Dinamika Morfologi, Anatomi, dan Fisiologi Bulbil Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) Selama Masa Dormansi Sampai Muncul Tunas

Afifi, Muhammad Naufal and Dra. Nunung Harijati, MS.,Ph.D. and Ir. Retno Mastuti, M.Agr.Sc.,D.Agr.Sc. (2019) Dinamika Morfologi, Anatomi, dan Fisiologi Bulbil Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) Selama Masa Dormansi Sampai Muncul Tunas. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) merupakan tanaman penghasil umbi dari family Araceae. Salah satu ciri khas yang membedakan A. muelleri dengan genus Amorphophallus lain kecuali A. bulbifera adalah terdapat umbi aerial yang dinamakan bulbil dan sekaligus merupakan salah satu bahan perbanyakan porang. Pada kulit bulbil terdapat banyak tubercle berwarna coklat tersebar pada kulit bulbil dan tubercle tersebut merupakan lokus pertumbuhan tunas. Munculnya tunas pada tubercle di permukaan kulit bulbil menandai berakhirnya masa dormansi. Fakta empiris menunjukkan bahwa tunas hanya muncul dari tubercle di bagian adaksial. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dinamika karakter morfologi, anatomi, dan fisiologi serta hubungan antara ketiga karakter tersebut selama masa dormansi sampai kemunculan tunas pada bagian adaksial. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Fisiologi, Kultur Jaringan Tumbuhan, dan Mikroteknik, Fakultas MIPA, Jurusan Biologi, Universitas Brawijaya. Bulbil diperoleh dari petani porang di Madiun Jawa Timur, berumur 12 minggu setelah panen (MSP). Penelitian dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok pengamatan yaitu pengamatan karakter morfologi, anatomi, dan fisiologi pada sisi adaksial bulbil. Pengamatan karakter morfologi, anatomi, dan fisiologi dilakukan setiap 2 minggu sejak bulbil diperoleh dari petani. Pengamatan dilakukan sebanyak 6 titik pengamatan terhitung sejak bulbil umur 12 MSP dan pengamatan dihentikan pada umur 22 MSP. Karakter morfologi diamati dengan ulangan sebanyak 10 ulangan, meliputi: a) berat awal dan berat akhir, diameter awal dan diameter akhir kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji t-berpasangan dengan software SPSS 16 for windows, b) menghitung jumlah tubercle dan rata-rata kemunculan tunas per jumlah tubercle. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Karakter anatomi diamati menggunakan mikroskop pada preparat yang disiapkan sebelumnya dengan metode pembuatan preparat semi permanen kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif, dilanjutkan dengan pengukuran tinggi dan lebar shoot apical meristem (SAM) kemudian dianalisis dengan uji varian (one way anova) menggunakan software SPSS 16 for windows. Karakter fisiologi bulbil meliputi kadar auksin dan sitokinin diukur menggunakan metode HPLC kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dinamika karakter morfologi bulbil ditunjukkan dengan terjadinya penyusutan/penurunan berat dan diameter bulbil masing-masing sebesar 10,53% dan 2,77%. Rata-rata jumlah tubercle mengalami peningkatan pada masa dormansi hingga muncul tunas. Tunas pada bulbil mulai muncul pada 20-22 MSP. Di masing-masing minggu tersebut, 5 dan 10 % jumlah tubercle berkembang menjadi tunas. Secara morfologis, masa dormansi bulbil berakhir pada umur 20-22 MSP yang ditandai dengan kemunculan tunas. Karakter anatomi bulbil mengalami dinamika berupa peningkatan tinggi dan lebar pada SAM sejak masa dormansi hingga muncul tunas. Inisiasi calon tunas telah dimulai sejak masa dormansi berupa adanya struktur SAM disertai dengan leaf primordia yang mengitari SAM.

English Abstract

Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) is a tuber producing plant from the family Araceae. One characteristic that distinguishes A. muelleri with other genera except A. bulbifera is the aerial tubers that grow in the branching of leaves, it is called bulbil. In stead of seed and small tuber, bulbil can be used as propagation material. The bulbil have many tubercle with brown colour that spread on surface of bulbil. These tubercles are growth locus of shoots. The development shoots from bulbil tubercle indicates the end of the dormancy period. Empirically, shoots only appear from tubercles at the adaxial part. Therefore, this aims of experiment were to analyze the dynamics of morphological, anatomical, and physiological characteristics of the bulbil and to find out the relationship between the three characters during dormancy period until the emergence of shoots in adaxial part. This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Physiology, Plant Tissue Culture, and Microtechnics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Biology Department, University of Brawijaya. The bulbil was obtained from farmers which is live at Madiun District, East Java Province. The bulbils were 12 weeks old after harvest (WAH). The experiment was divided into 3 observation groups consisted of morphological, anatomical, and physiological characters. Observations of the those bulbil characters were performed at 12 WAH and continued at others 5 point time of observation. Therefore the experiment was conducted from 12 WAH until 22 WAH. The morphological characters were observed with 10 replications, including: a) the initial weight (12 WAH) and final weight (22 WAH), the initial diameter (12 WAH) and final diameter (22 WAH). b) counting number of tubercles as well as shoots number that develop from tubercles stated in percentage). In addition, anatomical characters were observed under microscope which the slides were prepared previously by semi-permanent preparations method. While physiological characters including amount of auxin and cytokinin were calculated by HPLC method followed analyzed descriptively. The weigh and diameter data were analyzed by t-paired test, whereas result of measurement height and width of the SAM were analyzed by variant test (one way ANOVA) using SPSS 16 for Windows. Other analyzing, namely descriptive, was addressed to analyze developmental of SAM, tubercle number, and shoot number. The dynamics of the morphological characters of bulbil was indicated by the decrease in the weight and diameter of the bulbil i.e 10.53% and 2.77% respectively. The average number of tubercles was increased during the dormancy period until buds appear. Buds in the bulbil begin to appear at 20-22 WAH old. In those week 5 % (22 WAH) and 10 % (22 WAH) of the total number of tubercles develop to bud. Based on morphological character, we concluded the bulbil dormancy period ends at the age of 20-22 WAH which was characterized by the appearance of shoots. The dynamics of the anatomical characters during dormancy until bud emergence.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/584.64/AFI/d/2019/041902025
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 584 Liliopsida (Monocotyledons) > 584.6 Cyclanthales, Arales, Pandanales, Typhales > 584.64 Arales
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: yulia Chasanah
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2022 06:23
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2022 06:23
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/193974
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