Pengalaman Petugas Public Safety Center (PSC) 119 dalam Melaksanakan Sistem Penanggulangan Gawat Darurat Terpadu (SPGDT) di Kota Malang

Ramadhana, Retno Tri Astuti and Dr. Indah Winarni, MA and Dr. Ns. Heni Dwi W,, M.Kep., Sp.Kep.J. (2019) Pengalaman Petugas Public Safety Center (PSC) 119 dalam Melaksanakan Sistem Penanggulangan Gawat Darurat Terpadu (SPGDT) di Kota Malang. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Petugas PSC (Public Safety Center) 119 Kota Malang merupakan ujung tombak pelayanan kesehatan di luar rumah sakit. Petugas PSC diharapkan tetap bertugas dengan baik meskipun dihadapkan pada kendala terkait sumber daya manusia, latar belakang pendidikan, sarana prasarana, dan evaluasi rutin dari Dinas Kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi makna pengalaman petugas PSC 119 dalam melaksanakan SPGDT di Kota Malang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi interpretif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara semi terstruktur pada lima orang petugas PSC 119 Kota Malang. Analisa data menggunakan IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) dan ditemukan tujuh tema, yaitu bersyukur menjadi anggota PSC; merasa bermanfaat menjadi anggota PSC; menggunakan rasa empati saat bekerja; menciptakan suasana kerja yang nyaman; ikhlas melakukan tugas demi mengharap pahala; mencintai pekerjaan menolong sesama; dan mendedikasikan diri pada pekerjaan. Tema inti dalam penelitian ini adalah merasa terpanggil menjadi petugas PSC demi mewujudkan niat membantu orang yang membutuhkan. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah niat tulus ikhlas untuk membantu orang yang mengalami kesusahan menjadi kunci dari petugas PSC dalam melaksanakan SPGDT di Kota Malang. Penelitian ini menyarankan untuk dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut terkait pengalaman petugas PSC 119 di Indonesia yang mempunyai jenis tugas lebih bervariasi.

English Abstract

Indonesia did not have integrated prehospital services for 10 years, so the government ratified Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) number 19 of 2016 concerning the Integrated Emergency Response System (SPGDT). SPGDT was implemented by establishing the National Command Center (NCC) in the Ministry of Health and Public Safety Center (PSC) in each district and city with call center numbers 119. The initial establishment of PSC 119 services has been implemented in 27 locations spread across Java. At the end of 2017, the number of PSCs in Indonesia reached 124 PSC. Malang City is one of those who has had a PSC 119 since June 22, 2017 with 10 members. The results of the preliminary study found that the number of users of the PSC 119 Malang City services during July 2017-June 2018 amounts to 255 users. The results of interviews with PSC 119 officers of Malang City when preliminary study produced 4 main phenomena. First, there is a gap in the qualifications of members of PSC 119 which includes 2 health workers and 8 lay person. Secondly, the process of recruiting PSC 119 officers of Malang City conducted by Public Health Office did not go through a series of tests. Third, the PSC 119 officers who had helped the victims of traffic accidents revealed that feel panic when traffic jams occurred on the road, even though initial action such as stopping bleeding had been carried out. In addition, there is a feeling of fear in helping victims because of the educational background they have and lack of infrastructure. Fourth, the PSC 119 officers mentioned that there were several obstacles experienced and felt during carrying out the task, such as lack of awareness and family cooperation when referring to health facilities, road access to patient homes is narrow, traffic jam and lack of monitoring and evaluation regularly from Public Health Office. Public Health Service pay a salary for 6 PSC officers. The salary of 6 person will be divided for 10 people. These reasons encourage researcher to explore more deeply the meaning of PSC 119 officers' experience in carrying out their work. Based on this, the purpose of this study was to explore the meaning of the experience of PSC 119 officers in implementing SPGDT in Malang City. This research is a qualitative research with an interpretive phenomenology approach. The study was conducted on five participants in Mako PSC 119 Malang City. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with semi-structured interview guides and then analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The research produced seven themes, namely being grateful to be a member of the PSC; feel useful to be a member of the PSC; use a sense of empathy while working; creating a comfortable work atmosphere; sincere doing the task of hoping for a reward; love the work of helping others; and dedicate themselves to work. Being grateful to be a member of the PSC, has meaning that participants feel grateful for the achievement of the work they have received. Grateful in this research are self-gratitude, thankful for the work situation, and thankful for the trust of colleagues. Feel useful to be a member of the PSC, has meaning that participants feel useful to others, because participants can help other people who have health problem. Useful according to KBBI means that there are benefits; useful; useful. This theme has two sub themes, namely feeling satisfied being a PSC member and feeling needed by others. Use a sense of empathy while working, has meaning that the participant have mental state that makes someone feel or identify themselves in the same state of feeling or thought as another person or group. This theme shows that participants have caring characteristics according to nursing theory, namely caring theory of Jean Watson. Creating a comfortable work atmosphere, have meaning that making conditions in the work environment become comfortable. This theme has three sub themes, namely create an atmosphere like a family, maintain team cohesiveness, and feel comfortable working at the PSC. Sincere doing the task of hoping for a reward, has meaning that the participant during his work feels sincere to expect a reward from God. Sincerity according to KBBI means clean heart; sincere. This theme has three sub-themes, namely respecting the humanitarian side of the victim, trusting God's reward for what has been done at the PSC, and sincerely working. Love the work of helping others, has meaning that the duty as a PSC member is carried out is an encouragement from his heart. Loving the work of helping others is meant working at the PSC is a heart call. Dedicate themselves to work, has meaning that the participants devote themselves to the work they have at PSC 119 of Malang City. This can be seen from the constructive sub-theme of trying to work well and working with heart and affection. The core theme of this research is to feel called to be a PSC officer in order to realize the intention of helping people in need. Feeling called upon according to KBBI means experiencing feelings in the heart and being obliged or responsible for something. This theme is contextually meant that participants feel obliged to help people in distress, so that participants join voluntarily as 119 PSC officers in Malang City. The conclusions in this study is sincere intentions to help people who have difficulty being the key of PSC officers in implementing SPGDT in Malang City. This study suggests to do further research related to the experience of PSC 119 officers in Indonesia who have more varied types of assignment

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/362.18/RAM/p/2019/041903782
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Pengalaman, Petugas PSC, SPGDT
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 362 Social problems of and services to groups of people > 362.1 People with physical illnesses > 362.18 Emergency services
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Keperawatan, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: yulia Chasanah
Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2022 01:50
Last Modified: 05 Sep 2022 01:51
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