Makna Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak Dalam Hukum Perjanjian Menurut Hukum Indonesia

Sulistyarini, Rachmi and Prof.Dr. A. Rachmad Budiono,, S.H., M.H. and Dr. Bambang Winarno,, S.H., S.U. and Dr. Imam Koeswahyono,, S.H., M.Hum. (2018) Makna Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak Dalam Hukum Perjanjian Menurut Hukum Indonesia. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Makna asas kebebasan berkontrak menjadi fokus disertasi ini berlatar belakang perbedaan sudut pandang filsafati dari aspek sistem hukum, konsep hukum dan sejarah hukum. Asas kebebasan berkontrak yang secara tersirat ditetapkan dalam pasal 1338 Ayat (1) KUHPerdata adalah konsep barat, berlatar belakang pada paham individualisme. Masyarakat Indonesia bercorak kumunal, mengutamakan kepentingan umum daripada kepentingan individuaI. Perbedaan tersebut memunculkan isu hukum untuk menganalisis apa makna Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak Dalam Hukum Perjanjian Menurut Hukum Indonesia dengan tujuan adalah untuk mengidentifikasi , menganalisis dan menemukan makna Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak Dalam Hukum Perjanjian Menurut Hukum yang berkarakter Indonesia sehingga nantinya dapat memberikan kontribusi baik secara teoritis untuk pengembangan ilmiah maupun secara praktis sehingga dapat mewujudkan pembentukan hukum nasional yang berlandaskan nilai nilai Pancasila. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian hukum (Legal Research) dengan pendekatan sejarah,perundang undangan, konseptual dan pendekatan perbandingan . Teori dan konsep yang dipergunakan sebagai pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah teori moral, teori perlindungan hukum,teori kontrak dan teori keadilan. Melalui penelusuran sistem , konsep dan sejarah hukum, Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak dalam hukum perjanjian terbukti bersifat universal, bahwa perjanjian atau kontrak yang dilakukan berdasarkan perspektif sistim hukum kolonial, ssitem hukum Adat maupun sistem Hukum Islam diakui keberadaannya , dengan karakternya masing masing. Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak sebagaimana yang tersirat di dalam pasal 1338 Ayat (1) KUHPerdata mempunyai makna umum dan makna harfiah . secara umum asas kebebasan berkontrak meliputi ruang lingkup kebebasan untuk membuat atau tidak membuat perjanjian, kebebasan untuk memilih pihak dengan siapa ia ingin membuat perjanjian, kebebasan untuk menentukan causa perjanjian, kebebasan menetukan bentuk dan obyek perjanjian. Namun demikian Kebebasan berkontrak yang dimaksud bukanlah bebas sebebasnya melainkan bebas yang terbatas . Berlakunya asas kebebasan berkontrak mengingat ketentuan pasal 1320 Ayat (4) , pasal 1337 juncto pasal 1339 KUHPerdata , yang pada intinya bahwa perjanjian yang dibuat tidak bertentangan dengan Undang Undang, kesusilaan yang baik dan ketertiban umum. Pembatasan inilah yang dicari tolok ukurnya dalam tulisan ini . Hasil analisis diperoleh temuan bahwa dengan mendasarkan pada Hukum Adat, Hukum Islam dan landasan filsafat Pancasila maka perjanjian yang berkarakter Indonesia adalah perjanjian yang muatan isinya berupa sistem yang berorientasi pada nilai ke-Tuhanan, kemanusiaan dan kerakyatan dalam bentuk kelarasan, kepantasan dan kepatutan. Untuk selanjutnya ukuran laras, pantas dan patut didasarkan pada doktrin iktikad baik yang dapat dilihat pada putusan pengadilan . Hal yang dapat disimpulkan dalam tulisan ini adalah bahwa makna asas kebebasan berkontrak dalam hukum perjanjian menurut hukum Indonesia adalah kebebasan yang sesuai dengan nilai nilai Pancasila. Asas kebebasan tersebut muatan isinya berupa sistem yang berorientasi pada nilai ke-Tuhanan, kemanusiaan dan kerakyatan dalam bentuk kelarasan, kepantasan dan kepatutan sebagai bingkai hukum Pancasila sehingga mewujudkan keadilan masyarakat. Sedangkan rekomendasi hasil penelitian ini ditujukan kepada penegak hukum pada umumnya dan hakim pada khususnya, kepada Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional dan para pihak pembuat perjanjian.

English Abstract

The principle of freedom embedded in contract is seen as a general principle involved in the law that regulates contract, and this principle is referred to as legal system applied globally. With this principle, the freedom of each individual to make a contract, to determine the content of the contract, to determine the form of the contract, and to select which law should be applied for the contract is acknowledged. The agreement coming from each party involved will provide binding power for the contract, which serves like the Law. This binding principle is related to law, meaning that the principle of freedom of contract is also related to the content of the contract per se. To realise the objective of the principle, all parties involved should be in the equal bargaining position. When the principle of freedom of contract and the principle of pacta sunt servanda are tightly held, this could bring injustice to the contract. Since then, the restriction of legal power made through both tribunal and legislation have been referred to. This dissertation is mainly focused on the meaning of principle of freedom of contract, which is based on different philosophical perspectives from legal system, legal concept, and the history of law. The principle which is implied in Article 1338 Paragraph (1) of Civil Code is adopted from western concept according to the individualism principle. Generally, the Indonesian people are characterised as communal society, prioritizing common interests above others. This certainly causes legal issues to emerge, in which the issues deserve to be analysed to investigate what is the meaning of the principle of freedom required in the making of a contract according to the law applied in Indonesia. This research is also aimed to identify, analyse, and investigate the meaning of the principle of freedom required in the making of a contract in the law that regulates the contract according to the law applied in Indonesia. It is expected that contribution can be given theoretically and practically for the sake of either the scientific development in order that national law based on the norms of Pancasila can be realised. The method of this research comprised legal research with several approaches such as philosophical, comprehensive, and analytical approaches. Moreover, the theories and concepts employed to conduct the research as the instrument of analysis were moral, legal protection, contract, and justice theories. It was revealed from the research result that the legal studies were mainly addressed to the principles of law, norms, and concrete regulation, in addition to another important aspect called legal findings. With the finding of benchmark for the principle of freedom of contract which is in line with the law applied in Indonesia which involves adat and Islamic law based on Pancasila, the legal protection for more justice in court can be provided to all parties. The problems found in the research were analysed according to legal system, legal concept, and the history of law which brings back colonial time and involves adat law system and Islamic system. It was found that the freedom required when involved in a contract, according to the law regulating a contract, is implied in Article 1338 Paragraph (1) jo Article 1320 of Civil Code. This has become the main concern of Indonesia especially when it comes to colonial time which was set as codification year. The legal and historical concept according to the concept of freedom required in the making of the contract is different at each legal system. From the investigation of the research, the differences and similarities related to the case were revealed, so the meaning of the principles of the freedom was found. Furthermore, the benchmark for principle of the freedom required in the making of a contract according to the law applied in Indonesia was discussed based on the principles of Pancasila comprising those related to God, humanity, and civilisation (the last principle mentioned includes nationality, socialism, and justice). From the research result, it can be concluded that the principle of freedom required in the making of a contract according to the law applied in Indonesia is meant as accountable freedom in which the acknowledged principle of freedom required in the making of a contract consists of structures which are focused on the value of God, humanity, and civilisation in the form of linearity, appropriateness, and properness as to support Pancasila in order to realise fair justice for society.

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: DIS/346.02/SUL/m/2018/061800400
Uncontrolled Keywords: makna, asas kebebasan berkontrak, Hukum Indonesia.,principle of freedom of contract, Indonesian Law
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 346 Private law > 346.02 Juristic acts, contracts, agency
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2022 01:43
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2022 01:44
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