Senyawa Minuman Fungsional Campuran dari Rimpang Kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn.), Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam), dan Rumput Laut Cokelat (Sargassum polycystum) sebagai Penghambat Aktivitas α- Glukosidase

Pradanto, Sri Argo and Prof. Dr. Ir. Yunianta,, DEA. and Dr. Ir. Muhamad Firdaus,, MP (2022) Senyawa Minuman Fungsional Campuran dari Rimpang Kunyit (Curcuma longa Linn.), Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam), dan Rumput Laut Cokelat (Sargassum polycystum) sebagai Penghambat Aktivitas α- Glukosidase. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Prevalensi diabetes mellitus yang kian tinggi dan efek samping obat-obatan dalam penangan DM menjadikan pencarian sumber baru yang berasal dari tumbuhan menjadi perhatian. Minuman yang memiliki fungsionalitas dalam kesehatan dicari khususnya oleh konsumen. Campuran beberapa bahan dapat meningkatkan sinergitas fungsional, salah satunya adalah pada campuran beberapa bahan alami pada minuman. Kunyit, kelor, dan rumput laut cokelat diketahui memiliki berbagai senyawa bioaktif. Senyawa-senyawa itu mampu berfungsi sebagai penghambat aktivitas α-glukosidase, yaitu enzim yang melanjutkan pemecahan disakarida dan oligosakarida menjadi glukosa. Menghambat kinerja enzim tersebut menjadi salah satu cara dalam perawatan orang dengan diabetes melitus. Namun, informasi mengenai karakter fisik, karakter kimia, keberadaan senyawa bioaktif pada minuman fungsional campuran rimpang kunyit (C. longa Linn), daun kelor (M. oleifera Lam), dan rumput laut cokelat (S. polycytsum) dan potensinya sebagai pangan fungsional yang dapat memperbaiki kondisi diabetes belum diungkap secara empiris. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh proporsi terbaik campuran bahan dari ketiga bahan sebagai minuman fungsional dan mengungkap mekanisme penghambatan enzim α-glukosidase oleh senyawa minuman fungsional melalui analisis in silico. Tahapan penelitian meliputi tahap karakterisasi bahan untuk mengetahui kadar air dari bahan baku segar dan tepungnya, kandungan fenolik total, florotanin total dari bahan baku segar, tepung, dan dekoknya, rendemen bahan, dan profil senyawa kimia dekok masing-masing bahan. Lalu selanjutnya adalah tahap karakterisasi minuman fungsional untuk mengetahui kandungan fenolik total dan florotanin total, serta profil senyawa kimianya. Tahap terakhir adalah karakterisasi penghambatan α-glukosidase untuk memprediksi aktivitas penghambatan α-glukosidase berdasarkan komposisi senyawa fenolik minuan fungsional dengan metode analisis in silico. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah penulis lakukan mendapat ringkasan sebagai berikut. Karakteristik fisika bahan baku, yaitu kadar air menunjukkan bahwa kadar air bahan segar jauh lebih banyak daripada bahan kering yang sudah ditepungkan. Analisis terhadap kandungan fenolik total bahan baku menunjukkan bahwa kandungan fenolik total dalam bentuk tepung lebih tinggi daripada bentuk segarnya. Secara umum proses dekoksi (perebusan bahan) menghasilkan kandungan fenolik total lebih banyak, kecuali pada tepung kunyit. Begitu pula kandungan florotanin rumput laut cokelat lebih banyak saat ditepungkan dan direbus. Penapisan fitkokimia mengungkapkan bahwa dekoksi tepung rumput laut hanya menunjukkan adanya empat senyawa, yaitu saponin, steroid, terpenoid, dan polifenol. Dekoksi tepung daun kelor menunjukkan adanya flavonoid, steroid, terpenoid, tannin, dan polifenol. Dekoksi tepung rimpang kunyit menunjukkan adanya lebih banyak senyawa yang terekstraksi, yaitu alkaloid, saponin, steroid, terpenoid dan polifenol. Rendemen tepung rumput laut, daun kelor dan rimpang kunyit yang telah disaring dengan ayakan 40 mesh menghasilkan rendemen masing-masing dari berat awal sebesar 214,9 g (5,96%), 757,55 g (34%), dan 445 g (10,47%). Penurunan rendemen diakibatkan oleh penurunan kadar air dan adanya partikel yang tidak lolos dari ayakan sehingga mengurangi hasil rendemen. Profil senyawa dekoksi tepung rimpang kunyit hasil analisis LC-HRMS menunjukkan adanya senyawa yang diduga sebagai alkaloid golongan piperidin dan piridin, amida, amidin, amina, asam amino golongan asam amino-alfa, asam fenolat golongan hidroksisinamat, asetofenon, benzaldehida, benzamida, ester, gula amino, indol, keton, lakton, organosulfur golongan sulfonamida, purin, terpenoid golongan monoterpenoid, diterpenoid, dan seskuiterpenoid. Profil senyawa dekoksi tepung daun kelor hasil analisis LC-HRMS menunjukkan adanya senyawa yang diduga sebagai alkaloid golongn piridin, isokunolin, dan piperidin, amina, asam amino golongan alfa-asam amino, asam fenolat golongan asam hidroksibenzoat dan asam hidroksisinamat, asam lemak, asam lemak hidroksi, benzaldehida, diarilheptanoid, ester, fenol, guanidin, gula amino, indol, kuinon, organosulfur golongan sulfonamida, purin, ribonukleosida purin, senyawa karbonil, terpenoid golongan monoterpenoid dan seskuiterpenoid. Profil senyawa dekoksi tepung rumput laut cokelat S. polycustum hasil analisis LC-HRMS menunjukkan adanya senyawa-senyawa yang diduga sebagai alkaloid golongan piperidin dan piridin, amida, amina, asam amino golongan asam aminoalfa, asam fenolat golongan asam hidroksisinamat, asam lemak, benzaldehida, benzamida, benzenetriol, ester, indol, lakton, nukleosida, senyawa organofosfat, senyawa organosulfur, purin dan terpenoid golongan seskuiterpenoid. Proporsi campuran terbaik masing-masing bahan untuk minuman fungsional adalah TRL%:TDK%:TRK% (25%:25%:50%) dengan kandungan fenolik total 6,92 ± 0,10 mg GAE/g dan florotanin total 4.85 ± 0,11 mgPGE/g, dan adanya senyawa alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid, steroid, terpenoid, tannin, polifenol. Profil senyawa minuman fungsional hasil analisis LC-HRMS menunjukkan adanya senyawa yang berbeda-beda yang diduga sebagai alkaloid golongan indol, solanaseus, isokunolin, kuinolin, piperidin, dan piridin, alkohol, amida, amida lemak, amina, asam amino golongan asam amino-alfa, asam fenolat golongan asam hidroksi benzoat dan asam hidroksisinamat, asam lemak, asam lemak hidroksi, asam valerenat, asetofenon, benzaldehida, benzamida, benzopiran, diarilheptanoid, ester, flavonoid golongan flavon, flavonol, dan glikosida flavonol, guanidin, hidroksipolieter, indol, keton, kumarin, lainya, oligosakarida, organofosfat, organosulfur golongan sulfonamida, pirimidin, purin, pirolidinon, purin, sinamaldehida, terpenoid golongan monoterpenoid, diterpenoid dan seskuiterpenoid, dan senyawa yang tidak diketahui. Hasil PASS online menunjukkan prediksi sebagian besar probabilitas menjadi aktif walaupun rendah pada senyawa fenolik minuman fungsional campuran rimpang kunyit, daun kelor, dan rumput laut cokelat (Pa<0,5), kecuali pada 3''-OL- rhamnopyranosylastragalin, kuersetin-3β-D-glukosida, trifolin, rutin, isoviteksin, dan kuersetin 3-O-malonilglukosida yang memiliki Pa>0,7. Tiga senyawa dari minuman fungsional membentuk ikatan hidrogen pada residu asam amino yang sama (Glu687) dengan acarbose yaitu, 3''-O-LRhamnopyranosylastragalin, kuersetin-3β-D-glukosida, dan trifolin. Masingmasing memiliki nilai afinitas pengikatan sebesar -9,0 kkal/mol, -7,7 kkal/mol, dan -7,5kkal/mol lebih besar dari acarbose (-7,3 kkal/mol). Ketiga senyawa ini berpotensi menjadi senyawa yang mampu menghambat aktivitas terminal N-SI. Selain itu rutin dan isoviteksin dengan afinitas pengikatan sebesar -9,0 dan -8,4 kkal/mol juga berikatan dengan residu asam amino pada subset gula +1 dan subset gula -1 terminal N-SI juga berpotensi sebagai penghambat. Kuersetin 3- vii O-malonilglukosida memiliki nilai afinitas pengikatan lebih besar yaitu -7,9 kkal/mol dibanding NAG (-6,2 kkal/mol) juga berpotesi sebagai penghambat aktivitas α-glukosidase. Akan tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan bagi senyawa lain untuk mejadi penghambat enzim alfa glukosidase.

English Abstract

The increasingly high prevalence of diabetes mellitus and the side effects of drugs in the treatment of DM have made the search for new sources of plant origin a concern. Drinks that have functionalities in health are especially sought after by consumers. A mixture of several ingredients can increase functional synergy, one of which is a mixture of several natural ingredients in drinks. Turmeric, moringa, and brown seaweed are known to have various bioactive compounds. These compounds are able to function as inhibitors of the activity of α-glucosidase, an enzyme that continues the breakdown of disaccharides and oligosaccharides into glucose. Inhibiting the performance of these enzymes is one way of treating people with diabetes mellitus. However, information regarding the physical characteristics, chemical characters, the presence of bioactive compounds in a functional drink mixed with turmeric rhizome (C. longa Linn), Moringa leaf (M. oleifera Lam), and brown seaweed (S. polycytsum) and their potential as functional food. can improve the condition of diabetes has not been revealed empirically. The aim of the research was to obtain the best proportion of the mixture of the three ingredients as a functional drink and to reveal the mechanism of inhibition of the α-glucosidase enzyme by functional drink compounds through in silico analysis. The research stages include the material characterization stage to determine the moisture content of fresh raw materials and flour, total phenolic content, total phlorotanin from fresh raw materials, flour, and decoction, yield of ingredients, and profiles of chemical compounds of decoction of each ingredient. Then the next step is the characterization of functional drinks to determine the total phenolic content and total phlorotannin, as well as the profile of their chemical compounds. The last step is the characterization of α-glucosidase inhibition to predict α-glucosidase inhibitory activity based on the composition of the functional mineral phenolic compounds using in silico analysis method. Based on the research that the author has done, the summary is as follows. The physical characteristics of the raw materials, namely the water content, indicate that the water content of the fresh ingredients is much higher than that of the dry ingredients that have been floured. Analysis of the total phenolic content of the raw materials showed that the total phenolic content in the flour form was higher than in the fresh form. In general, the decoction process (boiling ingredients) resulted in higher total phenolic content, except for turmeric flour. Similarly, the content of brown seaweed phlorotannin is higher when floured and boiled. Phythochemical screening revealed that the decoction of seaweed flour only showed four compounds, namely saponins, steroids, terpenoids, and polyphenols. Decoction of Moringa leaf flour showed the presence of flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, tannins, and polyphenols. The decoction of turmeric rhizome flour showed the presence of more extracted compounds, namely alkaloids, saponins, steroids, terpenoids and polyphenols. The yield of seaweed flour, moringa leaves and turmeric rhizome which had been sieved through a 40 mesh sieve resulted in yields from the initial weight of 214.9 g (5.96%), 757.55 g (34%), and 445 g, respectively ( 10.47%). The decrease in yield was caused by a decrease in the water content and the presence of particles that did not pass through the sieve, thereby reducing the yield. The profile of the decoction compounds of turmeric rhizome flour by LC-HRMS analysis showed the presence of compounds suspected to be piperidine and pyridine alkaloids, amides, amidin, amines, alpha-amino acids from the amino acids, hydroxycinnamic group from the phenolic acids, acetophenone, benzaldehyde, benzamide, esters, amino sugars, indole, ketones, lactones, organosulfur sulfonamides, purines, and terpenoids are monoterpenoids, diterpenoids, and sesquiterpenoids. Moringa leaf powder decoction compound profiling by LC-HRMS analysis showed the presence of compounds suspected to be pyridine, isoquinoline, and piperidine alkaloids, amines, alpha-amino acids from amno acids, hydroxybenzoic and hydroxycinnamic acids group from the phenolic acids, fatty acids, hydroxy fatty acids, benzaldehyde, diarylheptanoid, ester, phenol, guanidine, amino sugar, indole, quinone, sulfonamide group from the organosulfur, purine, purine ribonucleoside, carbonyl compound, monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids from the terpenoids. Profiling of decoction compounds of brown seaweed flour S. polycustum by LC-HRMS analysis showed the presence of compounds suspected to be piperidine and pyridine alkaloids, amides, amines, alpha-amino acids from the amino acids, hydroxycinnamic acids group from the phenolic acids, fatty acids, benzaldehyde, benzamide, benzenetriol, ester, indole, lactone, nucleoside, organophosphates compounds, organosulfur compounds, purines and sesquiterpenoid terpenoids. The best mixed proportion of each ingredient for functional drinks is TRL%:TDK%:TRK% (25%:25%:50%) with a total phenolic content of 6.92 ± 0.10 mg GAE/g and a total phlorotannin content of 4.85 ± 0.11 mgPGE/g, and the presence of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, tannins, polyphenols. Functional drinks compounds profiling by LC-HRMS analysis showed different compounds suspected of being alkaloids of the indole, solanaceous, isoquinoline, quinoline, piperidine, and pyridine groups, alcohols, amides, fatty amides, amines, alpha-amino acids group from the amino acids, hydroxy benzoic acid and hydroxycinnamic acid group from the phenolic acid,, fatty acids, hydroxy fatty acids, valerenic acid, acetophenone, benzaldehyde, benzamide, benzipiran, diarylheptanoids, esters, flavon, flavonols, and flavonol glycosides group from the flavonoids, guanidine, hydroxypolyether, indole, ketone, coumarins, others, oligosaccharides, organophosphates, organosulfur sulfonamides, pyrimidines, purines, pyrrolidinones, purines, cinnamaldehyde, monoterpenoid, diterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids group from the terpenoids, and unknown compounds. The results of PASS online showed that most of the predictions of the probability of being active of phenolic compound were low in the functional drinks compound of a mixture of turmeric rhizome, Moringa leaves, and brown seaweed, except for 3''-O-L-rhamnopyranosylastragalin, quercetin-3β-D-glucoside, trifolin, rutin, isovitexin, and quercetin 3-O-malonylglucoside which has Pa>0.7. Three compounds from the functional drink formed hydrogen bonds at the same amino acid residue (Glu687) with acarbose namely, 3''-O-Lrhamnopyranosylastragalin, quercetin-3β-D-glucoside, and trifolin. Each has a binding affinity value of -9.0 kcal/mol, -7.7 kcal/mol, and -7.5 kcal/mol which is greater than acarbose (-7,3 kcal/mol). These three compounds have the potential to be compounds capable of inhibiting the activity of the N terminal -SI (NtSI). In addition, rutin and isovitexin with a binding affinity of -9.0 and -8,4 kcal/mol also binds to amino acid residues in the +1 sugar subset and -1 sugar subset of Nterminal SI as well as potential inhibitors. Quercetin 3-O-malonylglycoside has a higher binding affinity value of -7.9 kcal/mol than NAG (-6.2 kcal/mol) and has potential as an inhibitor of α-glucosidase activity.However, it is possible for other compounds to become inhibitors of the alpha glucosidase enzyme.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0422100019
Uncontrolled Keywords: penghambat α-glukosidase, minuman fungsional, rimpang kunyit, daun kelor, Sargassum polycycstum,α-glucosidase inhibitor, functional drink, turmeric rhizome, Moringa leaf, Sargassum polycycstum
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 03 Oct 2022 02:45
Last Modified: 03 Oct 2022 02:45
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