Rakhmatiar, Afif Yogi and Dr. Mochamad Bagus Hermanto, STP, M.Sc and Dr.Eng. Akhmad Adi Sulianto,, STP., MT., M.Eng (2022) Uji Performansi Irigasi Tetes (Drip Irrigation) di PT Syngenta Seed Indonesia. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Air merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang mempengaruhi keberlangsungan makhluk hidup. Air merupakan kebutuhan utama dalam bidang pertanian. Tanpa adanya air, tanaman budidaya tidak akan bisa tumbuh dengan baik atau bahkan tidak bisa tumbuh sama sekali. Irigasi tetes adalah teknologi yang masih terus dikembangkan. Sistem irigasi ini menyediakan air dengan cara meneteskan air dengan debit yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tanaman. Pengujian performa sistem irigasi diperlukan untuk memberikan gambaran terhadap kinerja sistem irigasi tetes tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja dari sistem irigasi tetes meliputi performa pompa, pressure compensating emitter, serta menghitung kebutuhan air tanaman berdasarkan keadaan di lahan. Penelitian dilakukan di PT Syngenta Seed Indonesia yang berlokasi di Jl. Kraton Industri Rata no.4, Kecamatan Kraton, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur (-7.6326223, 112.8199540). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengujian dilakukan pada lahan berukuran 1 Ha yang dibagi menjadi 4 Blok. Terdapat 3 pelakuan tekanan pada 0.7 Bar, 1.2 Bar, dan 1.7 Bar, dengan 3 ulangan pada 20 titik di setiap Blok. Pengujian performa pompa menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kehilangan tekanan (headloss) sebesar 0,5-0,6 Bar dari blok yang berdimensi 69x35 m dan 85x35 m. Pengujian sebaran emitter menunjukkan bahwa debit rata-rata dari blok A, B, C dan D adalah 1736 ml pada tekanan 0,7 Bar, 1696 ml pada tekanan 1,2 Bar, dan 1668 ml pada tekanan 1,7 Bar. Nilai CU berkisar diantara 97%-99%, nilai CV berkisar diantara 2%-3%, nilai EU berkisar diantara 94%- 98%, dan nilai EA berkisar diantara 92%-97%. Pada perhitungan kebutuhan air tanaman, didapatkan nilai ETc pada setiap fase pertumbuhan secara berurutan adalah 1,247 mm/hari, 2,493 mm/hari, 3,584 mm/hari, dan 2,182 mm/hari. Seluruh parameter menunjukkan performa yang sangat baik. Pada pressure compensating emitter, besar debit berbanding terbalik dengan tekanan. Hal tersebut dikarenakan semakin tinggi tekanan yang diberikan kepada pressure compensating emitter, titik minimum compensating inlet pressure (MICP) akan dicapai, sehingga emitter dapat mempertahankan output yang konstan. Tekanan pada range 1,2 Bar – 1,7 Bar dipilih karena standar deviasinya yang kecil dan pada tekanan tersebut didapatkan stabilitas sistem yang baik karena emitter telah mencapai MICP. Menggunakan tekanan 1,2 Bar, lama waktu pengairan (durasi irigasi) yang diperoleh pada fase initial stage adalah 9-10 menit, pada fase crop developing stage 18-19 menit, pada mid-season stage 27- 28 menit, dan pada fase late season stage 16-17 menit.
English Abstract
Water is one of the main factors that affect the survival of living things. Water is a major need in agriculture. Without water, cultivated plants will not able to grow properly or even not grow at all. Drip irrigation is a technology that is still developing. This irrigation system provides water by dripping water with a discharge according to the needs of plant. Testing the performance of the irrigation system is needed to provide an overview of the performance of the drip irrigation system. This study aims to determine the performance of the drip irrigation system including the performance of the pump, pressure compensating emitter, as well as calculating the water requirements of plants based on conditions on the field. The research was conducted at PT Syngenta Seed Indonesia, which located at Jl. Kraton Industri Raya No.4, Kraton District, Pasuruan, East Java (-7.6326223, 112.8199540). The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The test was carried out on an area of 1 Ha which was devided into 4 blocks. The test was done using 3 pressure points at 0.7 Bar, 1.2 Bar, and 1.7 Bar with 3 repetition at 20 sample points in each block. The pump performance shows that there is a headloss of 0,5-0,6 Bar from the block with 69x35 m and 85x35 m in dimension. The emitter distribution test showed that the average discharge from block A, B, C, and D was 1736 ml at 0.7 Bar, 1696 ml at 1.2 Bar, and 1668 ml at 1.7 Bar. CU values ranged from 97%-99%, CV values ranged from 2%-3%, EU values ranged from 94%-98%, and Ea values ranged from 92%-97%. In calculating plant water requirements, the ETc values obtained in each growth phase respectively were 1.247 mm/day, 2.493 mm/day, 3.584 mm/day, and 2.182 mm/day. All parameters shows an excellent performance. Pressure compensating emitter discharge is inversely proportional to the pressure. This is caused by the higher pressure applied to the emitters, it will reach the minimum compensating inlet pressure (MICP) faster, this means that the emitter can mantain a constant output. The pressure in the range of 1.2 Bar – 1.7 Bar was chosen because of its small standard deviation and at that pressure good system stability was obtained because the emitter had reached MICP. Using a pressure of 1.2 Bar, the length of irrigation time (irrigation duration) needed for corn crops is obtained. In the initial stage the watering duration needed is 9-10 minutes, in the crop developing stage the watering duration needed is 18-19 minutes, in the mid-season stage the watering duration needed is 27-28 minutes, and in the late season phase stage the watering duration needed is 16-17 minutes.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522100195 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Irigasi Tetes, Jagung (Zea mays L.), Kinerja Irigasi, Pressure Compensating Emitter,Corn (Zea mays L.), Drip Irrigation, Irrigation Performance, Pressure Compensating Emitter |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Sugeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 31 Oct 2022 08:26 |
Last Modified: | 31 Oct 2022 08:26 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/196017 |
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