Khotimah, Fadhilah Husnul and Prof.Dr.Ir.Harijono, M.App.Sc (2022) Pengembangan Produk Snack Bar Berbasis Kacang Tanah dengan Penambahan Susu Skim dan Citarasa Jahe dan Jintan Hitam. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Snack bar adalah salah satu makanan bergizi yang sedang digemari masyarakat dimana Indonesia memiliki produk snack bar yang beredar di pasaran yaitu enting-enting kacang. Enting-enting kacang umumnya memiliki kadar protein berkisar 8-15% sehingga dilakukan pengembangan terhadap snack bar jenis ini untuk mempunyai kandungan protein lebih tinggi (22%) dengan citarasa yang lebih beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formula snack bar tinggi kalori dan tinggi protein dengan penambahan kacang tanah dan susu skim serta memiliki citarasa herbal dari jahe emprit dan jintan hitam. Bahan-bahan pendukung yang ditambahkan dalam snack bar ini adalah biji wijen, golden raisin, air jeruk nipis, xanthan gum, gula kelapa dan tepung pinang. Formulasi snack bar berbasis kacang tanah dengan penambahan susu skim dengan citarasa herbal jahe emprit dan jintan hitam diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode linear programming dan formula yang didapatkan akan diuji karakteristik fisik, kimia, dan organoleptik. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode linear programming dan didapatkan formula dasar dengan didominasi oleh kacang tanah, jumlah susu skim sangat rendah, dan jumlah biji wijen dan golden raisin tidak tercakup. Kelemahan tersebut digunakan sebagai basis pembuatan formula pengembangan dengan memberikan pembatasan kacang tanah sebesar 25 gram dan 40 gram, biji wijen sebesar 6 gram, dan golden raisin sebesar 4 gram dan didapatkan 2 formula snack bar pengembangan yaitu Formula 1 dengan rasio kacang tanah : susu skim 25 : 38,80 gram dan Formula 2 dengan rasio kacang tanah : susu skim 40 : 23,80 gram. Hasil percobaan 2 formula snack bar tersebut dianalisis sifat fisikokimia dan organoleptik. Data hasil analisis fisikokimia diolah dengan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT, sedangkan analisis organoleptik diolah menggunakan uji normalitas dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Kruskall Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh nyata pada kedua formula snack bar hasil formulasi dengan metode linear programming terhadap kalori, kadar air, kadar abu, aktivitas antioksidan, nilai aw, kadar karbohidrat, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar serat kasar, kadar total gula, nilai hardness, nilai resilience, nilai cohesiveness, nilai springiness, nilai gumminess, nilai chewiness, warna kecerahan (L*) dan tingkat kesukaan pada parameter rasa. Formula 1 memiliki kalori 449,57 kkal; air 2,64%; abu 4,40%; aktivitas antioksidan 863,46 ppm; aw 0,61; karbohidrat 53,69%; lemak 16,01%; protein 23,26%; serat kasar 2,24%; total gula 19%, hardness 773,33 g; adhesiveness 0,39 mJ; resilience 0,05; cohesiveness 0,16; springiness 0,66 mm; gumminess 140,46 g; chewiness 0,96 mJ; nilai L 64; nilai a 4,64; nilai b 23,79; rerata tingkat kesukaan parameter: kenampakan (4,45); tekstur (4,58); aroma (4,78); rasa (4,45); overall acceptance (4,45). Formula 2 memiliki kalori 485,57 kkal; air 3,23%; abu 3,46%; aktivitas antioksidan 790,39 ppm; aw 0,63; karbohidrat 49,24%; lemak 22,00%; protein 22,06%; serat kasar 2,57%; total gula 13,36%, hardness 293,33 g; adhesiveness 0,35 mJ; resilience 0,06; cohesiveness 0,23; springiness 0,86 mm; gumminess 75,42 g; chewiness 0,62 mJ; nilai L 62,17; nilai a 4,45; nilai b 23,09; rerata tingkat kesukaan parameter: kenampakan (4,26); tekstur (4,77); aroma (4,95); rasa (4,63); dan overall (4,81). Kandungan nutrisi dari kedua formula snack bar mencapai tujuan penelitian yaitu snack bar memiliki kandung protein tinggi minimal 22% dan tinggi kalori. Formula snack bar yang paling memenuhi berdasarkan karakteristik kimia adalah Formula 2 dikarenakan memiliki kandungan protein minimal 22% dengan nilai kalori lebih besar daripada Formula 1. Hasil organoleptik menunjukkan Formula 2 snack bar yang paling disukai panelis karena hasil tingkat kesukaan lebih dapat diterima daripada Formula 1.
English Abstract
Snack bar is one of the nutritious foods that are popular where Indonesia has a snack bar product on the market, namely “enting-enting kacang”. “Enting-enting kacang” generally have protein levels ranging from 8-15% so that this type of snack bar has been developed to have a higher protein content (22%) with a more diverse taste. This study aims to obtain a high-calorie and high-protein snack bar formula with the addition of peanuts and skim milk and has a herbal flavor from emprit ginger and black cumin. The supporting ingredients added to this snack bar are sesame seeds, golden raisin, lime juice, xanthan gum, coconut sugar and areca nut flour. The peanut-based snack bar formulation with the addition of skim milk with herbal flavors of ginger emprit and black cumin was obtained using the linear programming method and the formula obtained will be tested for physical, chemical, and organoleptic characteristics. This research was conducted using a linear programming method and the basic formula was found to be dominated by peanuts, the amount of skim milk was very low, and the amount of sesame seeds and golden raisins was not included. These weaknesses are used as the basis for making the development formula by limiting peanuts to 25 grams and 40 grams, sesame seeds at 6 grams, and golden raisins at 4 grams and obtained 2 development snack bar formulas, namely Formula 1 with a ratio of peanuts: skimmed milk 25 : 38.80 grams and Formula 2 with a ratio of peanuts: skim milk 40: 23.80 grams. The experimental results of the 2 snack bar formulas were analyzed for physicochemical and organoleptic properties. The data from the physicochemical analysis were processed by ANOVA and continued with the BNT test, while the organoleptic analysis was processed using the normality test and continued with the Kruskall Wallis test.. The results showed that there was a significant effect on the two snack bar formulas formulated using the linear programming method on calories, water content, ash content, antioxidant activity, aw value, carbohydrate content, fat content, protein content, crude fiber content, total sugar content, value of hardness, resilience value, cohesiveness value, springiness value, gumminess value, chewiness value, color brightness (L*) and level of preference on taste parameters. Formula 1 has 449.57 kcal calories; water 3.23%; 4.40% ash; antioxidant activity 863.46ppm; aw 0.61; carbohydrates 53.69%; fat 16.01%; protein 23.26%; crude fiber 2.24%; total sugar 19%, hardness 773.33g; adhesiveness 0.39mJ; resilience 0.05; cohesiveness 0.16; springiness 0.66mm; gumminess 140.46g; chewiness 0.96mJ; L value 64; a value 4.64; b value 23.79; the average level of preference parameters: appearance (4,45); texture (4.58); odor (4.78); taste (4.45); overall acceptance (4.45). Formula 2 has 485.57 kcal calories; water 2.64%; ash 3.46%; antioxidant activity 790.39ppm; aw 0.63; carbohydrates 49.24%; fat 22.00%; protein 22.06%; crude fiber 2.57%; total sugar 13.36%, hardness 293.33g; adhesiveness 0.35mJ; resilience 0.06; cohesiveness 0.23; springiness 0.86mm; gumminess 75.42g; chewiness 0.62mJ; L value 62.17; a value of 4.45; b value 23.09; the average level of preference parameters: appearance (4,26); texture (4.77); odor (4.95); taste (4,63); and overalls (4.81). The nutritional content of the two snack bar formulas achieved the research objective, namely that the snack bar had a high protein content of at least 22% and was high in calories. The most fulfilling snack bar formula based on chemical characteristics is Formula 2 because it has a protein content of at least 22% with a higher caloric value than Formula 1. The organoleptic results show that Formula 2 is the most preferred snack bar by panelists because the results of the preference level are more acceptable than Formula 1.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522100226 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kacang Tanah, Linear Programming, Snack Bar, Tinggi Protein,Peanut, Linear Programming , Snack Bar, High Protein |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 04 Nov 2022 02:19 |
Last Modified: | 04 Nov 2022 02:19 |
URI: | |
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