Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Beras Hitam dan Enzim Transglutaminase Terhadap Karakteristik Roti Tawar Bebas Gluten Berbahan Tepung Kedelai Hitam dengan Pemanggangan Ohmic Heating

Putri, Dzakiya Indriani and Ir. Aji Sutrisno,, M.Sc., Ph.D. (2022) Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Beras Hitam dan Enzim Transglutaminase Terhadap Karakteristik Roti Tawar Bebas Gluten Berbahan Tepung Kedelai Hitam dengan Pemanggangan Ohmic Heating. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Roti tawar menjadi produk pangan kaya kaborhidrat yang kerap dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Hal tersebut berdampak pada peningkatan konsumsi roti tawar yang berpotensi meningkatkan nilai impor gandum sebagai bahan baku pembuatan tepung terigu. Sehingga, roti tawar bebas gluten dapat menjadi solusi serta produk pangan alternatif bagi pelaku hidup sehat dan penderita penyakit seliak. Umumnya, roti tawar bebas gluten memiliki protein yang rendah dan karakteristik roti yang kurang baik. Penggunaan tepung kedelai hitam bertujuan untuk mengatasi permasalahan rendah protein. Penambahan tepung beras hitam, enzim transglutaminase (TGase), dan penggunaan metode ohmic heating dilakukan untuk meningkatkan karakteristik roti tawar bebas gluten. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung beras hitam, enzim transglutaminase, dan interaksi antara penambahan tepung beras hitam dan enzim transglutaminase terhadap karakteristik roti tawar bebas gluten berbahan tepung kedelai hitam serta menganalisis perlakuan penambahan tepung beras hitam dan enzim transglutaminase manakah yang menghasilkan roti tawar bebas gluten berbahan tepung kedelai hitam dengan karakteristik terbaik. Rancangan percobaan pada penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan dua faktor, yaitu penambahan tepung beras hitam (0,5,10,15 & 20%) dan penambahan enzim TGase (0 & 1,5%). Perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali, sehingga menghasilkan 30 satuan percobaan. Parameter yang dianalisis terhadap karakteristik roti tawar bebas gluten meliputi volume spesifik, baking loss, tekstur (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, chewiness, resilience), pori (densitas pori, porositas, ukuran pori), dan warna (L*, a*, b*). Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey dengan selang kepercayaan 95% apabila ada pengaruh terhadap parameter. Penentuan perlakuan terbaik pada roti tawar bebas gluten ini menggunakan metode Multiple Attribute Zeleny. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, penambahan tepung beras hitam berpengaruh nyata (p-value<0,05) terhadap volume spesifik, baking loss, densitas pori, porositas, kecerahan (L*), kemerahan (a*), dan kekuningan (b*). Penambahan enzim TGase berpengaruh nyata (p-value<0,05) terhadap volume spesifik, baking loss, hardness, cohesiveness, chewiness, resilience, densitas pori, ukuran pori, dan kecerahan (L*). Interaksi antara penambahan tepung beras hitam dan enzim TGase berpengaruh nyata (p-value<0,05) terhadap volume spesifik dan baking loss. Roti tawar bebas gluten terbaik didapat dari perlakuan penambahan tepung beras hitam 10% dan enzim TGase 1,5% dengan nilai volume spesifik 2,36 cm3/g, baking loss 21,47%, hardness 4,24 N, cohesiveness 0,71, springiness 6,20 mm, chewiness 19,70 mJ, resilience 0,37, densitas pori 67,33 pori/cm2, porositas 26,71%, rerata ukuran pori 1,59 mm2, kecerahan (L*) 57,40, kemerahan (a*) 5,13, serta nilai kekuningan (b*) 25,34.

English Abstract

Bread is a food product rich in caborhydrate that is often consumed by Indonesian people.This results in the increased consumption rate of bread, which has the potential to increase the demand of wheat imports as raw material to make wheat flour. Therefore, gluten-free bread can be used as a solution and alternative food product for people who prefer healthier lifestyle also people with celiac disease. Generally, gluten-free bread has low protein and poor bakery characteristics. The use of black soy flour aims to overcome the problem of low protein. The addition of black rice flour, the transglutaminase enzyme (TGase), and the use of the ohmic heating method are carried out to improve the characteristics of gluten-free bread. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the addition of black rice flour, the transglutaminase enzyme, and the interaction of the addition of black rice and transglutaminase enzyme on the characteristics of gluten-free bread made from black soybean flour, it is also done to analyze which treatment of adding black rice flour and transglutaminase enzyme produces gluten-free bread made from black soybean flour with the best characteristics. This study was conducted by using Factorial Randomized Group Design (RGD-F) with two factors, the addition of black rice flour (0, 5, 10, 15 & 20%) and the addition of the TGase enzyme (0, & 1,5%). The treatment was repeated three times and produced 30 experimental units. Parameters analyzed on gluten-free bread include specific volume, baking loss, texture (hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, chewiness, resilience), pore (pore density, porosity, pore size), and color (L*, a*, b*). The data were analyzed using an ANOVA test, followed by the Tukey test with a 95% confidence interval if there was an influence on the parameters. Moreover, the Multiple Attribute Zeleny method is used to find which treatment works best on gluten-free bread. The results showed that the addition of black rice flour had a significant effect (p-value<0,05) on specific volume, baking loss, pore density, porosity, brightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*). The addition of TGase enzyme had a significant effect (p-value<0,05) on specific volume, baking loss, hardness, cohesiveness, chewiness, resilience, pore density, pore size, and brightness (L*). The interaction between the addition of black rice flour and TGase enzyme had a significant effect (p-value<0,05) on specific volume and baking loss. The best gluten-free bread is obtained from the addition of black rice flour 10% and TGase enzyme 1,5% with a specific volume value of 2,36 cm3/g, baking loss 21,47%, hardness 4,24 N, cohesiveness 0,71, springiness 6,20 mm, chewiness 19,70 mJ, resilience 0,37, pore density 67,33 pores/cm2, porosity 26,71%, average pore size 1,59 mm2, brightness (L*) 57,40, redness (a*) 5,13, and yellowish value (b*) 25,34.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100344
Uncontrolled Keywords: Transglutaminase, Ohmic Heating, Roti Tawar Bebas Gluten, Tepung Kedelai, Tepung Beras Hitam,Black Rice Flour, Gluten-Free Bread, Ohmic Heating, Soy Flour, Transglutaminase
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2023 03:08
Last Modified: 24 Jan 2023 03:08
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