Pengembangan Kriteria Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tanaman Jagung Dan Implementasinya Di Kawasan Pertanian Berkelanjutan Gorontalo

Nurdin, - and Prof.Dr.Ir. Mochtar Lutfi Rayes,, M.Sc and Prof.Dr.Ir. Soemarno,, M.S and Dr..Ir..Sudarto, M.S, M.S (2021) Pengembangan Kriteria Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tanaman Jagung Dan Implementasinya Di Kawasan Pertanian Berkelanjutan Gorontalo. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jagung-menjadi-komoditas-strategis-Nasional karena selain-seba’gai-sumber bah’an pa’ngan,-bahan-pak’an-da’n=baha’n=baku-ind’ustri-juga”sebagai”komoditas ekspor. Peningkatan produksi jagung merupakan salah satu indikator utama dalam program swasembada jagung Nasional. Namun demikian, capaian peningkatan produksi jagung tersebut belum dibarengi dengan peningkatan produktivitas jagung per satuan luas. Padahal, potensi capaian produktivitas jagung masih cukup tinggi. Umumnya, jagung masih ditanam pada=lahan=yang. karakteristik-dan-kualitasnya tidak sesuai, sehingga produktivitas jagung nasional masih rendah karena syarat tumbuh jagung atau persyaratan penggunaan lahannya tidak terpenuhi. Untuk menilai kesesuaian lahan jagung, diperlukan juga persyaratan atau kriteria kesesuaian lahan yang spesifik tetapi sampai saat ini kriteria yang ada tersebut masih untuk semua varietas jagung. Sementara secara agronomi dan potensi hasil jagung varietas lokal, komposit maupun varietas hibrida berbeda, sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1)=mengkaji=kualitas-lahan-di kawasan pertanian berkelanjutan Gorontalo, (2) menentukan kualitas lahan pengontrol produksi jagung, (3) menyusun kriteria kesesuaian lahan tanaman jagung, dan (4) menilai kesesuaian=lahan_untuk=-tipe-penggunaan-lahan-=(TPL)=jagung di kawasan pertanian berkelanjutan Gorontalo. Guna mencapai tujuan penelitian, maka dilakukan empat sub penelitian yang diuraikan sebagai berikut: Pada sub penelitian ke-1, peneliti mendeskripsikan kualitas lahan pada setiap satuan pemetaan lahan (SPL) berdasarkan morfologi, sifat fisik, sifat kimia tanah, karakteristik iklim dan medan (terrain) hasil survei tanah dan observasi lapangan, data sekunder, serta hasil analisis tanah di laboratorium. Selanjutnya ditentukan harkat kualitas lahan setiap SPL menggunakan pengharkatan pada kriteria kesesuaian lahan yang telah dibangun. Pada sub penelitian ke-2, peneliti menganalisis kualitas lahan yang mengontrol produksi jagung dengan menggunakan metode struktural equation model (SEM). Pada sub penelitian ke- 3, peneliti mengembangkan kriteria kesesuaian=lahan=untuk=tanaman=jagung varietas hibrida, komposit dan varietas lokal dengan=menggunakan=metode boundary line. Pada sub penelitian ke-4, peneliti melakukan penilaian kembali kesesuaian lahan untuk TPL jagung mengacu pada kriteria kesesuaian lahan yang baru dengan bantuan program SPKL dan diintegrasikan dengan program SIG, serta kesesuaian lahan untuk tanaman jagung secara ekonomi. Hasil penelitian ke-1 menunjukkan bahwa kualitas lahan temperatur tergolong agak panas sampai panas,-ketersediaan-air (curah-hujan,-bulan-basah dan=bulan=kering) tergolong zona agroklimat E3, E2 dan D2 dengan LGP tergolong intensitas tanam 1, 2 dan 3,=ketersediaan=oksigen didominasi-kelas. drainase-agak lambat,-media-perakaran-(tekstur dominan lempung berliat,-bahan kasar dominan sedikit, dan kedalaman efektif dominan sedang), retensi hara (pH dominan agak masam, C-Organik dominan sangat rendah, KTK dan kejenuhan basa dominan sedang), ketersediaan=hara=(N-total dan P=tersedia) dominan sangat rendah,-K-tersedia dominan-rendah), sodisitas dominan sedang, bahaya erosi (lereng dominan datar dan erosi tanah dominan berat), bahaya banjir (tinggi genangan dominan sangat dangkal dan lema genangan dominan sangat x singkat), serta kualitas lahan penyiapan lahan dominan tidak berbatu dan singkapan batuan dominan tidak ada. Harkat kualitas lahan di daerah penelitian lebih didominasi cukup baik, sementara kualitas lahan yang baik dan kualitas lahan yang buruk relatif lebih sedikit secara berurutan, tanpa adanya kualitas lahan yang sangat baik. Ha’sil=pen’elitian=ke-2 menunju’kkan=ba’hwa=kualitas lahan pengontrol produktivitas jagung lokal berdasarkan urutan kepentingan adalah bahaya erosi, ketersediaan hara, media perakaran, penyiapan lahan, ketersediaan oksigen, dan retensi hara. Kualitas lahan yang mengontrol produkvitas jagung komposit berdasarkan urutan kepentingan adalah retensi hara, media perakaran, penyiapan lahan, dan hara tersedia. Kualitas lahan yang mengontrol produktivitas jagung hibrida berdasarkan urutan kepentingan adalah media perakaran, penyiapan lahan, bahaya erosi, ketersediaan hara dan retensi hara. Hasil penelitian ke-3 menunjukkan bahwa kriteria kesesuaian lahan untuk jagung lokal, dan komposit serta jagung hibrida yang didapat lebih sedikit dan relatif spesifik lokasi berbasis karakteristik dan kualitas lahan serta produktivitas yang dicapai. Kriteria kesesuaian lahan untuk jagung lokal hanya terdiri dari: bahaya erosi, ketersediaan hara, media perakaran, penyiapan lahan, ketersediaan=oksigen,=dan=retensi=hara. Sementara kriteria kesesuaian=lahan. untuk=jagung komposit hanya terdiri dari:=retensi=hara,=media=perakaran, penyiapan lahan, dan hara tersedia. Sedangkan kriteria kesesuaian lahan untuk jagung hibrida hanya terdiri dari: media perakaran, penyiapan lahan, bahaya erosi, hara tersedia, dan retensi hara. Kriteria yang telah dibuat juga lebih responsif terhadap karakteristik dan kualitas lahan secara spesifik lokasi dibandingkan kriteria kesesuaian lahan untuk jagung lokal dan komposit. Selain itu, kriteria kesesuaian lahan untuk jagung hibrida yang didapat lebih rendah nilai intervalnya dibanding kriteria kesesuaian lahan untuk jagung sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian ke-4 menunjukkan bahwa kesesuaian ekonomi untuk TPL jagung lokal dengan input rendah, input sedang dan input tinggi menguntungkan, kecuali sedikit lahan di bagian selatan yang tidak menguntungkan dan tidak diprioritaskan. Demikian halnya dengan TPL jagung komposit dan TPL jagung hibrida dengan input rendah, sedang dan input tinggi polanya relatif sama dengan TPL jagung lokal. Prioritas utama pengembangan jagung lokal berdasarkan urutan sebaran lahan terluas adalah Kecamatan Mootilango, Asparaga, Boliyohuto, Tolangohula dan Kecamatan Bilato., sementara pada prioritas kedua tersebar di Kecamatan Mootilango, Asparaga, Bilato, Boliyohuto, dan Kecamatan Tolangohula. Prioritas utama pengembangan jagung komposit berdasarkan urutan sebaran lahan terluas adalah Kecamatan Asparaga, Bilato, Boliyohuto, Tolangohula dan Kecamatan Mootilango., sementara pada prioritas kedua tersebar di Kecamatan Mootilango, Boliyohuto, Tolangohula, Bilato dan Kecamatan Asparaga. Prioritas utama pengembangan jagung hibrida berdasarkan urutan sebaran lahan terluas adalah Kecamatan Asparaga, Boliyohuto, Mootilango dan Kecamatan Bilato, sedangkan pada prioritas kedua tersebar di Kecamatan Mootilango, Asparaga, Bilato, Boliyohuto dan Kecamatan Tolangohula

English Abstract

Maize became a National commodity strategic because in addition to a source of food, feed ingredients, and industrial raw materials also as an export commodity. Increased production of maize is the main indicators to the national maize self sufficiency programs. However, the achievement of increasing maize production has not been accompanied by an increase in maize productivity per unit area. In fact, the potential for achievement of maize productivity is still quite high. Generally, maize is still grown on land that these characteristics-and-quality are not suitable, so the national maize productivity is still low because the requirements for growing maize or the requirements for land use are not met. To assess the maize land suitability, the specific criterion of land suitability requirements also needed but until now the existing criteria are still for all maize varieties. Meanwhile, the agronomic and yield potential of local varieties, composite and hybrid varieties are different, so this research has conducted. Research aimed to: (1) study the land quality in the sustainable agricultural area of Gorontalo, (2) determine the quality of land to control maize production, (3) develop land suitability criteria for maize crops, and (4) assess land suitability for LUTs of maize in Gorontalo sustainable agricultural area. In order to achieve the research objectives, four sub-studies were carried out as follows: In the 1st sub-study, the researcher described the quality of land in each land mapping unit (LMU) based on morphology, physical properties, soil chemical properties, climate and terrain characteristics from soil survey and field observations, secondary data, and soil analysis results. in the laboratory. Furthermore, the land quality dignity of each LMU was determined using the land suitability criteria that has been built. In the second sub-study, researchers analyzed the quality of land that controls maize production using the structural equation model (SEM) method. In the third sub-study, researchers developed land suitability criteria for hybrid, composite and local varieties of maize using the boundary line method. In the fourth sub-study, researchers conducted land. suitability evaluation for each maize varieties based on the new criteria of land suitability using SPKL software and integrated with the GIS, as well as land suitability for maize crops economically. The first study results that the land quality of temperatures is quite hot to hot, the availability of water (rainfall, wet months and dry months) belongs to the E3, E2 and D2 agro-climatic zones with LGP classified as planting intensity II and II, oxygen availability is dominated by drainage class. rather slow, rooting medium (dominant texture of clayey clay, slightly coarse material, and moderate dominant effective depth), nutrient retention (pH dominant slightly acidic, dominant C- Organic very low, CEC and moderate dominant base saturation), available nutrients (N total and available P) dominance is very low, exchangeable K is low dominant), moderate dominant sodicity, erosion hazard (dominant flat slope and heavy dominant soil erosion), flood hazard (dominant inundation height is very shallow and dominant inundation level is very short), and quality land preparation land is not rocky and dominant rock outcrops are absent. The dignity of land quality in the study area were predominantly quite good, while good land quality and poor land quality were relatively less consecutively, without of excellent land quality. xii The second study results that-the land quality that controlled the local maize productivity based on the order of importance were erosion hazard, available nutrients, root media, land preparation, oxygen availability, and nutrient retention. Land quality that controls of the composite maize productivity of based on the order of importance were nutrient retention, root media, land preparation, and available nutrients. The land quality that controls of the hybrid maize productivity based on the order of importance were root media, land preparation, erosion hazard, available nutrients, an’d the nut’rient rete’ntion. Th’e third study resu’lts that=th’e lan’d suit’ability criteria for local maize, composite and hybrid maize were less and were relatively location specific based-on-the characteristics and-land-quality-and-the productivity achieved. The land suitability criteria for local maize only consist of erosion hazard, available nutrients, rooting media, land preparation, oxygen availability, and nutrient retention. Meanwhile, the land suitability criteria for composite maize only consist of nutrient retention, root media, land preparation, and available nutrients. Meanwhile, the land suitability criteria for hybrid maize only consist of root media, land preparation, erosion hazard, available nutrients, and nutrient retention. The criteria that has been created were also more responsive to the characteristics and land quality in a specific location than t’he la’nd s’uitability criteria f’or local and composite mai’ze crops. I’n addition, th’e la’nd suit’ability crite’ria for hybrid maize crops that has been made have a lower interval value than the existing land suitability criteria for maize before. The fourth study results that-the economic suitability of LUT local maize with low input, medium input and high input was profitable, except for a small amount of land in the southern part which was not profitable and was not prioritized. Similarly, the LUT of composite maize and the LUT of hybrid maize with low, medium and high input inputs were relatively the same as the LUT of local maize. The main priority for local maize development based on the order of the widest land distribution was Mootilango, Asparaga, Boliyohuto, Tolangohula and Bilato Districts., While the second priority were spread in Mootilango, Asparaga, Bilato, Boliyohuto, and Tolangohula Districts. The main priority for composite maize development based on the order of the widest land distribution were Asparaga, Bilato, Boliyohuto, Tolangohula and Mootilango Districts, while the second priority were spread in Mootilango, Boliyohuto, Tolangohula, Bilato and Asparaga Districts. The main priority for hybrid maize development based on the order of the widest land distribution were Asparaga, Boliyohuto, Mootilango and Bilato Districts, while the second priority were spread in Mootilango, Asparaga, Bilato, Boliyohuto and Tolangohula Districts

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 0621040006
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 28 Jul 2022 01:56
Last Modified: 28 Jul 2022 07:24
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