Modifikasi Bahan Bakar Motor Penggerak Pompa Air Irigasi, Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Papar, Kabupaten Kediri

Adhi, Alex Kuncoro and Dr. Ir. Ary Mustofa Ahmad, MP., and Dr. Ir. Gunomo Djoyowasito, MS (2022) Modifikasi Bahan Bakar Motor Penggerak Pompa Air Irigasi, Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Papar, Kabupaten Kediri. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Budidaya tanaman pada khususnya membutuhkan tambahan irigasi, maka petani menggunakan irigasi pompa air tanah dengan penggerak pompa yang awalnya berbahan bakar pertalite dapat menggunakan bahan bakar gas LPG, maka tujuan penelitian ini membandingkan kinerja mesin pompa bahan bakar pertalite dengan bahan bakar LPG dan melakukan analisis biaya operasional irigasi pompa beroperasi selama 1 jam. Penelitian dilaksanakan bulan Juni sampai Juli di Kecamatan Papar, Kabupaten Kediri, Provinsi Jawa Timur menggunakan alat penelitian mesin pompa irigasi Sp30H, Gx270 dan Mgx270, selang spiral, plastik irigasi pompa, meteran proyek, gelas ukur, termometer infrared, timbangan analitik, timba 160 liter, stopwatch, alat tulis dan bahan penelitian lahan budidaya, sumur irigasi pompa, bahan bakar pertalite, gas LPG 3kg. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei lapang meliputi jumlah unit pompa dan jenis sumur, analisis penyusutan debit sumur irigasi, analisis data meliputi analisis perbandingan kinerja mesin penggerak pompa bahan bakar pertalite dengan bahan bakar gas LPG menggunakan parameter suhu exhause, suhu karter, suhu oli mesin dan analisis biaya operasional irigasi pompa air tanah bahan bakar pertalite dan bahan bakar LPG. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan hasil penyusutan sumur irigasi menggunakan bahan bakar pertalite penyusutan tertinggi 31 cm dan menggunakan gas LPG sebesar 19 cm mengunakan Sp30H. Penyusutan sumur irigasi disekitar (±100 meter) sebesar 3 cm setelah dipompa selama 1 jam menggunakan pompa Gx270. Perbandingan penggunaan bahan bakar pada debit pompa pertalite dan gas LPG menggunakan mesin Gx270 pertalite debit tertinggi dihasilkan sebesar 2,462 lt/dt dan LPG sebesar 4,000 lt/dt. Perbandingan suhu exhause, suhu karter dan oli mesin menggunakan bahan bakar pertalite dan LPG lebih besar nilai suhu menggunakan bahan bakar LPG, dan biaya operasional irigasi pompa air tanah lebih menguntungkan menggunakan bahan bakar LPG.

English Abstract

Cultivation of plants in particular requires additional irrigation, so farmers use groundwater pump irrigation with pumps that initially run on pertalite fuel can use LPG gas fuel, so the purpose of this study is to compare the performance of the pertalite fuel pump engine with LPG fuel and analyze operational costs irrigation pump operates for 1 hour. The research was carried out from June to July in Papar District, Kediri Regency, East Java Province using research tools for irrigation pump machines Sp30H, Gx270 and Mgx270, spiral hoses, plastic irrigation pumps, project meters, measuring cups, infrared thermometers, analytical balances, 160 liter buckets. , stopwatch, stationery and cultivation land research materials, pump irrigation wells, pertalite fuel, 3kg LPG gas. This study uses a field survey method including the number of pump units and types of wells, analysis of irrigation well discharge depreciation, data analysis includes a comparison analysis of the performance of the engine driving the pertalite fuel pump with LPG gas fuel using exhaust temperature parameters, crankcase temperature, engine oil temperature and analysis operational costs for irrigation of groundwater pumps for pertalite fuel and LPG fuel. From the results of the research that has been done, it is found that the shrinkage of irrigation wells using pertalite fuel has the highest shrinkage of 31 cm and using LPG gas of 19 cm using Sp30H. The shrinkage of irrigation wells around (±100 meters) is 3 cm after being pumped for 1 hour using a Gx270 pump. Comparison of fuel usage at pump discharge pertalite and LPG gas using the Gx270 pertalite engine, the highest flow rate was 2.462 lt/s and LPG was 4,000 lt/s. The comparison of exhaust temperature, crankcase temperature and engine oil using pertalite and LPG fuel is higher than the temperature value using LPG fuel, and the operational cost of irrigation for groundwater pumps is more profitable using LPG fuel.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100306
Uncontrolled Keywords: Irigasi Pompa, Modifikasi Bahan Bakar, Kinerja dan Biaya Operasional,Pump Irrigation, Fuel Modification, Performance and Operational Costs
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2023 02:56
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2023 02:56
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