Analisis Kualitas Air dan Mikroplastik Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove Pantai Blekok, Kabupaten Situbondo

Ibdiah, Raudatul and Dr. Uun Yanuhar, S.Pi., M.Si. and Evellin Dewi Lusiana, S.Si., M.Si. (2022) Analisis Kualitas Air dan Mikroplastik Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove Pantai Blekok, Kabupaten Situbondo. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Wilayah pesisir menjadi tempat penyimpanan terakhir limbah hasil kegiatan di wilayah perkotaan dan pedesaan yang disalurkan melalui jalur air ke daerah tepi laut dan lautan lepas. Kawasan konservasi mangrove Pantai Blekok merupakan ekowisata pelestarian burung air dan mangrove yang juga terdapat anak sungai bermuara ke tepi laut, yang membawa racun dari limbah rumah tangga, limbah modern, limbah hortikultura, dan limbah hewan dari peternakan. Di sisi lain, kehadiran mikroplastik akan menurunkan kualitas hidup biota perairan. Dengan demikian, kajian terhadap kualitas air (fisika, kimia, dan biologi) dan mikroplastik pada air dan sedimen di kawasan konservasi mangrove Pantai Blekok, Kabupaten Situbondo penting untuk dilakukan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode survei dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penentuan titik sampling menggunakan teknik purposive random sampling dengan 3 stasiun. Variabel penelitian yang diamati meliputi parameter kualitas air fisika (suhu, TDS, TSS, TOM), kimia (pH, DO, CO2, BOD, nitrat, amonia, orthofosfat, salinitas), biologi (plankton), dan mikroplastik. Identifikasi mikroplastik dilakukan menggunakan mikroskop. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan pada pada bulan Februari - April 2022. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, nilai kualitas air pada stasiun 1, 2, dan 3 secara berturut-turut yaitu parameter suhu 30ºC, 29,6ºC, 29,47ºC; TDS 3003,33 mg/L, 2089,33 mg/L, 2083 mg/L; TSS 0,0330 mg/L, 0,050 mg/L, 0,0046 mg/L; pH 7.59, 7.70, 7.61; DO 4,62 mg/L, 4,79 mg/L, 4,99 mg/L; BOD 3,86 mg/L, 3,78 mg/L, 3,66 mg/L; nitrat 0,953 mg/L pada stasiun 2; amonia 0,124 mg/L, 0,083 mg/L, 0,091 mg/L; dan salinitas 28,20 ppt, 25,37 ppt, 23,90 ppt; berada dalam kisaran optimum. Di sisi lain, TOM 53,51 mg/L, 65,54 mg/L, 41,91 mg/L; CO2 24,63 mg/L, 23,07 mg/L, 19,30 mg/L, dan nitrat 0,0280 mg/L pada stasiun 1, 0,1237 mg/L pada stasiun 3 tidak ideal. Kondisi perairan berdasarkan orthofosfat berstatus eutrofik sebesar 0,188 mg/L, 0,242 mg/L, 0,244 mg/L, dan oligotrofik berdasarkan kelimpahan plankton 536,47 sel/mL, 449,04 sel/mL, 183,12 sel/mL. Penilaian indeks setiap stasiun yaitu keanekaragaman stasiun 1 dan 2 rendah, stasiun 3 sedang. Keseragaman stasiun 1 dan 2 rendah, stasiun 3 tinggi. Dominasi stasiun 1, 2, dan 3 tidak ada genus yang mendominasi. Kelimpahan mikroplastik air sebesar 765,32 partikel/L, 761,67 partikel/L, 643,19 partikel/L; mikroplastik sedimen 10,60 gr/L, 27,15 gr/L, 18,81 gr/L. Kesimpulan penelitian ini, rata-rata parameter kualitas air berada dalam kondisi optimum. Jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan yaitu fragmen, film, fiber, dan foam. Saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu membuat pengelolaan limbah industri sesuai kebutuhan baku mutu pengelolaan limbah sebagai upaya menjaga kondisi perairan dari pencemaran bahan organik maupun mikroplastik dan mengurangi penggunaan plastik sehingga meminimalisir limbah plastik yang kemudian menurunkan kelimpahan mikroplastik dan dapat menjaga keberlangsungan hidup organisme perairan.

English Abstract

Coastal areas are the final storage place for waste resulting from activities in urban and rural areas which are channeled through waterways to coastal areas and the high seas. The mangrove conservation area of Blekok Beach is an ecotourism for the conservation of water birds and mangroves where there are also tributaries leading to the sea, which carry toxins from household waste, modern waste, horticultural waste, and animal waste from livestock. On the other hand, the presence of microplastics will reduce the quality of life of aquatic biota. Thus, it is important to conduct a study on water quality (physics, chemistry and biology) and microplastics in water and sediment in the mangrove conservation area of Blekok Beach, Situbondo Regency. The method used in this research is a survey method with a descriptive approach. Determination of the sampling point using purposive random sampling technique with 3 stations. The research variables observed included physical water quality parameters (temperature, TDS, TSS, TOM), chemical (pH, DO, CO2, BOD, nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphate, salinity), biology (plankton), and microplastics. Microplastic identification was carried out using a microscope. Research activities were carried out in February - April 2022. Based on the research results obtained, the water quality values at stations 1, 2, and 3 respectively are temperature parameters 30ºC, 29.6ºC, 29.47ºC; TDS 3003.33 mg/L, 2089.33 mg/L, 2083 mg/L; TSS 0.0330 mg/L, 0.050 mg/L, 0.0046 mg/L; pH 7.59, 7.70, 7.61; DO 4.62 mg/L, 4.79 mg/L, 4.99 mg/L; BOD 3.86 mg/L, 3.78 mg/L, 3.66 mg/L; nitrate 0.953 mg/L at station 2; ammonia 0.124 mg/L, 0.083 mg/L, 0.091 mg/L; and salinity 28.20 ppt, 25.37 ppt, 23.90 ppt; is in the optimum range. On the other hand, TOM 53.51 mg/L, 65.54 mg/L, 41.91 mg/L; CO2 24.63 mg/L, 23.07 mg/L, 19.30 mg/L, and nitrate 0.0280 mg/L at station 1, 0.1237 mg/L at station 3 were not ideal. Water conditions based on orthophosphate status were eutrophic at 0.188 mg/L, 0.242 mg/L, 0.244 mg/L, and oligotrophic based on plankton abundance 536.47 cells/mL, 449.04 cells/mL, 183.12 cells/mL. The index assessment for each station is that the diversity of stations 1 and 2 is low, station 3 is moderate. The uniformity of stations 1 and 2 is low, station 3 is high. The dominance of stations 1, 2, and 3, no genus dominates. The abundance of water microplastics was 765.32 particles/L, 761.67 particles/L, 643.19 particles/L; sediment microplastic 10.60 gr/L, 27.15 gr/L, 18.81 gr/L. The conclusion of this study, the average water quality parameters are in optimum conditions. The types of microplastics found were fragments, films, fibers, and foams. Suggestions that can be given are to make industrial waste management according to the needs of waste management quality standards as an effort to maintain water conditions from pollution of organic matter and microplastics and reduce the use of plastics so as to minimize plastic waste which then reduces the abundance of microplastics and can maintain the survival of aquatic organisms.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522080190
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.95 Biological resources > 333.956 Fishes
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan
Depositing User: soegeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 23 Sep 2022 07:09
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2022 07:09
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