Evaluation Of The Potential Waste Of Clove Leaf Oil Distilling As Ruminant Animal Feed

Sa’dan, Humam (2022) Evaluation Of The Potential Waste Of Clove Leaf Oil Distilling As Ruminant Animal Feed. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui potensi tanaman cengkeh limbah penyulingan minyak daun sebagai pakan ternak ruminansia ditinjau dari segi ketersediaan limbah daun cengkeh, kandungan nutrisi dan kelezatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara survey menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan 4 penyulingan minyak daun cengkeh sebagai mitra untuk pengambilan sampel limbah dan diulang hingga 3 kali pada hari yang berbeda. Pengujian langsung sampel limbah dari 4 penyulingan dilakukan di laboratorium untuk menentukan kering kandungan bahan, kandungan bahan organik, kandungan protein kasar, kandungan lemak kasar dan kandungan serat kasar. Sedangkan kelezatannya pengujian menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang dilakukan pada 7 ekor kambing Jawarandu selama 7 hari. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa produksi limbah penyulingan minyak daun cengkeh adalah Bapak Muslim (414 kg), Bp Suyatno (408 kg), Bp Suko (547 kg) dan Bp Suwadi (780 kg). kg) sehingga total limbahnya adalah 2.149 kg/destilasi. Selain itu, hasil analisis proksimat sampah untuk kandungan bahan kering menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (P<0,01) di semua mitra. Itu nilai rata-rata kandungan nutrisi di seluruh penyulingan untuk kering bahan 71,74%, bahan organik 92,44%, protein kasar 5,83%, lemak kasar sebesar 4,34% dan serat kasar sebesar 32,26%. Banyaknya sampah produksi berdasarkan bahan kering adalah 136.942.12 kilogram/destilasi. Sementara itu, hasil palatabilitas pengujian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata konsumsi pakan limbah kering bahannya cukup rendah, dengan nilai terendah adalah 69,04 gram dan yang tertinggi adalah 113,51 gram

English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of clove leaf oil refining waste as ruminant animal feed in terms of the availability of clove leaf waste, nutritional content and palatability. This research was conducted by survey using a qualitative descriptive approach with 4 clove leaf oil distilleries as partners for waste sampling and repeated up to 3 times on different days. Proximate testing of waste samples from the 4 distilleries was carried out in the laboratory to determine the dry matter content, organic matter content, crude protein content, crude fat content and crude fiber content. While the palatability test used quantitative descriptive analysis which was carried out on 7 Jawarandu goats for 7 days. The results showed that the production of clove leaf oil refining waste was Mr. Muslim (414 kg), Mr. Suyatno (408 kg), Mr. Suko (547 kg) and Mr. Suwadi (780 kg) so that the total waste was 2,149 kg/distillate. In addition, the results of the proximate analysis of waste for dry matter content showed a significant difference (P<0.01) in all partners. The average value of nutrient content throughout the distillery for dry matter is 71.74%, organic matter is 92.44%, crude protein is 5.83%, crude fat is 4.34% and crude fiber is 32.26%. The amount of waste production based on dry matter is 136,942.12 kilograms/distillate. Meanwhile, the results of the palatability test showed that the average consumption of dry waste feed ingredients was quite low, with the lowest value being 69.04 grams and the highest being 113.51 gram

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522050028
Uncontrolled Keywords: clove leaf oil distillation, waste, proximate, palatability
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan > Peternakan
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 29 Sep 2022 07:56
Last Modified: 29 Sep 2022 07:56
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/195178
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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