Panu, Rasmi Hi and Luchman Hakim,, S.Si.,M.Agr.Sc.,Ph.D and Dian Siswanto,, S.Si.,M.Si.,Ph.D (2019) Konservasi Populasi Durian Varietas Lokal Biji Mati Di Kebun Masyarakat Kota Ternate. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kota Ternate merupakan salah satu hospot varietas durian lokal di Indonesia, diperkirakan mencapai ±13 varietas namun hanya dua varietas yang diminati yaitu durian mentega dan durian gajah. Hal ini disebabkan faktor rasa yang manis, tekstur lembut, ketebalan daging buah ≥1 cm, warna daging buah kuning dan diameter buah 17-20 cm. Sebagian besar varietas durian dijadikan alternatif pilihan. Salah satu durian yang memiliki potensi pasar yang besar adalah durian biji mati karena memiliki rasa yang manis, tekstur lembut, ketebalan daging buah ±1.8 cm dan biji yang kecil/kisut. Namun, masalahnya durian biji mati telah terserang hama penyakit, rata-rata buah yang dihasilkan busuk dan berulat, dan rasa daging buah sedikit asam. Mengingat durian biji mati memiliki biji yang kisut sehingga sulit diremajakan dengan biji maka teknik grafting menjadi alternatif yang digunakan untuk mengkonservasi dan memperbaiki kualitas durian biji mati. Penelitian ini bertujuan Mengetahui distribusi bibit (seedling) durian varietas lokal yang akan di grafting, menganalisis kelulushidupan dan pertumbuhan batang atas (entres) hasil grafting durian biji mati dan mengetahui strategi konservasi populasi durian biji mati di kebun masyarakat Kota Ternate. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode jelajah untuk pemetaan kordinat distribusi bibit menggunakan GPS. Instrument yang digunakan adalah wawancara terbuka mengenai pengetahuan masayarakat terhadap durian biji mati dan teknik grafting. Teknik penyambungan/grafting memiliki tahapan pemilihan batang bawah, pengambilan entres, penyambungan dan pengamatan. Pengamatan dilakukan dari hari ke-3 setelah grafting sampai hari ke-36. Pengamatan meliputi; kondisi sungkup, karakter sambungan, warna daun entres, katakter batang entres, respon entres, karakter tunas dan panjang tunas. Hasil pengamatan dianalisis menggunakan Microsoft Exel 2010. Keberhasilan grafting durian dihitung menggunakan rumus presentase kelulushidupan. Analisis hasil penelitian dan data wawancara digunakan untuk merumuskan strategi konservasi varietas durian lokal menggunakan teknik Grafting di Kota Ternate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Distribusi bibit durian di Kota Ternate berkaitan dengan musim berbuah durian, persebaran bibit dipengaruhi oleh penjualan durian oleh petani, sebagian besar biji durian berkelompok ±50-300 bibit dengan variasi pertumbuhan yang berbeda-beda meski beberapa bibit tersebar namun karena faktor biji yang terbawa air ataupun durian yang busuk di bawah pohon. Berdasarkan data pengamatan disimpulkan bahwa petani memiliki upaya peremajaan durian varietas lokal yang rendah disebabkan faktor luas lahan perkebunan setiap petani yang sempit. Terdapat 66 bibit di kelurahan Gambesi dan 47 bibit di Kelurahan Moya yang memenuhi syarat. Presentase kelulushidupan di Kelurahan Gambesi adalah 47 % atau dalam kategori sedang, sedangkan Kelurahan Moya memiliki presentase kelulushidupan 36 % yang dikategorikan rendah. pada proses grafting terdapat 6 respon yang diberikan oleh entres durian biji mati yaitu hidup, hidup rontok, mati kering, mati busuk, teroksidasi, mati berjamur. Terdapat 16 tanaman grafting yang bertunas (36HSG). Jenis tunas yang terlihat pada entres durian biji mati adalah tunas samping dan tunas pucuk. Hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan konservasi populasi durian varietas lokal di Kota Ternate dapat dilakukan dengan perlakuan grafting. Namun, diperlukan kerjasama seluruh bagian (Stakeholder), petani dan masyarakat secara maksimal. Secara umum disimpulkan bahwa konservasi populasi dari 113 tanaman di Kota Ternate memiliki persentase survival rate sedang dengan nilai 43 %. Persentase tersebut didapatkan dari hasil grafting pada bibit liar tanpa perlakuan kanopi, sedangkan secara teori tanaman yang digrafting perlu asupan cahaya yang terkontrol secara kualitas maupun kuantitas, sehingga rata-rata tanaman grafting pada kanopi terbuka mati. Perlu pengembangan metode dan uji coba pada varietas lain yang terancam punah sehingga teknik ini dapat bermanfaat untuk konservasi populasi varietas-varietas lain, kerjasama pemerintah dan masyarakat menjadi point utama untuk keberhasilan konservasi.
English Abstract
Ternate City is one of the main local durian varieties in Indonesia, estimated at ± 13 varieties but only two varieties that are in demand, namely durian mentega and durian gajah. This is due to sweet taste, soft texture, thickness of fruit flesh ≥1 cm, flesh color of yellow fruit and fruit diameter 17-20 cm. Most durian varieties are used as alternatives. One durian that has a large market potential is dead durian seeds because it has a sweet taste, soft texture, thickness of fruit ± 1.8 cm and small / wrinkled seeds. However, the problem is that dead durian seeds have been attacked by disease pests, the average fruit produced is rotten and wormy, and the taste of fruit flesh is slightly sour. Considering that durian seeds have seeds that are shriveled so that it is difficult to rejuvenate with seeds, the grafting technique is an alternative that is used to conserve and improve the quality of dead durian seeds. This study aims to determine the distribution of seedlings of local varieties of durian that will be grafting, analyze survival and growth of top stems (entres) of dead seed durian grafting results and determine the conservation strategy of dead seed durian populations in the community gardens of Ternate City. This research was conducted using the roaming method for coordinate mapping of seed distribution using GPS. The instrument used is an open interview about people's knowledge of dead durian seeds and grafting techniques. Connection techniques / grafting have the stages of rootstock selection, entree taking, connecting and observation. Observations were made from the 3rd day after grafting until the 36th day. Observations include; the condition of the hood, the character of the connection, the color of the leaves of entres, the character of the stem entres, the response of the entres, the character of shoots and length of shoots. The results of the observations were analyzed using Microsoft Exel 2010. The success of durian grafting was calculated using the formula for survival. Analysis of the results of the study and interview data were used to formulate a conservation strategy for local durian varieties using Grafting techniques in Ternate City. The results showed that the distribution of durian seeds in Ternate City was related to the durian fruiting season, the distribution of seedlings was influenced by the sale of durian by farmers, most of the durian seeds were ± 50-300 seeds with varying growth variations although some seeds were scattered but due to seed factors water or rotten durian under a tree. Based on observational data, it is concluded that farmers have an effort to rejuvenate local varieties of durian which are low due to the narrow factor of each farmer's land area. There were 66 seeds in the Gambesi village and 47 seedlings in Moya Village that met the requirements. The percentage of livelihoods in the Gambesi Village is 47% or in the moderate category, while the Moya Village has a 36% survival rate which is categorized as low. In the grafting process there were 6 responses given by the dead durian seeds ie life, life loss, dry death, decay, oxidation, moldy death. There are 16 grafting plants that have germinated (36HSG). The type of shoot seen in the dead durian seeds is side shoots and shoot buds. The results of the SWOT analysis show that the conservation of local varieties of durian in Ternate City can be done by grafting treatment. However, the cooperation of all stakeholders (farmers) and the community is maximally needed. In general, it was concluded that the conservation of a population of 113 plants in Ternate City had a moderate survival rate of 43%. The percentage was obtained from the results of grafting on wild seedlings without canopy treatment, whereas theoretically the plants that were grafted needed light intake controlled by quality and quantity, so that the average plant grafting in the open canopy died. It is necessary to develop methods and trials on other varieties that are threatened with extinction so that this technique can be useful for the conservation of populations of other varieties, cooperation between government and society is the main point for the success of conservation.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/634.6/FMIPA/k/2019/041901333 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 634 Orchards, fruits, forestry > 634.6 Tropical and subtropical fruits |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 18 Aug 2022 07:05 |
Last Modified: | 18 Aug 2022 07:05 |
URI: | |
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