Struktur, Perilaku, Dan Kinerja Pasar Benih Jagung (Kasus Di Desa Tanon Dan Desa Kedungmalang Kecamatan Papar Kabupaten Kediri)

Cahyani, Novita Dwi and Dr. Silvana Maulidah, and Deny Meitasari, (2022) Struktur, Perilaku, Dan Kinerja Pasar Benih Jagung (Kasus Di Desa Tanon Dan Desa Kedungmalang Kecamatan Papar Kabupaten Kediri). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kecamatan Papar merupakan daerah sentra produksi jagung di Kabupaten Kediri dengan produktivitas mencapai 6,82 Ton/Ha. Pendistribusian benih jagung di Kecamatan Papar seharusnya tidak ada hambatan karena terdapat beberapa perusahaan benih jagung yang tersebar di wilayah Kabupaten Kediri, namun hal tersebut tidak menjamin harga benih jagung akan lebih murah. Berdasarkan informasi saat survei pendahuluan, terdapat dua merek yang paling banyak laku di pasar benih jagung Kecamatan Papar yakni benih NK Perkasa dan BISI 18. Informasi pasar benih jagung tidak dapat dengan mudah diakses serta adanya ketidakseimbangan harga pada lembaga pemasaran di wilayah Kecamatan Papar, sehingga penelitian dengan judul "Struktur, Perilaku, dan Kinerja Pasar Benih Jagung dikecamatan Papar Kabupaten Kediri" penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui sebab dan akibat dari efisien atau tidaknya pasar benih jagung di Kecamatan Papar. Permasalahan mengenai pasar benih jagung di Kecamatan Papar yakni terdapat dua merek benih jagung yang mendominasi pasar di wilayah Kecamatan Papar yakni NK Perkasa dan BISI 18, serta terdapat beberapa perusahaan benih jagung di Kecamatan Papar yakni PT. BISI Internasional Tbk, PT. Agri Makmur Pertiwi, PT. Tunas Widji Inti Nayottama, PT. Syngenta Indonesia, PT. Petrokimia, dan PT. Dupont Pioneer Indonesia. Lokasi pabrik yang berada di Kecamatan Papar tidak menjamin harga benih jagung yang harus dibayar petani akan lebih murah. Tujuan penelitian antara lain: 1) Menganalisis struktur pasar benih jagung di Kecamatan Papar, 2) Menganalisis perilaku pasar benih jagung di Kecamatan Papar, dan 3) Menganalisis penampilan pasar benih jagung di Kecamatan Papar. Penelitian Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) pada pasar input benih jagung penting dilakukan karena masih kurangnya informasi pasar mengenai pasar input. Pendekatan SCP digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sebab akibat pasar benih jagung di Kecamatan Papar berjalan efisien atau tidak. Pendekatan SCP menunjukkan adanya keterkaitan secara linier antara struktur, perilaku, dan penampilan di dalam pasar. Kecamatan Papar memilki produktivitas jagung merata di tiap desanya. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling yakni di Desa Tanon dan Desa Kedungmalang. Waktu penelitian diambil bulan Agustus sampai dengan bulan November 2020. Penentuan sampel petani di Desa Tanon dan Desa Kedungmalang, Kecamatan Papar menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling. Sampel petani jagung sebanyak 35 petani yang ada di Desa Tanon dan Desa Kedungmalang. Penentuan sampel lembaga pemasaran menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling yaitu backward snowball sampling dan didapatkan sebanyak 3 lembaga pemasaran di Kecamatan Papar. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara wawancara online melalui aplikasi whatsapp dan melalui via telepon karena adanya pandemi covid-19 yang tidak memungkinkan untuk melakukan iv kegiatan wawancara secara tatap muka. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian SCP pasar benih jagung di Kecamatan Papar akan menganalisis pasar melalui pendekatan struktur pasar, pendekatan perilaku pasar, dan pendekatan penampilan pasar. Struktur pasar akan dianalisis menggunakan pangsa pasar (market share), Concentration Ratio for Bigest Three (CR3), Indeks Herfindahl- Hirshcman (IHH), Koefisien Gini, dan Lerner Index. Perilaku pasar akan dilihat dari strategi persaingan, kolusi dan kerjasama, strategi promosi, dan kekuatan pasar (market power). Penampilan pasar akan menghitung marjin pemasaran, share harga, share biaya dan share keuntungan, serta Marketing Efficiency Index (MEI). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah struktur pasar benih jagung di kecamatan Papar berbentuk oligopoli, Perilaku lembaga pemasaran benih jagung cenderung melakukan kolusi dan strategi pemasaran tertentu sehingga memiliki kekuatan dalam menentukan harga benih jagung, Kinerja pasar benih jagung pakan F1 di Kecamatan Papar dianalisis berdasarkan merk di toko pertanian yang menjadi responden.

English Abstract

Papar District is a corn production center in Kediri Regency with a productivity of 6.82 tons. The distribution of corn seeds in Papar District should not have any obstacles because there are several corn seed companies scattered in the Kediri Regency area, but this does not guarantee that the price of corn seeds will be cheaper. Based on information during the preliminary survey, there are two brands that sell the most in the maize seed market in Papar District, namely NK Perkasa and BISI 18. Corn seed market information cannot be easily accessed and there is a price imbalance in marketing institutions in the Papar District, so the research entitled "Structure, Behavior, and Performance of Corn Seed Market in Papar District, Kediri Regency" It is important to know the causes and effects of the inefficiency of the seed market in Papar District. The problem regarding the corn seed market in Papar District is there are two brands of corn seeds that dominate the market in the Papar District, namely NK Perkasa and BISI 18, and there are several corn seed companies in Papar District, namely PT. BISI International Tbk, PT. Agri Makmur Pertiwi, PT. Tunas Widji Inti Nayottama, PT. Syngenta Indonesia, PT. Petrochemical, and PT. Dupont Pioneer Indonesia. The location of the factory in Papar District does not guarantee that the price of corn seeds to be paid by farmers will be cheaper. The research objectives include: 1) Analyzing the structure of the corn seed market in Papar District, 2) Analyzing the behavior of the corn seed market in Papar District, and 3) Analyzing the appearance of the corn seed market in Papar District. Structure, Conduct, and Performance (SCP) research on the corn seed input market is important because there is still a lack of market information regarding the input market. The SCP approach was used in this study to determine the cause and effect of the corn seed market in Papar District running efficiently or not. The SCP approach shows that there is a linear relationship between structure, behavior, and appearance in the market. Corn productivity in Papar District is evenly distributed in each village. The location of the research was determined by purposive sampling, namely in Tanon Village and Kedungmalang Village. The time of the study was taken from August to November 2020. Determination of the sample of farmers in Tanon Village and Kedungmalang Village, Papar District used a non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling method. The sample of corn farmers was 35 farmers in Tanon Village and Kedungmalang Village. Determination of the sample of marketing institutions using a non- probability sampling technique, namely backward snowball sampling and obtained as many as 3 marketing institutions in Papar District. Data collection in this study was carried out by means of online interviews through the WhatsApp application and via telephone due to the Covid-19 pandemic which made it impossible to conduct face-to-face interviews. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data SCP research on the corn seed market in Papar District will analyze the market through a market structure approach, a market behavior approach, and a market appearance approach. The market structure will be analyzed using market share, Concentration Ratio for Bigest Three (CR3), Herfindahl-Hirshcman Index (IHH), Gini Coefficient, and Lerner Index. Market behavior will be seen from competitive strategies, collusion and cooperation, promotion strategies, and market power. Market performance will calculate marketing margin, price share, cost share and profit share, as well as the Marketing Efficiency Index (MEI). The results of this study are the structure of the corn seed market in Papar sub-district in the form of an oligopoly, the behavior of corn seed marketing institutions tends to do collusion and certain marketing strategies so that they have the power to determine the price of corn seeds, F1 corn seed market performance in Papar is analyzed based on brands at the retail which is the respondent.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522040266
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 03 Jan 2023 03:57
Last Modified: 03 Jan 2023 03:57
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