Analisis Efisiensi Teknis Tambak Udang Vannamei (Littopenaeus vannamei) menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) di Kabupaten Pasuruan

Puteri, Alya Salsabila and Riski Agung Lestari, S.Pi, MBA. Ph.D (2022) Analisis Efisiensi Teknis Tambak Udang Vannamei (Littopenaeus vannamei) menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) di Kabupaten Pasuruan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan tingkat efisiensi teknis tambak udang vannamei di Kabupaten Pasuruan serta mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan tingkat inefisiensi penggunaan input tambak udang vannamei di Kabupaten Pasuruan. Data ini dikumpulkan dari 40 sampel petambak udang vannamei di Kabupaten Pasuruan dari tiga kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Lekok, Rejoso, dan Kraton menggunakan kuisioner terstruktur. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor efisiensi teknis petambak udang vannamei sangat bervariasi antara 0,529 hingga 1,00 dengan rata-rata 0,845 Faktor-faktor efisiensi teknis dalam budidaya udang vannamei di daerah penelitian berasal dari input produksi berupa tenga kerja, pakan, benih, obat-obatan dan benur yang juga mengalami inefisiensi. Rata-rata skor inefisiensi tenaga kerja sebesar 580 HOK, rata-rata skor inefisiensi pakan sebesar 22,390 Kg/Ha, rata-rata skor inefisiensi obat-obatan sebesar 151 Kg/Ha, dan rata-rata skor inefisiensi benur sebesar 26,489 ekor.

English Abstract

This study desires to identify and describe the level of technical efficiency of vaname shrimp ponds in Pasuruan Regency and identify and describe the level of inefficiency in the use of vaname shrimp pond inputs in Pasuruan Regency. This data was collected from 40 samples of vannamei shrimp farmers in Pasuruan Regency from three sub-districts namely Lekok, Rejoso, and Kraton Districts using a structured questionnaire. The results showed that the value of the technical efficiency of vaname shrimp cultivators varied from 0.529 to 1.00 with an average of 0.845. The technical efficiency factor for vaname shrimp cultivation in the study area comes from production inputs in the form of labor, feed, seeds, and medicines. and seeds that also experience inefficiency. The average score for labor inefficiency is 580 HOK, the average feed inefficiency score is 22,390 Kg/Ha, the average drug inefficiency score is 151 Kg/Ha, and the average seed inefficiency score is 26,489.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522080082
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.3 Other extractive industries > 338.37 Products > 338.372 Products of fishing, whaling, hunting, trapping > 338.372 7 Products of fishing, whaling, hunting, trapping (Fishing)
Divisions: Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Sosial Ekonomi Agrobisnis Perikanan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2022 01:48
Last Modified: 05 Sep 2022 01:48
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