Rahim, Abdul and Dr. Sucipto,, STP., MP and Prof.Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso., MP (2018) Analisis Teknoekonomi Implementasi Radio Frequency Identification (Rfid) Dalam Distribusi Daging Ayam. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Aplikasi RFID umum digunakan untuk komersial, pemerintah, dan pribadi. Dalam aplikasi komersial dan industri, RFID mempunyai kelebihan dalam pelacakan objek dan memantau produk dalam distribusi dari produsen ke konsumen industri. Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menerapkan aplikasi RFID pada industri daging ayam. Pengunaan RFID memerlukan biaya operasional, seperti biaya pembuatan aplikasi RFID, dan biaya perawatan aplikasi RFID. Analisis teknoekonomi menggabungkan aspek teknik implementasi teknologi dengan nilai ekonomisnya. Analisis teknoekonomi terdiri dari tiga aspek yaitu aspek teknologi, pemasaran, dan finansial dengan tujuan untuk melihat kelayakan usaha aplikasi RFID digunakan pada distribusi daging ayam. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis teknoekonomi dengan uji NPV, IRR, B/C Ratio, dan PP Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasar aspek teknologi, aplikasi RFID akurat dalam memantau suhu dan kelembaban box mobil saat distribusi daging ayam, agar dapat mempertahankan kualitas daging. Posisi mobil perusahaan RPA dapat dipantau dengan GPS yang sudah diprogram dalam aplikasi RFID. Pimpinan perusahaan dapat mengontrol kondisi daging ayam selama distribusi melalui server perusahaan yang sudah dikoneksikan dengan sistem RFID dengan jenis server entry level kapasitas minimal 2 MB. Ketika kerusakan daging ayam 10%, penerapan RFID dapat mengurangi 5% kerusakan tersebut. Aspek pemasaran menunjukkan terdapat 13 perusahaan daging ayam di Jawa Timur menjadi target pemasaran aplikasi RFID. Aplikasi RFID akan dijual pada industri daging ayam dengan harga Rp. 7.296.860 per unit RFID dan layanan jasa perawatan alat dan sistem RFID adalah Rp.510.780 per unit di bayar per bulan. Hasil perhitungan aspek finansial, dengan total modal investasi usaha aplikasi RFID mencapai Rp. 200.000.000. Penjualan dan layanan jasa aplikasi RFID mencapai Rp.1.181.507.240. Dari kriteria kelayakan NPV adalah Rp. 259.996.894, nilai IRR sebesar 32,14 %, nilai B/C Ratio 2,27%, nilai PP 3 tahun 2 bulan. Perhitungan kriteria kelayakan menunjukkan bahwa usaha jasa teknologi RFID layak direalisasikan.
English Abstract
The RFID application is commonly used for commercial, governmental, and personal. In commercial and industrial applications, RFID has advantages in object tracking and monitors products in distribution from producers to industrial consumers. This study examines and implements RFID applications in the poultry industry. The use of RFID requires operational costs, such as the cost of making RFID applications, and maintenance costs of RFID applications. Technological analysis combines aspects of technology implementation with economic value. Analysis of technoeconomics consists of three aspects, namely technology, marketing, and financial aspects with the aim to see the business feasibility of RFID application used on the distribution of chicken meat. The method used is the analysis of technoeconomics with NPV, IRR, B/C Ratio, and PP tests The results showed that based on the technology aspect, RFID application accurately monitor the temperature and humidity of the car box when the distribution of chicken meat, in order to maintain the quality of meat. The car position of HCC company can be monitored by GPS that has been programmed in RFID application. The company leadership can control the condition of the chicken meat during distribution through the company server that has been connected to the RFID system with the server entry level capacity of at least 2 MB. When the chicken meat damages 10%, the application of RFID can reduce 5% of the damage. The marketing aspect shows that there are 13 chicken meat companies in East Java to be the target of RFID application marketing. RFID application will be sold on the chicken meat industry with the price of IDR. 7,296,860 per unit RFID and service maintenance tools and RFID system is IDR. 510.780 per unit in pay per month. Financial aspect calculation result, with total business investment capital of RFID application reaches IDR. 200.000.000. Sales and service of RFID application reaches IDR. 1.181.507.240. From the NPV eligibility criteria is IDR. 259,996,894, IRR value of 32.14%, B/C Ratio of 2.27%, PP value 3 years 2 month. Calculation of eligibility criteria indicates that the service business of RFID technology is worth the realized
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/338/FTP/a/2018/041910617 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Teknoekonomi, Implementasi RFID, Distribus, Technoeconomic, RFID implementation, Distribution |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 15 Aug 2022 02:36 |
Last Modified: | 15 Aug 2022 02:37 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/193211 |
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