Lathifah, Nurlaily Lutfi and Dr. Eng. Akhmad Adi Sulianto, STP., M.Eng and Dr. Ir. J. Bambang Rahadi W., MS (2022) Analisis Performa Unit Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Susu Pada Reaktor Aerobik dan Anaerobik Setelah Diterapkan Sistem Two Phase Continous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Industri pengolahan susu tergolong dalam industri makanan dan minuman yang bergerak di bidang produk olahan susu. Susu murni diproses secara terpadu menghasilkan produk olahan susu dalam bentuk cair maupun padat seperti susu dalam kemasan, susu kental manis, dan susu bubuk. Bahan baku yang digunakan dalam industri pengolahan susu berasal dari susu hewani yang memiliki nutrisi yang sangat tinggi. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan limbah cair yang dihasilkan pada proses pengolahan susu memiliki karakteristik berupa kadar organik terlarut yang tinggi. Selain itu, susu memiliki sifat yang mudah atau rentan terkontaminasi oleh mikroorganisme. Mikroorganisme ini dapat berkembang biak dengan cepat di dalam susu, sehingga susu tidak dapat diolah maupun dikonsumsi. Apabila limbah tidak diolah terlebih dahulu, maka dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia, merusak ekosistem, dan mencemari lingkungan baik tanah, air, maupun udara, serta dapat merusak estetika atau keindahan suatu lingkungan. Seiring dengan bertambahnya populasi penduduk kebutuhan produk susu juga meningkat. Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian mencatat perkembangan rata-rata konsumsi susu tahun 1993 2016 meningkat 1,86 liter/kapita/tahun. Bertambahnya produksi berbahan dasar susu menimbulkan potensi akan peningkatan permasalahan akibat limbah yang dihasilkan. Saat ini, PT. Indolakto Purwosari telah menerapkan sistem baru yaitu dualstage anaerobik pada proses pengolahan limbah cairnya. Sistem dual-stage anaerobik merupakan proses digestasi yang memisahkan proses asidifikasi dengan proses metanogenesis dalam dua reaktor yang berbeda. Dalam hal ini PT. Indolakto Purwosari menggunakan reaktor anaerobik Continous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) dan Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) dengan menerapkan two phase CSTR. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka diperlukan analisis terhadap performa reaktor anaerobik dan aerobik sebelum menerapkan two phase CSTR ke pengolahan awal dan sesudah menerapkan two phase bakteri CSTR ke pengolahan awal menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan dibandingkan baku mutu air limbah untuk usaha dan/atau kegiatan industri pengolahan susu menurut Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Timur Nomor 72 Tahun 2013 untuk parameter effluent. Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), pH, Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Sludge Volume 30 (SV30) dan Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS). Selanjutnya untuk penentuan capability process reaktor setelah menerapkan two phase CSTR yang dianalisis menggunakan metode statistik capability analysis sehingga didapatkan hasil Cp dan Cpk untuk menentukan proses capable atau tidak. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, terdapat peningkatan performa unit dalam mengolah parameter limbah setelah diterapkan two phase CSTR dengan persentase keberhasilan mendekati 100%, namun terdapat juga penurunan performa pada unit Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) 1&2 dalam mengolah COD, unit Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) dalam mengolah TSS dan unit Aerasi 1 dalam mengolah MLSS. Performa kinerja unit CSTR 1 dan 2 sesudah menerapkan two phase CSTR dalam mengolah pH tidak maksimal. Selanjutnya untuk capability process unit pengolahan limbah sesudah menerapkan two phase CSTR rata-rata sudah dikategorikan baik. Namun ada beberapa unit dengan capability process dikategorikan rendah diantaranya : unit DAF 1 dan DAF 2 dalam mengolah pH dan TSS, Unit CSTR 1 dan CSTR 2 dalam mengolah pH, EGSB dalam mengolah pH, an unit Aerasi 1 dan Aerasi 2 dalam mengolah MLSS.
English Abstract
The milk processing industry belongs to the food and beverage industry which is engaged in dairy products. Whole milk is processed in an integrated manner to produce dairy products in liquid or solid form, such as packaged milk, sweetened condensed milk, and powdered milk. The raw materials used in the milk processing industry come from animal milk which has very high nutrition. This can cause the liquid waste generated in the milk processing process to have the characteristics of a high dissolved organic content. In addition, milk has properties that are easily or susceptible to contamination by microorganisms. These microorganisms can multiply rapidly in milk, so milk cannot be processed or consumed. If the waste is not treated first, it can endanger human health, damage the ecosystem, and pollute the environment, both soil, water, and air, and can damage the aesthetics or beauty of an environment. As the population grows, the demand for dairy products also increases. The Center for Agricultural Data and Information Systems noted that the average development of milk consumption in 1993 2016 increased by 1.86 liters/capita/year. The increase in milk-based production raises the potential for increased problems due to the generated waste. Currently, PT. Indolakto Purwosari has implemented a new system, namely dual-stage anaerobic in its wastewater treatment process. The dual-stage anaerobic system is a digestion process that separates the acidification process from the methanogenesis process in two different reactors. In this case PT. Indolakto Purwosari uses an anaerobic Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) and an Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor by applying a twophase CSTR. Based on these problems, it is necessary to analyze the performance of anaerobic and aerobic reactors before applying two-phase CSTR to the initial treatment and after applying two-phase bacterial CSTR to the initial treatment using a quantitative descriptive method and comparing wastewater quality standards for business and/or dairy processing industry activities according to the Regulation of the Governor of East Java Number 72 of 2013 for the effluent parameter. The parameters used in this study were Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), pH, Total Suspended Solid (TSS), Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Sludge Volume 30 (SV30) and Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS). Furthermore, to determine the capability of the reactor process after implementing the two-phase CSTR which was analyzed using the statistical method of capability analysis so that the results of Cp and Cpk were obtained to determine whether the process was capable or not. Based on the analysis that has been carried out, there is an increase in the performance of the unit in processing waste parameters after the implementation of two phase CSTR with a success percentage approaching 100%, but there is also a decrease in the performance of the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) 1&2 unit in treating COD, the Expanded Granular Sludge Bed unit ( EGSB) in processing TSS and Aeration 1 unit in processing MLSS. The performance of CSTR 1 and 2 units after applying two phase CSTR in treating pH was not optimal. Furthermore, for the process capability of the waste treatment unit after implementing the two-phase CSTR the average has been categorized as good. However, there are several units with low process capability including: DAF 1 and DAF 2 units in processing pH and TSS, CSTR 1 and CSTR 2 units in processing pH, EGSB in processing pH, and Aeration 1 and Aeration 2 units in processing MLSS.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522100263 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Industri Pengolahan Susu, Limbah Cair Industri Pengolahan Susu, DualStage Anaerobik, Metode Statistik Capability Process,Dairy Processing Industry, Liquid Waste Dairy Processing Industry, DualStage Anaerobic, Statistical Method of Capability Analysis |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian |
Depositing User: | soegeng sugeng |
Date Deposited: | 02 Jan 2023 02:45 |
Last Modified: | 02 Jan 2023 02:45 |
URI: | |
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