the pathogenesis of KVV. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) also plays a role in the inflamma- tory response. Azole is a fungal infection drug but there is currently an increase in re- sistance. Today it is indispensable to develop replacement therapies that are more ef- fective than conventional drugs available. In vitro, exploratory studies show that Bajakah Tampala concentrations of 45%, 47.5%, and 50% can kill the growth of Candida albicans colonies. The results of in vitro studies on Bajakah Tampala methanol extract can reduce the growth of Candida albicans while ethanol extract cannot reduce the growth of Candida albicans colonies because ethanol extract does not contain flavonoids. However, until now the mechanism of Bajakah Tampala to fight vulvovaginal Candidiasis is still limited. The research was conducted with real experiments using a post-test-only control group design. The samples were grouped into 5 groups, namely the control group (-) were mice without being given any treatment, the control (+) was a KVV model mouse given Fluconazole 10 mg / KgBB, the treatment group was a KVV model mouse given methanol extract bajakah Tampala (Spatholobus littoralis Hassk) concentrations of 45%, 47.5%, and 50%. Candida albicans isolates were obtained from the FKUB Microbiology laboratory, and Bajakah Tampala stems were obtained from Pontianak, East Kalimantan. The creation of KVV experimental animal models refers to the Animal protocol of candidiasis models. Bajakah Tampala bars are dried and ground into simplicia. Simplisia Bajakah Tampala was macerated using methanol solvent for 3 days in a ratio of 1: 4 and a viscous liquid extract was obtained. The rats were dissected after three days of treatment and taken vaginal for the manufacture of HE preparations and calculated the number of neutrophil cells in the vaginal lumen and heart blood was taken for measurement of serum levels of IL-6 using the ELISA method. The phytochemical content of Bajakah Tampala methanol extract contains flavo- noids, tannins, phenols, and saponins, while Bajakah Tampala ethanol extract does not contain flavonoids. The results of making KVV model mice found the presence of neutrophil cells and yeast formations as well as the growth of Candida albicans colonies from the vaginal rinse on the second day of post-inoculation of Candida albicans. The average number of neutrophil cells in the negative control group (4.80±8.04 cells) was higher than in the fluconazole group of 10 mg/kg bb (3.00±4.80 cells) and the Bajakah Tampala meth- anol extract group of 45%, 47.5% and 50% (2.80±3.56 cells; 0.80±0.84 cells; 0.40±0.55 cells) (p=0.545). Serum IL-6 levels in the negative control group (6.93±1.62 ng/ml) were lower than in the group administered with fluconazole 10 mg/kg BB (6.97±1.51 ng/ml). The administration of Bajakah Tampala methanol extract of 45%, 47.5%, and 50% lowered se- rum IL-6 levels to 4.75±0.75 ng/ml, 4.33±1.68 ng/ml, and 5.30±1.50 ng/ml (p=0.024) of Tukey HSD follow-up test results showed no significant differences in serum IL-6 levels between groups (p=0.92). Bajakah Tampala methanol extract contains flavonoids, tannins, phenols, and sap- onins while Bajakah Tampala ethanol extract does not contain flavonoids, this shows meth- anol is a compound that effectively dissolves flavonoids in the extract. The presence of neutrophil cells and yeast or hyphae images and the growth of colonies C. albicans on the SDA media indicated the presence of KVV infection in the model mice. The administration of methanol extract can reduce the number of neutrophil cells in the vaginal lumen of rats modeled in vulvovaginal Candidiasis. The content of flavonoids, tannins, phenols, and sap- onins in Bajakah Tampala methanol extract can be an anti-Candida compound. The num- ber of neutrophil cells was found in the negative control group due to ix the presence of other pathogens that could not be controlled by researchers and neutro- phils were inflammatory mediators so many neutrophil cells were found in infected mice. Flavonoid compounds, saponins, tannins, and phenols can inhibit the NF-kB pathway that regulates the expression of COX2 which can attract neutrophils. In addition, flavonoids can inhibit the enzyme elstase that produces neutrophils. The administration of flavonoids greatly affects the insured macrophages producing pro-inflammatory mediators such as IL- 6. Additionally flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenols that inhibit the NF-kB pathway cause the regulation and synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines to be disrupted. Bajakah Tampala methanol extract can reduce the number of neutrophil cells in the vaginal lumen and can lower serum IL-6 levels in rats modeling vulvovaginal candidia- sis
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0422060122 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 618 Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics > 618.2 Obstetrics |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Kebidanan, Fakultas Kedokteran |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 06 Feb 2023 05:16 |
Last Modified: | 06 Feb 2023 05:16 |
URI: | |
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