Kebiasaan Makan dan Histologi Usus Ikan Lalawak (Barbonymus balleroides) Dengan Struktur Komunitas Plankton Di Waduk Jatigede

Rosadi, - and Dr. Ir. Muhammad Musa,, MS and Dr. Ir. Tri Djoko Lelono,, M.Si. (2019) Kebiasaan Makan dan Histologi Usus Ikan Lalawak (Barbonymus balleroides) Dengan Struktur Komunitas Plankton Di Waduk Jatigede. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jatigede merupakan perairan waduk multifungsi yang baru digenangi pada tahun 2015. Waduk dengan kapasitas 979,5 juta meter kubik air memiliki berbagai spesies jenis ikan yang tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik di perairan ini. Terdapat 9 famili dengan 17 spesies ikan di Jatigede, salah satu komoditas yang tumbuh dominan adalah Ikan Lalawak (Barbonymus balleroides). Pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap lalawak masih tergantung pada hasil tangkapan di alam, sehingga kini populasi ikan lalawak di Jatigede cenderung sulit ditemukan. Ikan lalawak merupakan ikan ekonomis penting yang termasuk komoditas asli perairan Sungai Cimanuk yang kini menempati habitat perairan Jatigede, setelah Cimanuk direkontruksi menjadi genangan waduk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kebiasaan makan dan histologi usus ikan lalawak dengan struktur komunitas plankton yang ada di perairan Waduk Jatigede. Penelitian dilaksanakan berdasarkan metode survey. Data dianalisis secara deskriftif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk tabel, grafik, dan gambar. Analisis kebiasaan makan dilakukan pada sampel ikan lalawak sebanyak 58 ekor, terdiri dari 18 ekor jantan dan 40 ekor betina. Sampel diperoleh berdasarkan sensus pada bulan November dan Desember 2018 sampai Januari 2019. Pengamatan dilakukan berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan ukuran panjang total. Ukuran ikan dibedakan menjadi 3 kelompok meliputi ukuran 8-12 cm, 13-20 cm, dan 21-30 cm. Setelah ikan dipisahkan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, kemudian ditimbang dan diukur untuk diketahui bobot total dan panjang total. Setelah proses bedah, organ usus diambil, ditimbang dan panjang usus diukur, kemudian diawetkan menggunakan larutan formalin 10%. Analisis hubungan panjang berat, panjang usus relatif, dan kebiasaan makan dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Histologi usus dilakukan pada 6 ekor sampel ikan lalawak. Organ usus diambil dan difiksasi menggunakan larutan formalin 10%. Analisis jaringan usus dilakukan berdasarkan metode histologi eksploratif menggunakan pewarnaan Haemotoxiilin dan Eosin. Pengamatan histologi meliputi struktur jaringan, identifikasi kerusakan, dan sebaran sel goblet dilakukan menggunakan mikroskop. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui struktur plankton pengamatan dilakukan pada sampel plankton sebanyak 10 ml/sampel yang diperoleh dengan cara menyaring 20 liter air dari masing-masing titik sampling pada sembilan titik koordinat pengamatan. Identifikasi kelimpahan plankton dilakukan berdasarkan metode Sedgwich Rafter. Struktur komunitas plankton dianalisis berdasarkan indeks kelimpahan, indeks keragaman, dan indeks dominansi. Data hasil analisis kebiasaan makan menunjukan bahwa ikan lalawak (Barbonymus balleroides) di Waduk Jatigede termasuk pada jenis ikan herbivora dengan karakterisitik pola pertumbuhan bersifat alometrik positif dan alometrik negatif dengan rata-rata panjang usus relatif >2,3. Sebaran sel goblet pada usus bagian belakang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan usus bagian depan dan usus bagian tengah. Jenis kerusakan pada organ saluran pencernaan yang ditemukan meliputi edema, kongesti, degenerasi, atropi vili, dan infeksi parasit. Berdasarkan analisis histologi pada jaringan usus, ikan lalawak di Waduk Jatigede berada dalam kondisi kurang stabil. Berdasarkan struktur komunitas plankton, perairan Waduk Jatigede memiliki 26 genus fitoplankton dari 7 divisi meliputi Dinophyta, Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Chrysophyta, Euglenophyta, Bacillariophyta, dan Charophyta dengan nilai rata-rata kelimpahan 461 ind/m3. Sedangkan kelimpahan zooplankton sebanyak 6 genus dari 2 divisi Rotifera dan Copepoda dengan nilai rata-rata kelimpahan sangat rendah hanya 2 ind/m3. Rata-rata indeks keanekaragaman fitoplankton 0,93, indeks keanekaragaman zooplankton 0,23. Rata-rata indeks keseragaman fitoplankton 0,44, indeks keseragaman zooplankton 0,24. Rata-rata indeks dominasi fitoplankton 0,58 dan indeks dominansi zooplankton 0,25. Berdasarkan struktur komunitas plankton Waduk Jatigede merupakan perairan yang masuk pada kategori eutrof hingga hipereutrof dengan jenis spesies fitoplankton yang mendominasi Perinidium sp.

English Abstract

Jatigede is a multifunctional watershed that was only flooded in 2015. Reservoirs with a capacity of 979,5 million cubic meters of water have various species of fish species that grow and develop well in these waters. There are 9 families with 17 fish species in Jatigede, one of the dominant growing commodities is Lalawak Fish (Barbonymus balleroides). The needs of the community for lalawak still depends on the catch in nature, so that now the population of lalawak in Jatigede find difficulty. Lalawak is an economically important fish which is a commodity native to the waters of the Cimanuk River which now occupies the Jatigede water habitat, after Cimanuk was reconstructed into a pool of reservoirs. The research of this study was to analyze the feeding habits and histology of lalawak fish intestines with the community structure of plankton in the waters of the Jatigede Reservoir. The study was conducted based on the survey method. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The results obtained are presented in the form of tables, graphs, and images. Analysis of feeding habits was carried out on 58 lalawak fish samples, consisting of 18 male and 40 female. Samples were obtained based on the census in November 2018 until January 2019. Observations were made based on sex and size of total length. The size of the fish is divided into 3 groups, covering sizes 8-12 cm, 13-20 cm, and 21-30 cm. After the fish are separated by sex, then weighed and measured to determine the total weight and total length. After the surgical process, the intestinal organs are taken, weighed and the length of the intestine is measured, then preserved using 10% formalin solution. Analysis of the relationship between weight length, relative intestinal length, and eating habits was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Intestinal histology was performed on 6 samples of lalawak fish. Analysis of intestinal tissue was carried out based on the explorative histology method using Haemotoxiilin and Eosin staining. Histology observations included tissue structure, identification of damage, and distribution of goblet cells using a microscope. Whereas to find out the plankton structure of observations carried out on 10 ml plankton samples obtained by filtering 20 liters of water from each sampling point at the nine observation coordinate points. The identification of plankton abundance is based on the Sedgwich Rafter method. Plankton community structure was analyzed based on abundance index, diversity index, and dominance index. Data from the analysis of eating habits show that lalawak (Barbonymus balleroides) in the Jatigede Reservoir is included in herbivorous fish with characteristics of growth patterns that are positive allometric and negative allometric with a mean relative intestinal length >2,3. The structure of the intestinal layer consists of mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa. The distribution of goblet cells in the back of the intestine is more than that of the front and middle intestines. The types of damage to the digestive tract organs found include edema, congestion, degeneration, villous atrophy, and parasitic infections. Based on histological analysis of intestinal tissue, lalawak fish in the Jatigede Reservoir are in a less stable condition. Based on the plankton community structure, the waters of the Jatigede Reservoir have 26 phytoplankton genera from 7 divisions including Dinophyta, Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Chrysophyta, Euglenophyta, Bacillariophyta, and Charophyta with an abundance value of 461 ind/m3. While the abundance of zooplankton as many as 6 genera from 2 divisions of Rotifers and Copepods with very low abundance values only 2 ind/m3. The average phytoplankton diversity index is 0,93, the zooplankton diversity index is 0,23. The average phytoplankton uniformity index is 0,44, the zooplankton uniformity index is 0,24. The average predominance of phytoplankton is 0,58 and the dominance index is zooplankton 0,25. Based on the Jatigede Reservoir plankton community structure, the waters enter the eutroph to the hipereutrof category with phytoplankton species which is dominate Perinidium sp.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/597.482/ROS/k/2019/041904295
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 597 Cold-blooded vertebrates > 597.4 Miscellaneous superorders of Actinopterygii > 597.48 Cypriniformes > 597.482 Cyprinidae (Carp family)
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 25 Aug 2022 07:37
Last Modified: 25 Aug 2022 07:37
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