Dewi, Eva Komala and Rina Rachmawati, S.P., M.P., M.Eng (2022) Keanekaragaman Serangga Ordo Hymenoptera Pada Kawasan Agroforestri Pinus Kopi Di Hutan Pendidikan “Ub Forest” Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Keberadaan keanekaragaman hayati memiliki peran yang penting dalam menjaga kestabilan ekosistem. Ditinjau dari segi keanekaragaman hayatinya serangga merupakan kelompok hewan yang dominan di Permukaan Bumi. Salah satu serangga yang memiliki peran penting dalam ekosistem yaitu serangga yang berasal dari ordo Hymenoptera. Serangga dalam ordo ini memiliki berbagai peran seperti predator, polinator, parasitoid, detritivor dan lain sebagainya. Keberadaan serangga ordo Hymenoptera tersebar luas diberbagai lahan salah satunya di Hutan Pendidikan “UB Forest”. Hutan pendidikan ini merupakan jenis hutan produksi yang dikelola Universitas Brawijaya untuk kepentingan produksi dan pendidikan. Hutan ini memiliki berbagai tipe pengelolaan lahan yang berbeda seperti pengelolaan pemupukan, penyiangan, trimming dan prunning. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan komposisi serangga ordo Hymenoptera di berbagai tipe pengelolaan lahan di “UB Forest” yang nantinya diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai informasi dasar untuk mengetahui keberlanjutan lahan, cara pengelolaan agroekosistem, serta dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan untuk mengatur strategi pengendalian hayati secara intensif untuk hutan pendidikan “UB Forest” Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2021 hingga bulan Februari 2022 di Hutan Pendidikan “UB Forest”, di Dusun Sumbersari, Desa Tawangargo, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur dan di Laboratorium Hama dan Tumbuhan di Gedung Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya. Plot penelitian dibagi menjadi tujuh plot yaitu BAU (Business As Usual), HC (High Management Coffe, MC (Medium Management Coffe), dan LC (Low Management Coffe) dengan perlakuan Trimming dan Pruning. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode Yellowpan-trap, Pitfall-trap, dan Sweepnet, yang dipasang 1x24 jam, yang diulang sebanyak 6 kali berturut-turut. Setelah itu serangga yang didapatkan selanjutnya di dokumentasikan di Laboratorium Hama dan Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya yang selanjutnya di Identifikasi dengan mengacu kunci identifikasi “Hymenoptera of The World”, “Borror And Delong’s Introduction To The Study Of Insect 7th Edition”, dan menggunakan buku Identification Guide to The Ant Genera of Borneo. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis data yang meliputi indeks keanekaragaman Shanon-Wienner (H’), Kemerataan (E), dan Dominansi (D). Selain itu juga dilakukan uji korelasi terhadap pengaruh kondisi lingkungan terhadap keanekaragaman serangga ordo Hymenoptera dan juga dilakukan uji lanjut terhadap kesamaan komposisi serangga ordo Hymenoptera yang dapat dihitung menggunakan analisis kemiripan (ANOSIM) dan Non Metric Multidimentional Scaling (NMDS). Hasil penelitian diperoleh 1635 individu serangga yang terbagi menjadi 23 spesies dengan 9 famili. Famili paling dominan yang ditemukan di semua plot berasal dari famili Formicidae dan Ichneumonidae. Lokasi dengan keanekaragaman tertinggi berada di HC TP. Sedangkan lokasi terendah berada di LC P. Kekayaan ii spesies dan kelimpahan individu serangga ordo Hymenoptera dipengaruhi oleh tipe pengelolaan lahan yang berbeda. Lalu pada analisis lingkungan berupa suhu, kelembaban dan jumlah vegetasi tidak menunjukan pengaruh terhadap keanekaragaman serangga yang diperoleh. Selanjutnya Pengelolaan lahan memiliki pengaruh terhadap komposisi serangga ordo Hymenoptera
English Abstract
The existence of biodiversity has an important role in maintaining ecosystem stability. In terms of biodiversity, insects are the dominant animal group on the Earth's surface. The insects that has an important role in the ecosystem is an insect from the order Hymenoptera. Insects in this order have various roles such as predators, pollinators, parasitoids, detritivores and the others. The existence of insects of the order Hymenoptera is spread out in various fields, one of which is in the "UB Forest" Educational Forest. This educational forest is a type of production forest managed by Universitas Brawijaya for production and education purposes. This forest has different types of land management such as fertilization, weeding, trimming and Pruning. The purpose of this study is to determine the diversity and composition of insects of the order Hymenoptera in various types of land management in "UB Forest" which later is expected to be used as basic information to determine land sustainability, the good methods to manage agroecosystems, and can be used as a reference to set up an intensive biological control strategy for the "UB Forest" educational forest. This research was conducted from October 2021 to February 2022 in the “UB Forest” Educational Forest, in Sumbersari Hamlet, Tawangargo Village, Karangploso District, Malang Regency, East Java and in the Pest and Plant Diseases Laboratory in Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya. The research plot is divided into seven plots, namely BAU (Business As Usual), HC (High Management Coffee), MC (Medium Management Coffee), and LC (Low Management Coffee) with Trimming and Pruning treatments. Sampling used the Yellow Pan-trap, Pitfall-trap, and Sweep Net methods, which were installed 1 x 24 hours, which was repeated 6 times in a row. After that the insects are documented and then identified by referring to the identification key "Hymenoptera of The World", "Borror And Delong's Introduction To The Study Of Insect 7th Edition", and using the book “Identification Guide to The Ant Genera of Borneo”. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out which included the Shannon-Wienner diversity index (H’), evenness (E), and dominance (D). In addition, a correlation test was also carried out the effect of environmental conditions on the diversity of insects in order Hymenoptera and further tests were also carried out on the similarity of the composition of insects in the order Hymenoptera which could be calculated using similarity analysis (ANOSIM) and Non Metric Multidimentional Scaling (NMDS). The results of the study obtained 1635 individual insects which were divided into 23 species with 9 families. The most dominant families found in all plots were from the families Formicidae and Ichneumonidae. The location with the highest diversity is in HC TP. While the lowest location is in LC P. Species diversity and individual abundance of insects in the order Hymenoptera are influenced by different types of land management. Then the environmental analysis in the form of temperature, humidity and the amount of vegetation did not show a correlation to the diversity of insects obtained. Furthermore, land management has an influence on the composition of insects in the order Hymenoptera.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522040206 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.6 Animal pests |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 17 Nov 2022 07:20 |
Last Modified: | 17 Nov 2022 07:20 |
URI: | |
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