Indriani, Rizki and Dr. Ir. Mintarto Martosudiro,, MS. and Fery Abdul Choliq,, SP., MP., MSc. (2021) Uji Efektivitas Antijamur Ekstrak Daun Kemangi (Ocimum Basilicum L.), Daun Kirinyuh (Chromolaena Odorata), Dan Kombinasinya Terhadap Penyakit Bercak Coklat (Alternaria Solani) Pada Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum Asculatum). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tomat merupakan salah satu komoditas pertanian yang digunakan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari. Salah satu faktor penghambat budidaya adalah penyakit tumbuhan. Menurut Semangun (1989) menyatakan bahwa penyakit bercak coklat disebabkan oleh Alternaria solani Sor. merupakan penyakit penting di Indonesia. Intensitas serangan penyakit bercak coklat dapat menurunkan hasil buah tomat sebesar 5 – 78% (Kemmit, 2002). Pengendalian penyakit bercak coklat masih menggunakan pestisida sintetik yang dianggap dapat mengendalikan penyakit secara cepat dan praktis, namun pengendalian ini dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif pada lingkungan. Alternatif pengendalian untuk mengurangi penggunaan pestisida sintetik dengan menggunakan pestisida nabati. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tunggal ekstrak daun kemangi dan daun kirinyuh dapat menghambat pertumbuhan A. solani secara in vitro dengan nilai efektivitas diatas 50%, tetapi gagal menekan pertumbuhan bercak pada pengujian in vivo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak daun kemangi, daun kirinyuh, dan kombinasinya terhadap penyakit bercak coklat pada tanaman tomat. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu Kontrol, penambahan ekstrak daun kemangi, daun kirinyuh, daun kemangi : daun kirinyuh (1 : 1), daun kemangi : daun kirinyuh (1 : 2), dan daun kemangi : daun kirinyuh (2 : 1) pada konsentrasi 50.000 ppm. Pengujian in vitro dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Food Poison Technique, parameter pengamatan untuk uji ini yaitu diameter koloni dan berat kering miselium. Sedangkan pengujian in vivo dengan merendam buah tomat pada perlakuan ekstrak yang kemudian diinfeksi jamur A. solani, parameter pengamatannya yaitu diameter gejala, perkecambahan konidia, dan berat volume jaringan nekrosis. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan analisis ragam (ANOVA), jika berbeda nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut BNT pada taraf kesalahan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak mampu menekan pertumbuhan jamur Altenaria solani secara nyata dibandingkan dengan perlakuan kontrol. Pada uji in vitro perlakuan ekstrak daun kirinyuh tunggal memiliki daya hambat tertinggi sebesar 82,41%, dengan nilai berat kering 0,2 g. Uji in vivo ekstrak daun kirinyuh tunggal menunjukkan rerata diameter terendah yaitu sebesar 1,49 cm, presentase perkecambahan 20,21%, dan presentase berat volume jaringan nekrosis 5,14%. Namun, jika dibandingkan antar perlakuan ekstrak tunggal dan kombinasi tidak berbeda nyata sehingga ekstrak tunggal mampu menghambat pertumbuhan jamur A. solani dengan nilai penghambatan yang cukup tinggi dibandingkan dengan ekstrak kombinasi. Hasil uji fitokimia didapatkan bahwa ekstrak daun kemangi dan daun kirinyuh mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder yaitu alkaloid, saponin, dan tanin
English Abstract
Tomato is an agricultural commodity that is used for daily needs. One of the inhibiting factors for cultivation is plant disease. According to Semangun (1989) brown spot disease is caused by Alternaria solani Sor. is an important disease in Indonesia. The intensity of brown spot disease can reduce the yield of tomatoes by 5 - 78% (Kemmit, 2002). Control of brown spot disease still uses synthetic pesticides which are considered to be able to control the disease quickly and practically, but this control can have a negative impact on the environment. Alternative control to reduce the use of synthetic pesticides by using vegetable pesticides. Previous studies have shown that single treatment of basil and kirinyuh leaf extracts can inhibit the growth of A. solani in vitro with an effectiveness value above 50%, but failed to suppress the growth of spots on in vivo testing. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of extracts of basil leaves, kirinyuh leaves, and their combinations against brown spot disease in tomato plants. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments given were control, addition of basil leaf extract, kirinyuh leaves, basil leaves : kirinyuh leaves (1 : 1), basil leaves : kirinyuh leaves (1 : 2), and basil leaves : kirinyuh leaves (2 : 1) at a concentration of 50.000 ppm. In vitro testing is carried out using the method Food Poison Technique, the observation parameters for this test were colony diameter and dry weight of mycelium. While the in vivo test was to immerse tomatoes in the extract treatment which was then infected with A. solani, the parameters of the observation were symptom diameter, conidia germination, and volume weight of necrotic tissue. The data from the observations were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA), if they were significantly different, then continued with the LSD test at an error level of 5%. The results showed that the addition of the extract was able to significantly reduce the growth of the fungus Altenaria solani compared to the control treatment. In the in vitro test, single kirinyuh leaf extract treatment had the highest inhibitory power of 82.41%, with a dry weight value of 0.2 g. The in vivo test of single kirinyuh leaf extract showed the lowest mean diameter was 1.49 cm, the percentage of germination was 20.21%, and the percentage by weight of tissue volume necrosis was 5.14%. However, when compared between single and combination extract treatments were not significantly different, so that single extracts were able to inhibit the growth of A. solani fungi with a high inhibition value compared with combination extract. The results of the phytochemical test showed that the extracts of basil leaves and kirinyuh leaves contained secondary metabolites, namely alkaloids, saponins, and tannins.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0521040303 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.6 Animal pests |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 10 Oct 2022 01:31 |
Last Modified: | 10 Oct 2022 01:31 |
URI: | |
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