Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Populasi Dan Intensitas Serangan Hama Burik Kusam Jeruk

Wicaksono, Rudi Cahyo and Dr. Ir. Gatot Mudjiono. and Akhmad Rizali, and Dr. Ir. Harwanto, (2022) Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Populasi Dan Intensitas Serangan Hama Burik Kusam Jeruk. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Burik kusam jeruk (BKJ) merupakan gejala kerusakan yang terjadi pada permukaan kulit buah jeruk yang disebabkan oleh pelukaan hama. Hama BKJ menjadi masalah bagi petani, karena menurunkan harga jual jeruk hingga 65%. Beberapa hama BKJ diantaranya adalah thrips, tungau, dan kutu sisik. Kepadatan populasi dan intensitas serangan hama BKJ dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor abiotik dan biotik. Faktor abiotik seperti suhu, kelembaban nisbi dan ketinggian tempat, sedangkan faktor biotik salah satunya adalah kelimpahan musuh alami. Selain faktor abiotik dan biotik, heterogenitas area disekitar kebun dan praktek budidaya juga dapat mempengaruhi kepadatan populasi hama BKJ. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji populasi dan intensitas serangan BKJ serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan mengamati populasi dan intensitas serangan hama BKJ di 16 desa, pada tiap desa ditentukan satu plot kebun jeruk milik petani. Kriteria penentuan plot penelitian adalah; tanaman jeruk yang sedang produksi, umur tanaman 5 – 7 tahun, luas lahan minimal 2000 m2, dan jarak antar kebun jeruk minimal 1 km. Dari setiap kebun jeruk ditentukan plot, dengan luas setiap plot sekitar 1.200 m2 yang terdiri 100 tanaman. Dari setiap plot ditetapkan 10 tanaman sampel secara nonprobability sampling. Setiap tanaman sampel diamati pada buah yang terserang hama burik kusam di empat bagian kanopi pada sisi Utara, Timur, Selatan, dan Barat. Masing-masing sisi kanopi diamati tiga sampel buah jeruk, jumlah buah yang diamati dalam setiap tanaman sampel berjumlah 12 buah sampel, dalam tiap plot buah jeruk yang diamati berjumlah 120 buah sampel. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel buah jeruk dari ke 16 plot adalah 1.920 buah sampel. Pengamatan populasi hama BKJ dilakukan dengan mengamati secara langsung pada setiap sampel buah jeruk menggunakan kaca pembesar dengan pembesaran 10 kali. Dengan interval 7 hari sekali dan 10 kali pengamatan. Keberadaan musuh alami diamati bersamaan dengan pengamatan populasi hama dengan cara menghitung langsung pada bagian buah sampel. Pengamatan populasi dan intensitas serangan hama BKJ dilakukan pada tiga variasi kondisi habitat di sekitar area perkebunan jeruk. Pengamatan praktek budidaya dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan pengamatan langsung di lapang. Pengamatan iklim mikro dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap hama BKJ. Analisis ragam, analisis korelasi dan analisis regresi berganda digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan dan hubungan dari faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi populasi dan intensitas serangan hama BKJ. Keseluruhan analisis menggunakan perangkat lunak R version 4.1.0. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan kepadatan populasi hama BKJ antara 4,71 dan 41,75 individu per buah dan intensitas serangan antara 6,98 dan 60,31 % per buah. Populasi dan intensitas serangan hama BKJ tertinggi terdapat pada plot 06 yaitu di Desa Argosuko (41,75 individu, dengan intensitas kerusakan 60,31 % per buah), sedangkan terendah terdapat pada plot 12 yaitu di Desa Bulukerto (4,71 individu per buah, dengan intensitas serangan 6,98% per buah). Kepadatan populasi hama BKJ dalam penelitian ini didoninasi oleh hama tungau dengan rata- rata populasi yaitu 11,90 individu perbuah, sedangkan rata-rata populasi hama vii kutu sisik 7,04 individu perbuah dan populasi paling rendah hama thrips yaitu rata- rata 2,26 individu perbuah/bunga. Kondisi habitat sekitar kebun (F2,13=5,20; P=0,022), cara aplikasi pestisida (F2.13=15,24; P=0,000), penggunaan pupuk (F2,13=12,43; P=0,001) dan sanitasi kebun (F2,13=2,86; P=0,001) berpengaruh nyata terhadap kepadatan populasi dan intensitas serangan hama BKJ. Kepadatan populasi dan intensitas serangan hama BKJ tertinggi terdapat pada kebun jeruk yang berada di sekitar pertanian lain dan pemukiman penduduk. Pada cara aplikasi pestisida tidak menentu dan penggunan pupuk anorganik menunjukkan tingkat populasi dan intensitas serangan BKJ tertinggi. Sanitasi kebun kebun jeruk bergulma dan bersih tanpa gulma menunjukan populasi dan intensitas serangan hama BKJ tertinggi. Populasi dan intensitas serangan hama BKJ dipengaruhi faktor lingkungan, yaitu suhu, kelembaban nisbi, ketinggian tempat dan kelimpahan musuh alami

English Abstract

Citrus freckle skin (CFS) is a symptom of damage that occurs on the surface of citrus fruit peels caused by pests. Some of the CFS pests include thrips, mites, and scale lice. Population density and intensity of CFS pest attack can be influenced by abiotic and biotic factors. Abiotic factors such as temperature, relative humidity and altitude, while one of the biotic factors is the abundance of natural enemies. In addition to abiotic and biotic factors, the heterogeneity of the area around the garden and cultivation practices can also affect the population density of CFS pests. This aims the research was to determine the population and intensity of CFS attacks and the factors that influence them. The study used a survey method by observing the population and intensity of BKJ pest attacks in 16 villages, in each village one citrus garden plot was determined by the farmer. The criteria for determining the research plot are; citrus plants that are in production, the age of the plant is 5-7 years, the minimum land area is 2000 m2, and the distance between citrus gardens is at least 1 km. From each citrus orchard, plots were determined, with an area of about 1,200 m2 for each plot consisting of 100 plants. From each plot, 10 sample plants were determined by non-probability sampling. Each sample plant was observed on the fruit that was attacked by the dull-spotted pest in four parts of the canopy on the North, East, South, and West sides. Three samples of citrus fruit were observed on each side of the canopy, the number of fruit observed in each sample plant was 12 samples, in each plot of citrus fruit, 120 samples were observed. The total number of citrus fruit samples from the 16 plots was 1,920 samples. Observation of BKJ pest population was carried out by observing directly on each citrus fruit sample using a magnifying glass with a magnification of 10 times. With an interval of 7 days and 10 times observations. The presence of natural enemies was observed together with the observation of the pest population by counting directly on the sample fruit. Observation of population and intensity of BKJ pest attack was carried out in three variations of habitat conditions around the citrus plantation area. Observations of cultivation practices were carried out by means of interviews and direct observations in the field. Microclimate observations were carried out to determine its effect on BKJ pests. Analysis of variance, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to determine the differences and relationships of the factors that affect the population and intensity of BKJ pest attacks. All the computational analysis were proccessed using software R version 4.1.0. The results showed that the population density of BKJ pests was between 4.71 and 41.75 individuals per fruit and the attack intensity was between 6.98 and 60.31% per fruit. The highest population and intensity of BKJ pest attacks was found in plot 06, namely in Argosuko Village (41.75 individuals, with a damage intensity of 60.31% per fruit), while the lowest was found in plot 12, namely in Bulukerto Village (4.71 individuals per fruit, with an attack intensity of 6.98% per fruit). The population density of BKJ pests in this study was dominated by mites with an average population of 11.90 individuals per piece, while the average ix population of scabies pests was 7.04 individuals per fruit and the lowest population of thrips was 2.26 individuals. fruit/flower. Habitat conditions around the garden (F2.13=5.20; P=0.022), how to apply pesticides (F2.13=15.24; P=0.000), use of fertilizers (F2.13=12.43; P=0.001) and garden sanitation (F2.13=2.86; P=0.001) had a significant effect on population density and intensity of BKJ pest attack. The highest population density and intensity of BKJ pest attacks were found in citrus orchards located around other farms and residential areas. The method of application of pesticides is erratic and the use of inorganic fertilizers shows the highest population level and intensity of BKJ attacks. The sanitation of weeded and clean citrus gardens without weeds showed the highest population and intensity of BKJ pest attacks. The population and intensity of BKJ pest attacks are influenced by environmental factors, namely temperature, relative humidity, altitude and abundance of natural enemies

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0422040042
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2023 07:28
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2023 07:28
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/196605
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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