Analisis Mitigasi Risiko Rantai Pasok Kangkung (Ipomea Aquatica) Menggunakan Metode House Of Risk (HOR) Di PT. XYZ

Megatama, Rafii Priadji and Jaya Mahar Maligan, STP., MP and Riska Septifani, STP, MP. (2022) Analisis Mitigasi Risiko Rantai Pasok Kangkung (Ipomea Aquatica) Menggunakan Metode House Of Risk (HOR) Di PT. XYZ. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kangkung (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) merupakan komoditas asli Asia Tenggara yang mempunyai nilai nutrisi tinggi, mudah dibiakkan, dan tahan terhadap hama (Schreinemachers, 2017). Potensi komoditas ini diperkuat juga dari angka permintaan kangkung yang sangat tinggi di Indonesia, Berdasarkan data BPS 2020 dalam Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas), Angka konsumsi kangkung Indonesia dilihat dari 514 kabupaten kota di 34 Provinsi mengonsumsi rata-rata 209,89 gram per kapita per hari dengan angka produksi agregat Indonesia tahun 2020 mencapai 312.336.00 (BPS, 2020). Adanya produksi - permintaan yang tinggi PT. XYZ yakni total 18.696 pesanan dalam bulan November 2021 sampai Januari 2022 dan ditemukan pemborosan sebanyak 0,92ton pada Bulan Januari. Hal tersebut membutuhkan proses penanganan rantai pasok yang optimum. Jika dilihat dari nilai produktivitas rata-rata kangkung yang tinggi hingga 23.5 ton/Ha, menjadikan komoditas ini memasuki 10 besar komoditas sayuran yang sangat bernilai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi risiko rantai pasok kangkung dari PT.XYZ, menentukan agen risiko, memetakan dan menganalisis hingga memberi saran mitigasi risiko yang tepat. Konsep (HOR) digunakan sebagai pendekatan dari pengembangan House of Quality (HoQ) dan memiliki kelebihan jika dibandingkan dengan metode Failure Models and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Proses identifikasi risiko akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan diagram Ishikawa. Selanjuntya metode HOR membantu memetakan dan memprioritaskan agen risiko. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mitigasi risiko rantai pasok kangkung PT. XYZ, dengan HOR, mampu memetakan 28 agen risiko (risk agent) dan 19 kejadian risiko (risk event) pada segmen rantai pasok kangkung di National Fullfillment Center (NFC) PT. XYZ. Hasil identifikasi pemicu risiko dan kejadian risiko menggunakan HOR fase 1 dengan perhitungan ARP dan pareto, didapat 2 prioritas agen risiko yang menjadi tingginya angka komplain pada kangkung beserta nilai Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) masing-masing yakni tidak disiplinnya manpower (A12) bernilai 1208 dan belum optimumnya safety line antara forklift dengan manpower (A19) bernilai 1080. Hasil perhitungan HOR fase 2 dibantu dengan Ishikawa menghasilkan 9 strategi mitigasi risiko rantai pasok kankung dengan nilai ETDk tertinggi ke terendah masing-masing (PA1) bernilai 2718, (PA7) bernilai 2430, (PA8) bernilai 1944, (PA4) bernilai 1812, (PA6) bernilai 1620, (PA9) bernilai 1296, (PA3) bernilai 1208, (PA5) bernilai 906, dan (PA2) bernilai 0.

English Abstract

Kangkung (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) is a commodity native to Southeast Asia that has high nutritional value, is easy to breed, and is resistant to pests (Schreinemachers, 2017). The potential of this commodity is also strengthened by the very high demand for kale in Indonesia. Based on BPS 2020 data in the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), Indonesia's kale consumption figures are seen from 514 districts and cities in 34 provinces consuming an average of 209.89 grams per capita. per day with Indonesia's 2020 aggregate production figure reaching 312.336.00 (BPS, 2020). Existence of production - high demand PT. XYZ is a total of 18,696 orders in November 2021 to January 2022 and found waste of 0.92ton in January. This requires an optimal supply chain handling process. When viewed from the high average productivity value of kale up to 23.5 tons/ha, making this commodity into the top 10 vegetable commodities that are very valuable. This study aims to identify supply chain risks of kangkung from PT. XYZ, determine risk agents, map and analyze to provide appropriate risk mitigation advice. The concept (HOR) is used as an approach to the development of the House of Quality (HoQ) and has advantages when compared to the Failure Models and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method. The risk identification process will be carried out using the Ishikawa diagram. Furthermore, the HOR method helps to map and prioritize risk agents. Based on the research results of supply chain risk mitigation of kale PT. XYZ, with HOR, was able to map 28 risk agents and 19 risk events in the kale supply chain segment at the National Fullfillment Center (NFC) PT. XYZ. The results of the identification of risk triggers and risk events using phase HOR 1 with ARP and Pareto calculations, obtained 2 priority risk agents which became the high number of complaints on kale and their Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) value, namely the undisciplined manpower (A12) was 1208 and not yet the optimum safety line between forklift and manpower (A19) is 1080. The results of the calculation of phase HOR 2 assisted by Ishikawa produce 9 risk mitigation strategies for the kankung supply chain with the highest ETDk value to the lowest each (PA1) is 2718, (PA7) is 2430, ( PA8) is worth 1944, (PA4) is worth 1812, (PA6) is worth 1620, (PA9) is worth 1296, (PA3) is worth 1208, (PA5) is worth 906, and (PA2) is 0.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100269
Uncontrolled Keywords: House of Risk (HOR), Kangkung, Mitigasi Risiko, Rantai Pasok, Risiko,House of Risk (HOR), Water Spinach, Risk Mitigation, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Risk Management, Risk
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 02 Jan 2023 03:34
Last Modified: 02 Jan 2023 03:34
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