Liliani, Rosa and Dr. Dra. Catur Retnaningdyah, M.Si and Dr. Endang Arisoesilaningsih,, MS (2019) Evaluasi Kualitas Air Kolong Berbagai Umur Pasca Penambangan Timah Di Bangka Belitung Berdasarkan Struktur Komunitas Plankton Sebagai Biondikator. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Provinsi penghasil timah terbesar di Indonesia adalah Bangka Belitung. Dampak dari aktivitas penambangan timah adalah terbentuknya lubang-lubang besar yang menurut istilah di wilayah Bangka Belitung disebut kolong. Kolong pasca penambangan timah tersebut dibiarkan begitu saja dan selanjutnya terisi air limbah penambangan yang bercampur air hujan hingga menyerupai kolam yang besar. Kolong pasca penambangan timah pada dasarnya memiliki tingkatan umur yang berbeda-beda. Warna air kolong berbeda-beda tergantung pada tingkat umur kolong. Perbedaan warna ini diduga juga dipengaruhi oleh kualitas badan air di kolong tersebut. Evaluasi perbedaan kualitas air kolong berdasarkan tingkat umur kolong belum pernah dilakukan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi profil lingkungan dan kualitas ekosistem riparian, mengevaluasi profil kualitas air berdasarkan parameter fisika kimia air dan menganalisis profil struktur komunitas, diversitas dan beberapa indeks biotik dari plankton sebagai bioindikator di kolong pasca penambangan timah berbagai umur. Hasil pemantauan digunakan untuk dasar rekomendasi pengelolaan kolong berdasarkan model keterkaitan antar parameter yang diamati. Sampel air diambil di sembilan kolong pasca penambangan timah dan satu rawa sebagai reference site. Pada tiap kolong ditentukan tiga stasiun penelitian dan diamati fisika kimia air (pH, suhu air, turbiditas, konduktivitas, COD, dan total fosfat) serta plankton. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 15 dan PAST untuk melihat pengelompokan masing-masing kolong, identifikasi plankton menggunakan indeks biotik (Taxa Richness, Indeks Nilai Penting, Indeks Diversitas (Margalef, Shannon- Wiener, Simpson), TDI, dan %PTV). Penentuan model keterkaitan berdasarkan beberapa variabel menggunakan WarpPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa vegetasi riparian di sekitar kolong bervariasi yaitu berupa jenis pohon, perdu, serta herba. Aktivitas manusia di sembilan kolong pasca penambangan timah berbagai umur yang diamati secara umum dapat berupa aktivitas wisata, pemancingan, MCK, dan tambang aktif. Sementara itu, rawa memiliki substrat dasar tanah dengan hutan di sekitarnya. Kualitas ekosistem riparian di sembilan kolong sudah terdegradasi ditandai dengan rendahnya nilai indeks Naturalness dan tingginya nilai indeks Hemeroby dibandingkan dengan rawa alami. Hasil pemantauan parameter fisika kimia air di sembilan kolong pasca penambangan timah berbagai umur dan juga rawa alami menunjukkan variasi dengan kisaran suhu air 29,8-33,9oC, pH 3,27-7,05, turbiditas 1,06-490,67 NTU, konduktivitas 10,64-278 μS/cm, COD 8,98-18,98 mg/l, dan total fosfat <0,0010-0,2867 mg/l. Kualitas air kolong dipengaruhi oleh umur, semakin tua umur kolong, kualitas fisika kimia air semakin bagus. Profil struktur komunitas plankton dan beberapa indeks biotik sebagai bioindikator kualitas air di kolong pasca penambangan timah dan rawa alami juga bervariasi. Kekayaan taksa plankton tidak dipengaruhi umur kolong yaitu 6-16 taksa (umur kolong ii < 10 tahun), 12-21 taksa (umur 10-20 tahun) dan 14-20 taksa (kolong umur > 30 tahun). Rawa sebagai pembanding kualitas baik dengan umur >30 tahun ditemukan nilai taksa paling tinggi yaitu sebanyak 24 taksa. Berdasarkan perhitungan indeks nilai penting (INP), spesies Nitzschia sp. dan Navicula. sp yang termasuk Kelas Bacillariophyceae mendominasi di semua lokasi penelitian. Berdasarkan indeks diversitas Shannon Wiener (H), kualitas air kolong berumur 10 tahun sampai > 30 tahun mempunyai kualitas lebih baik (1,62-3,32) dibandingkan kolong berumur <10 tahun (0,86-2,57). Aktivitas manusia berupa penambangan timah yang masih terus aktif di Air Beluluk dapat menyebabkan kualitas air kolong menjadi tercemar berat dengan nilai H terendah yaitu 0,3. Air kolong pasca penambangan timah di Bangka Belitung berdasarkan nilai TDI menunjukkan status nutrisi air menurun dibandingkan dengan rawa yaitu dari eutropik (TDI 56-72) menjadi meso-eutropik (TDI 39-44). Umur kolong tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap nilai TDI. Berdasarkan Percentage Tolerant Value (%PTV) tingkat pencemaran organik di kolong Air Pedada tergolong ringan, sedangkan di Air Jangkang 2 dan rawa tergolong sedang. Tingkat pencemaran organik di air kolong lainnya termasuk berat dengan nilai PTV 62-94%. Berdasarkan hasil model keterkaitan menggunakan WarpPLS, umur kolong, aktivitas manusia, dan kualitas ekosistem riparian memengaruhi kualitas air (parameter fisika, kimia maupun berdasarkan indeks biotik dari plankton sebagai bioindikator). Semakin tua umur kolong, kualitas ekosistem riparian semakin bagus dan aktivitas manusia semakin sedikit, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas air. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini direkomendasikan pengelolaan kolong melalui upaya penurunan aktivitas manusia (penambangan timah, kolong sebagai tempat wisata) dan meningkatkan kualitas vegetasi riparian dengan melakukan penanaman berbagai jenis vegetasi.
English Abstract
Province of Bangka Belitung is the biggest tin producer in Indonesia. The impact of tin mining activities is the formation of large ponds which is called as kolong. This kolong then filled by rain water become a large pond. Some of post mining ponds (kolong) in Bangka Belitung has different age levels which is thought to have an impact on changes in water quality as seen from the difference in water color. Evaluation of the water quality in kolong based on the age level has never been done. Based on this background, the purposes of this study were to evaluate the water quality profiles of some kolong which have different age levels based on physics-chemical parameters and biotic indices of plankton as bioindicator, to determine its corelation with the environmental profile and the quality of riparian ecosystems. The results of this reserach then be used for the basis of management recommendations for this kolong ecosystem. The Sampling of physics chemical of water and plankton was carried out in nine kolong of the post tin mining and one natural swamp as a reference site. Each kolong was determined three stations as repetition. The physics chemical of water parameters were observed i.e pH, water temperature, turbidity, conductivity, COD, and total phosphate. The difference value of each parameter between location were analyzed by Anova using SPSS version 15. The grouping of water quality was analyzed by cluster and biplot using PAST. Plankton identification and abundance then be used to counting biotic indices (Taxa Richness, Important Value Index, Diversity Index (Margalef, Shannon-Wiener, Simpson), TDI, % PTV). Determination of correllation models between several variables using WarpPLS. The research results showed that riparian vegetation around kolong are varied and could be in the form of trees, shrubs, and herbs. Human activities in nine kolong of the post tin mining areas are generally tourism activities, fishing activities, domestic, and active mining. Meanwhile, the natural swamps have soil substrate with forests in the surrounding. The quality of riparian ecosystems in nine kolong was degraded can be seen from a low value of the Naturalness index and a high value of the Hemeroby index compared to natural swamps. The monitoring results of the water physics chemical parameters in nine kolong with various age level of the post tin mining and also natural swamps showed the variations values with water temperature range of 29.8-33.9oC, pH 3.27-7.05, turbidity 1.06-490.67 NTU, conductivity 10.64-278 μS / cm, COD 8,98-18,98 mg/l, and total phosphate <0,0010- 0,2867 mg/l. The quality of water in kolong was influenced by age. The older kolong have better water quality compared to younger. The profile of plankton community structure and some biotic indices as bioindicators of water quality in kolong of the post tin mining and natural swamp varies. The plankton taxa richness was not influenced by kolong age, which was found 6-16 taxa (in kolong age 10 years), 12-21 taxa (in kolong age 10-20 years) and 14-20 taxa (in kolong age 30 years). iv Swamp as a reference site with age more than 30 years have the highest taxa value i.e 24 taxa. Based on the calculation of the important value index (IVI), the species Nitzschia sp. and Navicula sp. which is member of Bacillariophyceae class were found dominance in all locations. Based on the Shannon Wiener diversity index (H), the water quality in kolong of 10 years to more than 30 years old was better (1.62-3.32) than kolong with age less than 10 years old (0.86-2.57). The Beluluk kolong which still have active mining activity have heavily polluted water quality with the lowest H value i.e 0.3. The kolong in Bangka Belitung based on the TDI value have eutropic water nutritional status (TDI 44-71) compared to the natural swamp which have status meso-eutropic (TDI 39). The kolong age does not significantly affect the TDI value. Based on the Percentage Tolerant Value (% PTV) the level of organic pollution of kolong of Pedada is relatively lightly, while in Jangkang 2 and natural swamp were classified as moderate. The level of organic pollution in other kolong was heavy with a range value of % PTV 62-94%. Based on the results of the correlated model using WarpPLS, indicated that kolong age, human activity, and quality of riparian ecosystems affect the water quality both physics chemical and biotic indexes of plankton as bioindicators. The older age of kolong, the better quality of the riparian ecosystem and the lower human activity, it can improve the water quality. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that management be carried out through efforts of reduce human activity (reduce tin mining activity and reduce the human activity in kolong as tourism place) and improve the quality of riparian vegetation by planting various types of local vegetation.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/363.739 4/FMIPA/e/2019/041901494 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 363 Other social problems and services > 363.7 Environmental problems > 363.73 Pollution > 363.739 Pollution of specific environments > 363.739 4 Water pollution |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 25 Aug 2022 01:48 |
Last Modified: | 25 Aug 2022 01:48 |
URI: | |
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