Ruwaidah., Nisa and Dr. Akhmad Rizali, (2022) Pengaruh Komposisi Lanskap Terhadap Keanekaragaman Dan Kelimpahan Ordo Coleoptera Pada Pertanaman Padi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Di Indonesia, padi merupakan komoditas utama dalam menyokong pangan masyarakat. Data Badan Pusat Statistik (2020) pada tahun 2018 produksi padi sebesar 59,20 juta ton. Kemudian pada tahun 2019 mengalami penurunan dengan produksi sebesar 54,60 juta ton. Pada tahun 2020 terdapat sedikit peningkatan dengan produksi 54, 65 juta ton. Penurunan produksi disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan cara budidaya petani serta meningkatnya serangan hama. Terdapat berbagai biodiversitas serangga di pertanian, namun hal itu dipengaruhi oleh kompleksitas lanskap. Terdapat beberapa studi yang menunjukkan kompleksitas lanskap pertanian dapat meningkatkan keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan serangga. Pemanfaatan musuh alami khususnya serangga predator merupakan alternatif strategi dalam pengendalian hama. Ordo Coleoptera dinilai mempunyai kepentingan ekonomi yang besar karena jenisnya banyak yang menjadi agen pengendali hayati hama tanaman pertanian sebagai predator. Keanekaragaman coleoptera dipengaruhi oleh faktor cara budidaya petani dan komposisi lanskap pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik lanskap di setiap lokasi penelitian, mempelajari keanekaragaman, kelimpahan dan komposisi spesies serangga Ordo Coleoptera, mempelajari pengaruh cara budidaya dan kondisi habitat, serta mempelajari hubungan komposisi lanskap terhadap keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan Ordo Coleoptera di 14 lokasi penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2022 hingga bulan Maret 2022 bertempat di 14 lokasi pertanian padi yang tersebar di Sumatera Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Penentuan lokasi penelitian adalah lahan pertanian padi dengan jarak antar lokasi minimal 1 km dengan minimal luas lahannya 500 m2. Setiap lahan ditentukan plot berukuran 10m x 10m untuk pengamatan dan pengambilan contoh serangga. Pemetaan kondisi lanskap dan karakterisasi lanskap yaitu dengan melakukan groundsurvey pada radius 500 m dari plot pengamatan dengan mencatat berbagai tipe penggunaan lahan untuk kemudian dilakukan digitasi dengan aplikasi QGIS versi 3.24.1. Hasil analisis diperoleh data berupa class area (CA) dan Number of patch (NP) dari tipe penggunaan lahan pertanian non padi, perkebunan, hutan, dan pertanian padi. Pengambilan sampel Ordo Coleoptera menggunakan perangkap light trap yang dilakukan pada umur padi 5 Minggu Setelah Tanam (MST) dan 11 MST. Identifikasi dan dokumentasi serangga menggunakan mikroskop. Pengambilan data pendukung dengan cara wawancara dan mengambil data suhu kelembaban dari Badan Meteorologi dan Klimatologi Geofisika (BMKG). Hasil pengamatan yang sudah diperoleh ditabulasikan dalam bentuk database menggunakan Google Sheet secara daring dan Microsoft Excel 2010. Pengaruh penggunaan pestisida, pemupukan dan keberadaan habitat alami terhadap keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan Ordo Coleoptera dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam. Hubungan suhu, kelembaban relatif serta komposisi lanskap terhadap keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan Ordo Coleoptera dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi. Perbedaan komposisi Ordo Coleoptera dianalisis dengan analisis kemiripan (analysis of similarity, ANOSIM) vi dan ditampilkan dalam plot non-metric multidimensional scalling (NMDS). Semua analisis dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak RStudio dan package vegan. Karakteristik lanskap dari 14 lokasi penelitian tersusun dari berbagai tipe penggunaan lahan yang heterogen dan didominasi oleh tipe penggunaan lahan perkebunan, pertanian, hutan dan pemukiman. Jumlah morfospesies dan jumlah individu serangga Ordo Coleoptera berbeda di masing-masing lokasi penelitian jumlah keseluruhan sebanyak 12.656 individu yang terdiri dari 10 Famili dan 24 morfospesies. Berdasarkan peran, pengelompokan Ordo Coleoptera yang diperoleh 5 famili berperan sebagai herbivora dan 5 famili berperan sebagai predator. Penggunaan pestisida, suhu dan kelembaban tidak berpengaruh terhadap keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan Ordo Coleoptera, sedangkan aplikasi pupuk berpengaruh terhadap keanekaragaman spesies Ordo Coleoptera. Komposisi lanskap berupa habitat alami dan CA perkebunan berpengaruh terhadap keanekaragaman Ordo Coleoptera
English Abstract
In Indonesia, rice is the main commodity in supporting people's food. Data from the Central Statistics Agency (2020) in 2018 rice production was 59.20 million tons. Then in 2019 it decreased with production of 54.60 million tons. In 2020 there is a slight increase with production of 54.65 million tons. The decrease in production was caused by differences in farmers' cultivation methods and increased pest attacks. There is a wide range of insect biodiversity in agriculture, but it is influenced by the complexity of the landscape. There are several studies that show the complexity of the agricultural landscape can increase the diversity and abundance of insects. Utilization of natural enemies, especially predatory insects, is an alternative strategy in pest control. The order Coleoptera is considered to have great economic importance because many of its species are biological control agents for agricultural plant pests as predators. The diversity of coleoptera is influenced by factors such as farmers' cultivation methods and the composition of the agricultural landscape. This study aims to study the characteristics of the landscape at each research location, to study the diversity, abundance and composition of insect species of the Order Coleoptera, to study the effect of cultivation methods and habitat conditions, and to study the relationship between landscape composition and diversity and abundance of the Order Coleoptera in 14 research sites. The research was conducted from January 2022 to March 2022 in 14 rice farming locations spread across West Sumatra, Central Java and East Java. Determination of the research location is rice farming land with a distance between locations of at least 1 km with a minimum land area of 500 m2. Each plot of land is determined with a size of 10m x 10m for observation and sampling of insects. Mapping of landscape conditions and landscape characterization by conducting a ground survey at a radius of 500 m from the observation plot by recording various types of land use and then digitizing it using the QGIS application version 3.24.1. The results of the analysis obtained data in the form of class area (CA) and Number of patch (NP) from the types of land use for non-rice agriculture, plantations, forests, and rice farming. Sampling of the Order Coleoptera using light traps was carried out at the age of 5 weeks after planting (MST) and 11 WAP. Identification and documentation of insects using a microscope. Retrieval of supporting data by means of interviews and taking temperature and humidity data from the Meteorology and Climatology Geophysics Agency (BMKG). The results of observations that have been obtained are tabulated in the form of a database using online Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel 2010. The effect of pesticide use, fertilization and the presence of natural habitats on the diversity and abundance of the Order Coleoptera was analyzed using analysis of variance. The relationship between temperature, relative humidity and landscape composition on the diversity and abundance of the Order Coleoptera was analyzed using regression analysis. Differences in the composition of the Order Coleoptera were analyzed by analysis of similarity viii (ANOSIM) and presented in a non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) plot. All analyzes were performed with the RStudio software and the vegan package. The landscape characteristics of the 14 research sites are composed of various types of land use that are heterogeneous and dominated by types of land use plantations, agriculture, forests and settlements. The number of morphospecies and the number of individual insects of the Order Coleoptera were different in each research location, a total of 12,656 individuals consisting of 10 families and 24 morphospecies. Based on the role, the grouping of the Order Coleoptera obtained 5 families acting as herbivores and 5 families acting as predators. The use of pesticides, temperature and humidity did not affect the diversity and abundance of the Order Coleoptera, while the application of fertilizers had an effect on the diversity of species of the Order Coleoptera. The composition of the landscape in the form of natural habitats and CA plantations affects the diversity of the Order Coleoptera.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522040265 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.6 Animal pests |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 03 Jan 2023 03:50 |
Last Modified: | 03 Jan 2023 03:50 |
URI: | |
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