Studi Bioekologi Dan Pengaruh Pola Tanam Terhadap Populasi Dan Tingkat Serangan Ulat Kantong (Pteroma Plagiophleps Hampson) Di Pertanaman Sengon

Mareda, Rosalia and Dr. Agr. Sc. Hagus Tarno,, S.P., M.P. (2021) Studi Bioekologi Dan Pengaruh Pola Tanam Terhadap Populasi Dan Tingkat Serangan Ulat Kantong (Pteroma Plagiophleps Hampson) Di Pertanaman Sengon. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pteroma plagiophleps atau ulat kantong merupakan salah satu hama potensial perusak daun yang menyerang tanaman sengon. Di Indonesia, kerap terjadi ledakan hama ulat kantong hampir di semua pertanaman sengon. Serangan hama ini selalu meyebabkan defoliasi parah dan menimbulkan peledakan populasi. Penelitian sebelumnya menyebutkan bahwa serangan P. plagiophleps dapat mencapai 100% dengan jumlah rata-rata pada tiap tiga helai daun majemuk tanaman sengon adalah 50,69 ekor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat populasi, persentase dan intensitas serangan larva P. plagiophleps pada pertanaman sengon yang menggunakan pola tanam monokultur dan polikultur. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada pertanaman sengon milik masyarakat di Desa Sumberbening, Kecamatan Bantur, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur pada bulan April sampai bulan Juni 2021. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei dan pengamatan langsung pada area pertanaman sengon yang terdiri dari dua plot perlakuan, yaitu monokultur dan polikultur. Pada setiap plot diambil 25 sampel tanaman untuk diamati dengan pola diagonal pada lima titik pengamatan. Pengamatan populasi larva dilakukan dengan menghitung jumlah larva per tiga daun majemuk pada tiap tanaman sengon. Pengamatan tingkat serangan dilakukan secara visual terhadap kerusakan daun yang disebabkan hama. Karakteristik P. plagiophleps diperoleh dari pemeliharaan larva dan pupa semasa hidupnya di dalam kurungan serangga. Parameter penelitian meliputi keadaan umum lokasi penelitian, deskripsi hama dan kerusakannya, populasi hama tiap plot, persentase serangan dan intensitas serangan hama P. plagiophleps. Data dianalisis menggunakan Uji-T dengan taraf kesalahan 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan populasi larva P. plagiophleps tertinggi terjadi pada plot perlakuan monokultur dengan puncak populasi pada pengamatan kedua yaitu 117,16 ekor/tiga daun majemuk tanaman sengon. Persentase serangan hama pada kedua plot pelakuan menghasilkan persentase yang sama yaitu sebesar 100% dimana semua tanaman sampel ditemukan adanya serangan P. plagiophleps. Intensitas serangan hama tertinggi terdapat pada plot monokultur yang terjadi pada pengamatan kelima yaitu sebesar 94%. Tingkat kerusakan P. plagiophleps pada kedua plot perlakuan dikategorikan rusak berat, hasil ini menunjukkan perlu dilakukan penaggulangan hama pada tanaman sengon

English Abstract

Pteroma plagiophleps or bagworm is one of the potential pests of leaf destroyer that attack sengon plants. In Indonesia, there are often explosions of bagworm pests in almost all sengon plantations. These pest attacks always cause severe defoliation and blow up the populations. Previous research has stated that P. plagiophleps attacks can reach 100% with the average number on every three compound leaves of sengon plants is 50.69 tails. This research was aimed to investigate the population, attack percentage and intensity of P. plagiophleps on sengon plantations that using monoculture and polyculture system. This research was conducted on sengon plantations owned bye the community in Sumberbening village, Bantur District, Malang Regency, East Java from April to June 2021. The research method used survey methods and direct observations on sengon plantation area which consisted of two treatment plots, namely monoculture and polyculture. Each plot were taken 25 samples of plants to be observed with a diagonal pattern at 5 observation points. Observation of the larval population was carried out by counting the number of larvae per three compound leaves on each sengon plants. The attack level was observed visually on leaf damage caused by pests. Characteristics of P. plagiophleps obtained from the rearing of larvae and pupae during their life in insect cages. The research parameters included the general condition of the research area, description of pest and damage, pest populations of each plot, attack percentage and attack intensity of P. plagiophleps. The data was analyzed using T-test with a 5% error rate. The results showed that the highest populations of P. plagiophleps larvae occurred in the monoculture plot with the peak population at the second observation, which was 117.16 pest/three compound leaves of sengon plants. The percentage of pest attacks on both treatment plots resulted in the same percentage which was 100%, where all sample plants were found to have attacks by P. plagiophleps. The highest intensity of pest attack was found in monoculture plot which occurred in the fifth observation, which was 94%. The level of demage to P. plagiophleps in both treatment plots were categorized as severely demaged, this is result indicates the need for pest control on sengon plants

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521040272
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests > 632.6 Animal pests
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2022 06:37
Last Modified: 02 Oct 2024 06:24
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