Firmansyah, Fuad Aulia and Destyana Ellinggga Pratiwi,, SP., MP., M.B.A. and Dr Riyanti Isaskar,, SP., M.Si (2021) Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Kripik Tempe Pada Umkm Mentari Di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 (Studi Kasus Di Sentra Industri Kripik Tempe Sanan Blimbing, Kota Malang). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Keberhasilan pembangunan sektor ekonomi di suatu daerah salah satunya dapat dilihat dari keberadaan Usaha Kecil, Mikro, dan Menengah (SUHERI, 2021). Perkembangan UMKM di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan signifikan. Pada tahun 2015 jumlah UMKM sebanyak 59.262.772 unit, sedangkan tahun 2018 mencapai 64.194.056 unit (BPS, 2020). Hal ini menjadi sebuah bukti bahwa usaha mikro memiliki peran sangat besar dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi. Perkembangan tersebut mengalami penurunan ditengah pergerakannya yang pesat disebabkan kemunculan Covid-19. Kondisi ini memberikan dampak langsung bagi perputaran perekonomian khususnya bagi UMKM. Hal ini dikarenakan UMKM sangat rentan terdampak dalam gangguan bisnis, dimana berhubungan langsung dengan pariwisata, transportasi dan industri kuliner (OECD, 2020). Jenis UMKM yang paling berdampak yaitu dibidang makanan-minuman sebesar 27% dan kerajinan sebesar 17, 03% (Nofianti, 2020). Kota Malang terkenal tentang keindahan alamnya bagi wisatawan. Meningkatnya kunjungan wisatawan memicu tingginya jumlah pelaku UMKM yang ada sebagai pendukung kegiatan pariwisata. Salah satunya industri Keripik Tempe yang sedang berkembang saat ini, yaitu UMKM Mentari Sanan Kecamatan Blimbing. Namun ditengah pandemi Covid-19 secara keseluruhan pelaku UMKM Mentari mengalami penurunan penjualan yang sangat signifikan, dan mengalami ketidakpastian dalam memperoleh pasar ataupun konsumen. Selain pandemi Covid-19, UMKM Mentari juga memiliki banyak persaingan karena adanya kesamaan produk yang dihasilkan. Persaingan penjualan antar pelaku UMKM mengakibatkan harus memiliki pasar tersendiri. Saat ini UMKM Mentari sangat membutuhkan pemilihan strategi pemasaran yang tepat, dan mengembangkan produknya agar bisa bertahan selama pandemi Covid-19. Maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang dijadikan kompetisi di UMKM Keripik Tempe Mentari Sanan Kecamatan Blimbing Kota Malang di masa Pandemi Covid-19; (2) menganalisis kinerja UMKM Keripik Tempe Mentari Sanan Kecamatan Blimbing Kota Malang di masa Pandemi Covid-19; (3) menentukan strategi pengembangan yang tepat untuk UMKM Keripik Tempe Mentari Sanan Kecamatan Blimbing Kota Malang di masa Pandemi Covid-19. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan mix methods. Metode penentuan lokasi dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive) di Industri UMKM Mentari yang terletak di Kampung Sanan, Kecamatan Blimbing, Kota Malang. Jumlah responden berjumlah 42. Metode pengumpulkan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan untuk analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis Cochran, Balanced Scorecard, dan Blue Ocean Strategy. v Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang dijadikan kompetisi dalam menganalisis UMKM mentari adalah (1) product (keragaman produk, merk, kemasan, kualitas, jaminan mutu produk, rasa, informasi produk, label halal); (2) price (harga, variasi harga, daya saing harga); (3) promotion (sosial media, iklan); (4) place (lokasi, akses). Berdasarkan 16 atribut tersebut, dilakukan Uji Cochran untuk mengetahui apakah atribut tersebut dipertimbangkan atau tidak oleh konsumen untuk membeli produk keripik tempe. Uji Cochran dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil dari Uji Cochran terdapat 8 atribut yang valid, yaitu keragaman produk, desain rasa, informasi produk, logo halal, jaminan mutu, harga, dan kemudahan akses. Kinerja UMKM Mentari melalui pendekatan Balanced Scorecard pada satu tahun terakhir yaitu “cukup baik”. Nilai tersebut diperoleh dari 4 perspektif: (1) perspektif keuangan: berdasarkan analisis keuntungan, Gross pofit Margin tertinggi bulan Desember dan terendah bulan Juni; (2) perspektif pelanggan: berdasarkan hasil PGCV terdapat 4 atribut yang dipertahankan dan 4 atribut perlu diperbaiki, yaitu keragaman produk, desain, logo halal, dan harga; (3) perspektif bisnis internal: tingkat kerusakan alat produksi, volume produksi yang fluktuatif, dan telah memiliki izin PIRT dan logo halal; dan (4) perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan: kemampuan karyawan menghasilkan pendapatan dari total penjualan selama tahun terakhir dan tingkat persentase pelatihan sebesar 60% dari total karyawan. Rekomendasi strategi pengembangan UMKM Mentari Sanan dengan pendekatan Blue Ocean Strategy terhadap Balanced Scorecard yaitu (1) meningkatkan atribut yang masih berada di bawah pesaing (keragaman produk, desain, rasa, informasi produk, label halal, kemudahan akses) (2) fokus pada berdasarkan Blue Ocean Strategy yaitu: - Faktor yang dihapuskan: Tidak ada faktor yang dihapuskan. - Faktor yang dikurangi: keragaman produk - Faktor yang ditingkatkan: desain, rasa, dan mutu produk - Faktor yang diciptakan: Membuka toko di pusat Kota Malang dan membuat ruang produksi yang nyaman
English Abstract
The success of economic sector development in an area one of which can be seen from the existence of Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprises (SUHERI, 2021). The development of UMKM in Indonesia has increased significantly. In 2015 the number of UMKM amounted to 59,262,772 units, while in 2018 reached 64,194,056 units (BPS, 2020). This is proof that micro-businesses have a very large role in economic growth. This development has decreased amid its rapid movement due to the emergence of Covid-19. This condition has a direct impact on economic turnover, especially for UMKM. This is because UMKM are very vulnerable to business disruption, which is directly related to tourism, transportation and the culinary industry (OECD, 2020). The most impactful types of UMKM are in the field of food-beverage by 27% and craft by 17.03% (Nofianti, 2020). Malang city is famous for its natural beauty for tourists. The increase in tourist visits triggers a high number of UMKM who exist as supporters of tourism activities. One of them is the Kripik Tempe industry that is developing at this time, namely UMKM Mentari Sanan Blimbing Subdistrict. But in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic as a whole, UMKM Mentari experienced a very significant decline in sales, and experienced uncertainty in acquiring the market or consumers. In addition to the Covid-19 pandemic, UMKM also have a lot of competition because of the similarity of products produced. Sales competition between UMKM resulted in having to have its own market. Currently UMKM mentari urgently need the selection of the right marketing strategy, and develop its products in order to survive during the Covid-19 pandemic. So the purpose of this study is: (1) identify the factors that are used as competition in UMKM Kripik Tempe Mentari Sanan District Blimbing Malang City in the Covid-19 Pandemic; (2) analyze the performance of UMKM Kripik Tempe Mentari Sanan District Blimbing Malang City in the Covid-19 Pandemic; (3) determine the right development strategy for UMKM Kripik Tempe Mentari Sanan District Blimbing Malang city during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research approach uses a mix methods approach. The method of determining the location is done intentionally (purposive) in the UMKM Mentari Industry located in Kampung Sanan, Blimbing Subdistrict, Malang City. The number of respondents was 42. Methods of collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis, Cochran analysis, balanced scorecard, and blue ocean strategy. The results showed that the factors used as competition in analyzing UMKM Mentari are (1) product (diversity of products, brands, packaging, quality, product vii quality assurance, taste, product information, halal labels); (2) price (price, price variation, price competitiveness); (3) promotion (social media, advertising); (4) place (location, access). Based on these 16 attributes, the Cochran Test was conducted to find out whether the attribute was considered or not by consumers to buy kripik tempe products. The Cochran test is performed using the SPSS application. The results of the Cochran Test contain 8 valid attributes, namely product diversity, taste design, product information, halal logo, quality assurance, price, and ease of access. The performance of UMKM through the Balanced Scorecard approach in the past year is "quite good". The value is obtained from 4 perspectives: (1) financial perspective: based on profit analysis, Gross pofit Highest Margin in December and lowest in June; (2) customer perspective: based on PGCV results there are 4 attributes that are maintained and 4 attributes need to be improved, namely product diversity, design, halal logo, and price; (3) internal business perspective: level of damage to production tools, fluctuating production volume, and having had PIRT permits and halal logos; and (4) learning and growth perspective: employees' ability to generate revenue from total sales over the past year and a training percentage rate of 60% of total employees. Recommendations for the development strategy of UMKM Mentari Sanan with Blue Ocean Strategy approach to Balanced Scorecard which is (1) improving attributes that are still below competitors (product diversity, design, taste, product information, halal label, ease of access) (2) fokus on based on Blue Ocean Strategy, namely: 1. Factor removed: No factor is eliminated. 2. Reduced factors: product diversity 3. Improved factors: design, taste, and quality of the product 4. Factors created: Opening a store in the center of Malang City and making a comfortable production space
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0521040218 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 25 Jul 2022 02:02 |
Last Modified: | 25 Sep 2024 08:34 |
URI: | |
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