Evaluation Of Self-Sufficient Seed Villages Program (Study In Mempawah Regency,West Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Sriwidyanty, Endang (2017) Evaluation Of Self-Sufficient Seed Villages Program (Study In Mempawah Regency,West Kalimantan, Indonesia). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Peningkatan produktivitas padi perlu upaya konkrit seperti penyediaan benih yang berkualitas. Produktivitas yang baik dapat tercapai jika petani menggunakan benih yang berkualitas. Salah satu program pertanian menuju ketahanan pangan di Indonesia adalah program desa benih swasembada. Tujuan program ini adalah menumbuhkan kelompok peternak atau gabungan kelompok peternak yang mampu menyediakan benih untuk memenuhi kebutuhan benih di desanya. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan evaluasi program desa swasembada benih di Kabupaten Mempawah, Kalimantan Barat. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk memahami pelaksanaan program Desa Benih Mandiri dan bagaimana program tersebut berjalan area penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi langsung dan wawancara ke sawah petani di 6 Desa di Kabupaten Mempawah. Responden terdiri dari partisipan dan petani non-peserta program desa benih swasembada. Terlihat bahwa hampir semua petani mengetahui benih unggul padi, Namun penerapan benih unggul hanya diketahui oleh pemulia dan petani lokal yang menghasilkan beras, petani subsisten cenderung menggunakan varietas lokal dan benih turunan dari benih unggul. Permintaan beras lokal yang baik dan minimnya anggaran untuk membeli benih unggul adalah faktor utama yang menghalangi petani subsisten menggunakan benih berkualitas. Peternak lokal di lokasi penelitian memperoleh sumber anggaran dari penjualan benih unggul dan mereka memiliki modal kecil modal. Kepemilikan alat pemanen mekanis rendah, menyebabkan petani menyewa alat panen yang membuat mereka harus berdiri dalam antrian panjang yang pada gilirannya mempengaruhi penanaman mereka jadwal. Keanggotaan Gapoktan dan pendampingan penyuluh membantu petani memahami penggunaan benih berkualitas tinggi dan meningkatkan kemampuannya. Distribusi pasar untuk benih berkualitas tinggi yang dihasilkan oleh pemulia lokal sangat bergantung pada Program Pemerintah dan kerjasama dengan Perusahaan Distribusi Benih Nasional. Karenanya, pembinaan dari penyuluh Dinas Pertanian Provinsi dan Kabupaten untuk mensosialisasikan aplikasi benih unggul di kalangan petani subsisten untuk meningkatkan produksi padi mereka dan untuk mendukung pasar benih lokal sangat penting. Untuk mengembangkan dan mencapai beras kelebihannya, penggunaan benih unggul perlu bimbingan dari penyuluh dan keberhasilan a peternak lokal dapat membantu sebagai contoh untuk meyakinkan petani subsisten untuk mengkonversi dari lokal padi menjadi benih unggul. Penting untuk mengamati keberlanjutan program ini di akhir maka petani akan mampu menghasilkan benih bermutu tinggi secara terus menerus dengan atau tanpa program pemerintah. Selain itu, peran penyuluh dan pihak lain juga penting untuk mendukung pengembangan lebih lanjut

English Abstract

Improving rice productivity needs concrete efforts such as providing quality seeds. Good productivity could reach if farmers used quality seeds. One of the agriculture programs towards food security in Indonesia is the Self-sufficient seeds villages program. The purpose of this program is to grow a group of breeders or a combination of breeder groups which are able to provide seeds to meet the demands of seeds in their village. This study describes the evaluation of Self-sufficient seeds village program in Mempawah Regency, West Kalimantan. The objective of the study is to understand the implementation of Self-sufficient Seed Village program and how the program is works on research area. The study was conducted with direct observation and interview to the rice farmers in 6 Villages in Mempawah Regency. Respondents were composed of participant and non-participants farmers of the Self-sufficient seed villages program. It was seen that almost all farmers were aware of the superior seeds of paddy, however application of superior seeds were only known by local breeders and farmers who produce rice, subsistence farmers however, tends to use local varieties and derivative seeds of superior seeds. Good demand of local rice and lack of budget to buy superior seeds are main factors which prevent subsistence farmers using quality seeds. Local breeders at research sites derived their budget source from selling superior seeds and they had small capital. Ownership of mechanical harvesting equipment low, leading to farmers renting the harvesting tools for which they have to stand in long queue which in turn effects their planting schedule. Farmer Groups (Gapoktan) membership and assistance from extension officers helps farmer understand using high quality seeds and improve their capability. Market distribution for high quality seeds produced by local breeders rely highly on Government programs and cooperation with National Seeds Distribution Company. Hence, guidance from extension officers of Agriculture Office Province and Regency to socialize superior seeds application among the subsistence farmers to increase their rice production and for supporting local seeds market are essential. For developing and achieving rice surplus, using of superior seeds need guidance from extension officers and success of a local breeder could help as an example to convince subsistence farmer to convert from local rice to superior seeds. It is important to observe the sustainability of this program at the end of it farmers would then be able to produce high quality seeds continuously with or without government programs. In addition, the role of extension officers and other parties are also important to support further development

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/354.279/SRI/e//2018/041811964
Uncontrolled Keywords: Self-sufficient Seeds Village Program, Implementation Program, Evaluation of program.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 354 Public administration of economy and environment > 354.2 General considerations of public administration > 354.27 General topics of assistance > 354.279 Assistance to urban, suburban, rural areas; to small business
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2022 03:34
Last Modified: 05 Oct 2022 02:47
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/193026
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