Mariantika, Lina and Dr. Endang Arisoesilaningsih,, M.S. and Dr. Catur Retnaningdyah,, M.Si (2018) Evaluasi Kualitas Biodiversitas Dan Jasa Lingkungan Pada Beberapa Kebun Brokoli (Brassica Oleracea) Organik Dan Anorganik Di Kota Batu. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Berkembangnya program intensifikasi dan ekstensifikasi pertanian membuat daerah penghasil holtikultura termasuk brokoli mengalami penurunan kualitas dan kesehatan lahan karena kerusakan fisik, kimiawi serta penurunan kualitas ekosistem. Adanya dampak negatif tersebut membuat beberapa petani beralih menuju sistem pertanian organik yang menjamin kestabilan agroekosistem, hasil panen dan lingkungan tidak terkontaminasi residu pestisida sintetik. Kota Batu mendukung program pertanian organik dan menjadikannya sebagai salah satu visi dan misi pembangunan kota. Kesepakatan Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) pada tahun 2005 telah menetapkan proses evaluasi jasa layanan ekosistem dilihat dari jasa provisioning, supporting, regulating, dan cultural dari suatu ekosistem. Sementara itu publikasi terkait evaluasi kualitas biodiversitas dan jasa lingkungan di kebun brokoli belum banyak dilakukan, sehingga penelitian terkait interaksi agroekosistem perlu dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kualitas biodiversitas dan jasa lingkungan di lima kebun brokoli organik dan anorganik di tiga kecamatan di Kota Batu yakni Kecamatan Bumiaji, Batu, dan Junrejo. Pada penelitian tahap pertama, di setiap lokasi penelitian dilakukan evaluasi kualitas unsur-unsur agroekosistem yaitu habitat, biodiversitas, jasa layanan lingkungan, produktivitas, dan jasa sosial. Kualitas habitat kebun brokoli dievaluasi dengan mengukur iklim mikro, bahan organik tanah, serta pH dan konduktivitas tanah dan air. Kualitas biodiversitas lahan pertanian sayur dievaluasi dengan menentukan profil stuktur komunitas, Indeks Nilai Penting (INP), indeks diversitas Shannon-Wiener (H’), dan indeks kekayaan jenis Margalef (R) refugia dan fauna tanah. Jasa layanan lingkungan dievaluasi dengan mengukur Healthy Farm Index dan melakukan Ecological Integrity Assessment. Produktivitas kebun dievaluasi dengan menentukan jumlah, berat dan kualitas produk. Jasa cultural pertanian dievaluasi dengan menyebarkan kuisioner tentang kepuasan petani dan masyarakat dan tentang estetika lahan. Keseluruhan data evaluasi tersebut diolah menjadi profil sistem pertanian kebun brokoli organik dan anorganik pada masing-masing lokasi penelitian. Selain itu, data dianalisis secara multivariat dengan menggunakan analisis biplot dan cluster. Pada penelitian tahap kedua, dibuat pemodelan interaksi antar faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi kebun brokoli di Kota Batu berdasarkan profil masing-masing lokasi menggunakan analisis Partial Least Square. Pada penelitian tahap ketiga dilakukan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) untuk penyusunan rekomendasi untuk perbaikan sistem pengelolaan kebun brokoli di Kota Batu. Berdasarkan data iklim dari Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) Kabupaten Malang diketahui bahwa terdapat variasi temporal dan spasial iklim mikro yang meliputi suhu udara, kelembaban udara dan curah hujan. Rata-rata suhu udara semakin ke akhir tahun semakin menurun mendekati musim penghujan. Begitu pula dengan rata-rata ix curah hujan yang menurun pada bulan Juni karena memasuki musim kemarau. Ada perbedaan nyata kualitas fisikokimia tanah dan air irigasi pada kebun brokoli organik dan anorganik, dan ada variasi spasial yang kecil pada ketiga kecamatan. Hasil pengukuran in situ untuk kualitas fisiko-kimia tanah dan air irigasi pertanian brokoli organik dan anorganik di Kota Batu membuktikan bahwa bahan organik tanah, pH tanah dan pH air di kebun brokoli organik lebih tinggi daripada di kebun brokoli anorganik. Sebaliknya, konduktivitas tanah, konduktivitas air, dan turbiditas air irigasi lebih tinggi pada kebun brokoli anorganik. Biodiversitas refugia dan fauna tanah yang ditemukan di lahan pertanian organik lebih tinggi daripada di kebun anorganik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari nilai H’ dan R yang lebih tinggi di lokasi lahan pertanian organik daripada di lahan pertanian anorganik. Jenis tanaman refugia di lahan pertanian organik bervariasi, misalnya Capsicum, Cymbopogon, Solanum, Brassica, dan Raphanus dengan tujuan untuk menarik musuh alami hama. Hal ini berbeda dengan tumbuhan penyangga yang ditemukan di lahan pertanian anorganik, yang sebagian besar adalah rumput liar anggota Cyperaceae dan Gramineae. Struktur komunitas fauna tanah yang ditunjukkan oleh data INP menunjukkan bahwa fauna tanah yang ditemukan di lahan pertanian organik tidak ada dominansi dari taksa tertentu. Berbeda dengan diversitas fauna di lahan pertanian anorganik yang sebagian besar didominasi oleh Famili Formicidae dan Arachnidae. Menurut Ecosystem Integrated Assessment diketahui bahwa kebun brokoli organik memiliki kualitas ekosistem yang baik yakni pada rentang nilai antara 3,1–4,1, sehingga ekosistem mampu mengendalikan gangguan yang terjadi sehingga integritas ekosistem lebih stabil. Produktivitas dan biomassa brokoli anorganik lebih tinggi daripada kebun anorganik, tetapi persentase kebusukan juga tinggi di kebun anorganik. Konsumen merasa kurang puas dengan hasil produksi pertanian brokoli organik di Kota Batu, karena kuantitas dan kualitasnya yang masih rendah. Estetika di kebun brokoli organik lebih baik, dan petani lebih puas. Dengan mengintegrasikan seluruh variabel yang ada, terlihat bahwa kebun brokoli organik di setiap kecamatan di kota Batu dicirikan oleh tingginya diversitas fauna tanah dan tumbuhan refugia, nilai indeks EIA, bahan organik tanah, pH tanah dan air, serta estetika. Sebaliknya, kebun brokoli anorganik di ketiga kecamatan di Kota Batu dicirikan oleh tingginya produktivitas, biomassa, tingkat kebusukan, konduktivitas dan turbiditas air. Sistem pertanian brokoli organik di setiap kecamatan di Kota Batu perlu konsisten dikembangkan untuk menjamin keberlanjutan lahan pertanian brokoli, dan beriringan dengan usaha mengurangi pelaksanaan sistem pertanian secara anorganik. Kebun brokoli yang berkelanjutan dapat terwujud dengan memelihara biodiversitas dan habitat, yang juga akan mendukung produktivitas dan jasa sosial kebun
English Abstract
The agricultural intensification and extensification programs has resulted in the decreasing of quality and health of land due to physical, chemical, and declining quality of the ecosystem. These negative impacts lead some farmers to switch to organic farming systems that ensure the stability of agroecosystems, crops, and the environment are not contaminated with synthetic pesticide residues. Batu City supports organic farming program and make it as one of the vision and mission of city development. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) Agreement in 2005 has defined the process of evaluating ecosystem services in terms of the provisioning, supporting, regulating, and cultural services of an ecosystem. Meanwhile, publications related to the evaluation of the quality of biodiversity and environmental services in broccoli gardens have not been done so much, so the research related to agro-ecosystem interaction needs to be done. This study aims to evaluate the quality of biodiversity and environmental services in five organic and inorganic broccoli gardens in three sub-districts in Kota Batu namely Bumiaji, Batu and Junrejo. In the first phase of research, in each location, study was conducted by evaluating the quality of agro-ecosystem elements such as habitat, biodiversity, environmental services, productivity, and social services. The quality of broccoli garden habitat was evaluated by measuring microclimate, soil organic matter, and soil and water pH and conductivity. The biodiversity quality of vegetable farming land was evaluated by determining the profile of community structure, Importance Value Index (INP), Shannon- Wiener (H ') diversity index, and Margalef (R) refugee plants and soil fauna species index. Environmental services were evaluated by measuring the Healthy Farm Index and conducting the Ecological Integrity Assessment. Garden productivity was evaluated by determining the quantity, weight, and quality of the product. Agricultural cultural services were evaluated by questionnaires on farmers and community satisfaction, as well as the aesthetics of the garden. The data were processed into profiles of organic and inorganic broccoli farming systems in each study site. In addition, the data were analyzed multivariate using biplot and cluster analysis. In the second phase of research, modeling of interactions between factors influencing broccoli garden in Batu City based on the profile of each location using Partial Least Square analysis. In the third stage, SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) was conducted to formulate recommendations for improving of broccoli garden management system in Batu City. Based on the climate data from Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of Malang Regency, it was revealed that there were temporal and spatial variations of micro climate covering air temperature, humidity, and rainfall. The average of air temperature was declined to the end of the year in the rainy season. Similarly, the average rainfall that decreased in June due to enter the dry season. There was a significantly difference in physicochemical quality of soil and irrigation water in organic and inorganic broccoli gardens, and there were a slight spatial variation in all three districts. In situ measurements for the physico-chemical quality of soil and irrigation water of organic and inorganic broccoli farms in Batu City proven that soil organic matter, soil pH and pH of water in organic xi broccoli gardens were higher than in inorganic broccoli gardens. In contrast, soil conductivity, water conductivity, and turbidity of irrigation water were higher in inorganic broccoli gardens. The diversity of refugee plants and soil fauna found in organic farmland was higher than in inorganic gardens. This was indicated by higher H 'and R values in organic farming sites than in inorganic ones. Types of refugee crops in organic garden varied, eg Capsicum, Cymbopogon, Solanum, Brassica, and Raphanus with the aim of attracting natural enemies of pests. This was in contrast to the buffer plants found in inorganic garden, most of plants were the weeds of Cyperaceae and Gramineae. The soil fauna community structure was shown by the INP data indicated that soil fauna found in organic garden was not dominated by certain taxa. In contrast to the fauna in inorganic farmlands, were dominated by the Formicidae and Arachnidae families. According to Ecosystem Integrated Assessment known that organic broccoli gardens showed a good ecosystem quality. Its EIA values ranged from 3.1 to 4.1, so the ecosystem had higher capacity to control the disturbance, and then its ecosystem integrity was more stable. The productivity and biomass of inorganic broccoli was higher than inorganic gardens, but the rotted yield rates was also high in inorganic gardens. Unfortunately, consumers satisfactions of the yield of organic broccoli farming in Batu City was lesser than the inorganic one, because the quantity and quality of harvested yield were still low. Aesthetics in organic broccoli gardens were better, and farmers are more satisfied. By integrating all studied variables, it was shown that organic broccoli gardens in every sub-district in Batu city were characterized by high diversity of fauna and refugee plants, EIA value, soil organic matter, soil and water pH, and aesthetics. In contrast, inorganic broccoli gardens in all three districts in Kota Batu were characterized by high productivity, biomass, rotted yield rates, conductivity and water turbidity. Organic broccoli farming systems in every sub-district in Kota Batu need to be consistently developed to ensure the sustainability of broccoli garden, and along with efforts to reduce the implementation of inorganic agricultural systems. Sustainable broccoli gardens could be realized by maintaining biodiversity and habitat to support the garden productivity and social services
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/333.95/FMIPA/e/2018/041807829 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.95 Biological resources |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 18 Aug 2022 04:10 |
Last Modified: | 18 Aug 2022 04:10 |
URI: | |
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