Octavia, Evy and Dr. Agr. Sc. Hagus Tarno, SP., MP. and Dr. Ir. Toto HImawan,, SU. (2022) Keanekaragaman Lalat Buah (Diptera: Tephritidae) Di Kabupaten Bogor Dan Depok, Jawa Barat. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Peluang ekspor produk hortikultura, terutama buah-buahan semakin meningkat seiring dengan tingginya kebutuhan masyarakat dunia akan produk buah yang bermutu dan berdaya saing. Indonesia merupakan negara penghasil produk hortikultura yang cukup besar. Menurut data Badan Pusat Statistik (2020), total produksi tanaman buah-buahan di Indonesia tahun 2020 mencapai 24.872.974 ton. Keanekaragaman lalat buah yang tinggi berpotensi merusak produk buah-buahan di suatu area. Di Indonesia terdapat beberapa spesies lalat buah yang keberadaannya belum ada di negara lain dan menjadi ancaman serius, diiantaranya adalah lalat buah dari genus Bactrocera yang endemis di Asia dan Australia. (Vargas et al., 2015). AQIS (2006) melaporkan bahwa di Indonesia termasuk Jawa Barat ditemukan 63 spesies lalat buah. Jawa Barat dilaporkan memiliki berbagai spesies lalat buah (Trisyono et al., 2010). Kabupaten Bogor dan Depok merupakan daerah sentra pengembangan pertanian khususnya hortikultura seperti jambu biji, belimbing, jeruk lemon, pepaya, alpukat, dan pisang. Dalam penelitian ini, lima lokasi yang berbeda digunakan untuk memperkirakan kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman lalat buah di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Informasi ini diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan deteksi, pemantauan, dan pengelolaan spesies pada lokasi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 5 lokasi di Kabupaten Bogor dan Depok, sedangkan proses identifikasi dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Vapour Heat Treatment (VHT), Balai Besar Peramalan Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan (OPT), Jatisari, Jawa Barat dan uji konfirmasi dilakukan di Balai Besar Uji Standar Karantina Pertanian (BBUSKP) Jakarta. Dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai November 2021. Penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan yaitu: a) penentuan lokasi; b) pengumpulan sampel lalat buah dengan metode perangkap; c) pengumpulan lalat buah dengan metode host fruit rearing; d) koleksi, identifikasi dan preservasi Sebanyak 11 spesies diperoleh dalam penelitian ini, yaitu Bactrocera albistrigata, B. carambolae, B. dorsalis, B. neocognata, B. umbrosa, B. verbascifoliae, Dacus conopsoides, D. longicornis, Z. calumniata, Zeugodatus caudatus, dan Z. cucurbitae. Kelimpahan lalat buah secara nyata lebih tinggi pada lokasi Bedahan, Depok sebanyak 7.789 individu, sedangkan Pancoran Mas, Depok 5.585 individu, Babakan, Bogor 3.774 individu, Parigi Mekar, Bogor 2.669 individu dan Mekarsari, Bogor merupakan yang terendah yaitu 640 individu. Nilai Indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener (H') tertinggi di Parigi Mekar (Bogor) dan terendah di Pancoran Mas (Depok). Nilai indeks kemerataan Shannon tertinggi pada Parigi Mekar (Bogor) dan terendah pada Pancoran Mas (Depok). Nilai indeks Dominan Simpson's tertinggi di Parigi Mekar (Bogor) dan terendah di Babakan (Bogor). Berdasarkan nilai indeks Bray–Curtis, Komposisi spesies lalat buah di Bedahan dan Pancoran Mas memiliki kemiripan sebesar 80,8%
English Abstract
Opportunities for exporting horticultural products, especially fruits, are increasing with the high demand of the world community for high quality and competitive fruit products. Indonesia is a country that produces a lot of horticultural products. According to the Central Statistics Agency (2020), the total production of fruit crops in Indonesia reached 24,872,974 tons in 2020. The high diversity of fruit flies has the potential to damage fruit products in an area. Indonesia has several species of fruit flies that are not found in other countries and pose a serious threat, including fruit flies of the genus Bactrocera, which are endemic to Asia and Australia. (Vargas et al., 2015). AQIS (2006) reported that 63 species of fruit flies were found in Indonesia, including West Java. Several species of fruit flies have been reported to exist in West Java (Trisyono et al., 2010). Bogor and Depok districts are centers of agricultural development, especially horticulture such as guava, star fruit, lemon, papaya, avocado, and banana. In this study, five different sites were used to estimate the abundance and diversity of fruit flies in West Java, Indonesia. This information is needed to optimize the detection, monitoring, and management of the species at the different sites. This research was conducted at 5 locations in Bogor and Depok regencies, while the identification process was conducted at the Vapor Heat Treatment (VHT) Laboratory, Center for Forecasting Plant Destruction Organisms (OPT), Jatisari, West Java, and the confirmation tests were conducted at the Agricultural Quarantine Standard Test Center. (BBUSKP) Jakarta conducted. Conducted from June to November 2021, this study consists of several activities, namely: a) site determination; b) collection of fruit fly samples using trap method; c) collection of fruit flies using host fruit rearing method; d) collection, identification and preservation. In this study, a total of 11 species were found, namely Bactrocera albistrigata, B. carambolae, B. dorsalis, B. neocognata, B. umbrosa, B. verbascifoliae, Dacus conopsoides, D. longicornis, Z. calumniata, Zeugodatus caudatus and Z. cucurbitae. The abundance of fruit flies was significantly higher in Bedahan, Depok, with 7,789 individuals, while it was lowest in Pancoran Mas, Depok, with 5,585 individuals; in Babakan, Bogor, with 3,774 individuals; in Parigi Mekar, Bogor, with 2,669 individuals; and in Mekarsari, Bogor, with 640 individuals. The highest value of Shannon-Wiener index (H') for diversity was obtained in Parigi Mekar, Bogor, and the lowest in Pancoran Mas, Depok. The highest value of Shannon-Evenness index was obtained in Parigi Mekar (Bogor) and the lowest in Pancoran Mas (Depok). Simpson's Dominant Index is highest in Parigi Mekar (Bogor) and lowest in Babakan (Bogor). Based on the Bray-Curtis index value, the species composition of fruit flies in Bedahan and Pancoran Mas has a similarity of 80.8%.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0422040024 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | lalat buah, keanekaragaman, Bactrocera, Dacus, Zeugodacus, fruit flies, diversity, Bactrocera, Dacus, Zeugodacus |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 17 Nov 2022 08:22 |
Last Modified: | 17 Nov 2022 08:22 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/196383 |
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