Karakterisasi 20 Calon Varietas Hibrida Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata D.) Tipe Butternut

Pontolumiu, Encji Mexica Vonix and Dr. Darmawan Saptadi,, S.P., M.P. (2020) Karakterisasi 20 Calon Varietas Hibrida Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata D.) Tipe Butternut. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata D.) termasuk tanaman hortikultura dan semusim. Di Indonesia labu kuning dapat tumbuh dan beradaptasi dengan baik pada dataran rendah maupun tinggi. Labu kuning memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi dan dapat dijadikan beragam olahan makanan yang dapat menarik minat masyarakat untuk mengkonsumsi labu kuning. Salah satu tipe labu kuning adalah tipe butternut. Labu kuning tipe butternut mulai dikenal dan dibudidayakan oleh petani sejak tahun 2013-an. Akan tetapi, ketersediaan benih labu kuning tipe butternut masih terbatas dikarenakan di Indonesia varietas labu kuning tipe butternut yang telah tersertifikasi hanya ada satu. BISI telah melakukan pemuliaan dan telah diperoleh beberapa galur yang siap diuji untuk mendapatkan kandidat yang siap dilepas sebagai varietas. Karakterisasi perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai karakter-karakter yang penting yang terdapat pada calon varietas hibrida labu kuning tipe butternut dan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk pelepasan varietas. Dengan adanya variasi karakter juga dapat memberikan pilihan bagi petani untuk membudidayakan labu kuning tipe butternut. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan identitas karakter dari calon varietas hibrida yang diuji. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2019 sampai dengan Februari 2020 di PT. BISI International Tbk. Farm Pujon yang bertempat di Jalan Abdul Manan Wijaya, Krajan, Ngroto, Kecamatan Pujon, Malang, Jawa Timur. Alat yang digunakan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah buku panduan International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) Colour Chart Edisi 5, hand refraktometer, jangka sorong, penggaris, meteran, alfaboard, cangkul, kertas buram, plastik semai, tali rafia, tali kawat, knapsack, timbangan, alat tulis, dan kamera. Bahan yang digunakan adalah 22 genotip labu kuning tipe butternut yang terdiri dari 20 calon varietas hibrida labu kuning tipe butternut yang didapat dari 20 hasil persilangan yang berbeda (PT. BISI International Tbk) dan 2 varietas pembanding yaitu varietas Hanna F1 (Enza Zaden) dan Labumadu F1 (PT. East West Seed Indonesia). Bahan lain yang digunakan yaitu, air hangat, pupuk kandang, cocopeat, NPK Phonska 15:15:15, mamigro N, insektisida, fungisida, dan air. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Dalam mengelompokkan karakter tanaman mengacu pada buku panduan UPOV tanaman butternut tahun 2007 dengan mengamati karakter kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Karakter kuantitatif meliputi panjang tanaman (cm), panjang daun (cm), lebar daun (cm), diameter batang (mm), umur berbunga jantan (hst), umur berbunga betina (hst), fase anthesis (hst), umur panen (hst), panjang buah (cm), lebar buah (cm), diameter buah (cm), ketebalan daging buah, ketebalan kulit buah, jumlah buah per tanaman, persentase buah di batang utama (%), persentase buah di sulur (%), persentase buah di batang utaman dan sulur (%), berat buah per buah (kg), berat buah per tanaman (kg) dan kadar kemanisan (brix). Karakter kualitatif meliputi bentuk daun, tepi daun, warna daun, warna mahkota bunga jantan, warna kelopak bunga jantan, warna anther, warna mahkota bunga betina, warna kelopak bunga ii betina, warna stigma, bentuk ujung buah, bentuk pangkal buah, warna kulit buah, warna daging buah, bentuk biji, warna biji, dan uji rasa. Hasil karakterisasi kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa genotip berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua karakter kuantitatif kecuali karakter fase anthesis dan ketebalan kulit buah. Pada hasil karakterisasi kualitatif menunjukkkan bahwa semua genotip yang telah diuji menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda-beda pada setiap karakter yang diamati, kecuali karakter bentuk tepi daun, warna kelopak bunga jantan dan betina, warna anther dan bentuk biji. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan nilai keragaman, diketahui bahwa pada semua karakter kuantitatif yang telah diamati nilai koefisien keragaman fenotip (KKF) lebih tinggi daripada nilai koefisien keragaman genotip (KKG). Pada hasil penghitungan nilai KKG semua karakter kuantitatif tergolong kedalam kategori rendah dengan nilai KKG ≤ 25%. Hasil perhitungan nilai KKF menunjukkan bahwa nilai KKF paling tinggi ≥ 25% dan tergolong kedalam kategori agak rendah

English Abstract

Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata D.) including horticultural and annual crops. In Indonesia, pumpkin can grow and adapt well to low and high lands. Pumpkin has a high economic value and can be used as a variety of processed foods that can attract the interest of the community to consume pumpkin. One type of pumpkin is the butternut type. Butternut type pumpkin began to be known and cultivated by farmers since the 2013's. However, the availability of butternut type pumpkin seeds is still limited because in Indonesia there are only one varieties of certified butternut type pumpkin. BISI has conducted breeding and has obtained several lines that are ready to be tested to get candidates who are ready to be released as varieties. Characterization needs to be done to obtain information about the important characters found in candidates butternut type pumpkin hybrid varieties and as one of the conditions for the release of varieties. With the variation of character can also provide options for farmers to cultivate butternut type pumpkin. The purpose of this research is to get the character identity of the hybrid varieties tested. The research was conducted in December 2019 until February 2020 at PT. BISI International Tbk. Farm Pujon which is located on Jalan Abdul Manan Wijaya, Krajan, Ngroto, Pujon District, Malang, East Java. The tools used in this research were the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) guidebook, Royal Horticulture Society (RHS) Color Chart Edition 5, hand refractometer, calipers, ruler, ruler, meter, alfaboard, hoe, paper frosted, plastic seedlings, raffia cords, wire ropes, knapsacks, scales, stationery, and cameras. The materials used were 22 butternut type pumpkin genotypes consisting of 20 candidates butternut type pumpkin hybrid varieties obtained from 20 different crossing results (PT. BISI International Tbk) and 2 comparative varieties that is Hanna F1 (Enza Zaden) and Labumadu varieties F1 (PT. East West Seed Indonesia). Other materials used are warm water, manure, cocopeat, NPK Phonska 15:15:15, mamigro N, insecticide, fungicide, and water. The research design used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) and was repeated 3 times. In classifying plant characters refer to the 2007 UPOV guidebook by observing quantitative and qualitative characters. Quantitative characters include plant length (cm), leaf length (cm), leaf width (cm), stem diameter (mm), male flowering age (hst), female flowering age (hst), anthesis phase (hst), harvest age (hst), fruit length (cm), fruit width (cm), fruit diameter (cm), fruit flesh thickness, fruit skin thickness, number of fruits per plant, percentage of fruit in the main stem (%),percentage of fruit in tendrils (%),percentage of fruit in the main stem and tendrils (%), fruit weight per fruit (kg), fruit weight per plant (kg) and sweetness level. Qualitative characters include leaf shape, leaf edge, leaf color, male flower crown color, male flower petal color, anther color, female flower crown color, female flower petal color, stigma color, fruit tip shape, fruit base shape, fruit skin color, fruit flesh color, seed shape, seed color, seed color, and taste test. Results of quantitative characterization showed that the genotype significantly different in all quantitative characters except the character of the anthesis phase and fruit skin thickness. The qualitative characterization results show iv that all genotypes that have been tested show different results for each character observed, except for the shape of the leaf's edge, the color of the petals of male and female flowers, the color of the anther and the shape of the seed. Based on the calculation of variance values, it is known that in all quantitative characters that have been observed the value of the Coefficients of Phenotypes Variance is higher than the value of the Coefficients of Genotypes Variance. In the results of the calculation of the value of the Coefficients of Genotypes Variance all quantitative characters belong to the low category with the Coefficients of Genotypes Variance value ≤ 25%. Results of the calculation of the Coefficients of Phenotypes Variance value indicate that the highest Coefficients of Phenotypes Variance value is ≥ 25% and belongs to the rather low category

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520040015
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2022 01:28
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2022 02:20
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/195027
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