Syahputri, Bella Eka and Dr. Sucipto,, STP, MP. and Dr.Eng. Herman Tolle,, ST, MT. (2022) Desain Sistem Traceability Berbasis Rfid Untuk Pemantauan Kualitas Dan Kehalalan Daging Sapi Selama Distribusi. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Produk pangan halal merupakan kebutuhan penting bagi masyarakat Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara dengan konsumen muslim cukup besar sebanyak 231 juta jiwa. Salah satu produk yang diperhatikan kehalalan dan kualitasnya yaitu daging sapi. Selain halal penting dilakukan pemantauan kualitas dengan semakin banyaknya isu terkait keamanan, kesehatan, mutu, dan nutrisi pangan. Menurut data Kementrian Pertanian, tingkat konsumsi daging sapi selama 2016-2020 meningkat 3,98% per tahun. Pemantauan dilakukan untuk memastikan produk yang diterima konsumen terjamin kualitas dan kehalalannya. Teknologi Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) dikembangkan untuk memudahkan pelaku agroindustri dan konsumen mendapatkan informasi produk halal, thayyib, dan real time. Aplikasi RFID pada penelitian ini bertujuan memantau, melacak, dan mendata produk selama distribusi untuk memastikan produk diterima konsumen dalam status halal dan thayyib. Data kehalalan produk tercatat pada RFID tag, sedangkan data thayyib untuk memastikan kualitas adalah data suhu, kelembaban, dan posisi. Semua data ini terekam di database melalui sistem komputerisasi berbasis web. Output pencatatan pada web dapat diakses dari laptop atau smartphone. Komponen untuk merancang sistem ini menggunakan sensor LM35, DHT11, modul GPS, dan RFID tag. Pengujian akurasi, validitas, dan stabilitas sensor dilakukan tiga ulangan. Hasil uji sensor suhu diperoleh rata-rata nilai error 2% dan pembacaan sensor stabil dengan perbedaan ±1oC. Hasil uji sensor kelembaban diperoleh rata-rata nilai error 3% dan pembacaan sensor stabil dengan perbedaan terbesar ±3%. Kedua sensor akurat, valid, dan stabil untuk melakukan pengukuran. Informasi yang disimpan pada RFID tag yaitu identitas pengirim, tujuan, penerima, berat, jenis potongan, waktu kirim, waktu terima, dan status kehalalan produk. Setiap tag berisi info produk dan kode tag berbeda. Hasil simulasi, sistem mampu membaca serta mengenali tag berisi informasi berbeda terkait kehalalan produk dan menampilkannya pada dashboard. Perhitungan nilai Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) untuk validasi posisi GPS pada pengukuran jarak titik koordinat awal hingga titik pengiriman diperoleh nilai RMSE sebesar 0,1290. Nilai RMSE mendekati 0 menunjukkan model akurat terhadap jarak sebenarnya dan modul GPS dapat digunakan untuk pemantauan pengiriman daging sapi secara real time. Hasil evaluasi komponen dan sistem memiliki banyak kelebihan dari segi pembacaan serta kemudahan akses. Kelemahan sistem yaitu penerimaan sinyal pada GPS, keterbatasan daya ke alat, dan indikator yang menunjukkan penyimpangan saat distribusi menjadi pertimbangan perbaikan di penelitian selanjutnya.
English Abstract
Halal food products are vital need for Indonesia as the country hosts about 231 million Muslim consumers. One of the products that should have good quality and be halal verified is beef. In addition to ensuring halal products, it is important to monitor quality with the increasing number of issues related to food safety, health, quality, and nutrition. According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, the level of beef consumption during 2016-2020 increased by 3.98% per year. Monitoring is carried out to ensure consumers that their products are high quality and halal guaranteed. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology was developed to facilitate agro-industry actors and consumers accessing the information on halal and tayyib products. The RFID application in this study aims to monitor, track, and record products during distribution to ensure consumers receive products in halal, tayyib, and real time. Halal data is recorded on the RFID tag, while tayyib data ensures quality is temperature, humidity, and position data. All this data is recorded in a database through a web-based computerized system. Recorded results on the web can be accessed from a laptop or smartphone. The components for designing this system comprise LM35, DHT11 sensors, GPS modules, and RFID tags. Tests for the sensor's accuracy, validity, and stability were carried out in three replications. Temperature sensor testing obtained an average error value of 2% and stable sensor readings with the largest difference of ±1oC. The measurement of the humidity sensor test obtained an average error value of 3% and stable sensor readings with the largest difference of ±3%. Both sensors are accurate, valid, and stable for taking measurements. The information stored on the RFID tag includes sender identity, destination, recipient, weight, type of cut, delivery time, time of receipt, and product halal status. Each tag contains different product information and tag code. After performing the simulation, the system can read and recognize tags that contain different information related to the product's halal status and showed on the dashboard. Calculating the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) value for GPS position validation in measuring the distance from the initial coordinate point to the delivery point obtained a value of 0,1290. RMSE value close to 0 indicates an accurate model against the actual distance, and the GPS module can be used for real-time monitoring of beef distribution. The evaluation results of components and systems have many advantages regarding reading and ease of access. Weaknesses in the system, such as signal reception on GPS, limited power to the device, and indicators that show deviations during distribution, are issues that considered for improvement in further research.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0422100021 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Halal, Daging Sapi, Ketertelusuran, RFID, Sensor, GPS,Halal, Beef, Traceability, RFID, Sensor, GPS |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | soegeng sugeng |
Date Deposited: | 03 Nov 2022 02:42 |
Last Modified: | 03 Nov 2022 02:42 |
URI: | |
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