Uji Potensi Hasil 4 Genotipe Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata) Tipe Bulat Pipih Di Kecamatan Pujon, Kabupaten Malang

Ernawati, Nita and Soetopo, Prof. Dr. Ir. Lita (2022) Uji Potensi Hasil 4 Genotipe Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata) Tipe Bulat Pipih Di Kecamatan Pujon, Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman labu (Cucurbita sp) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang potensial dikembangkan di Indonesia, karena dapat tumbuh baik di daerah tropis. Dataran rendah hingga dataran dengan ketinggian 1.500 m dpl dapat menjadi lingkungan pertumbuhan labu. Tanaman ini mampu beradaptasi dengan baik pada suhu 18-270C. Permintaan konsumen beraneka macam tergantung dengan kebutuhan konsumen itu sendiri, seperti buah yang kecil untuk sekali konsumsi, buah besar untuk produksi olahan labu, juga ada konsumen yang mengutamakan nutrisi yang terkandung didalam labu kuning. Perbaikan produktivitas dan kualitas tanaman labu secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan produksi olahan berbahan labu kuning dan meningkatkan minat petani dalam budidaya labu kuning. Oleh karena itu dengan tersedianya varietas labu hibrida diharapkan mampu membantu petani dalam meningkatkan minat serta memaksimalkan potensi hasil. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan informasi karakter melalui karakterisadan potensi hasil melalui uji daya hasil calon hibrida tersebut. Karakter yang diharapkan ialah mendapatkan varietas labu tipe round flattened yang berdaya hasil tinggi salah satunya di dataran tinggi sehingga terpilih untuk didaftarkan sebagai varietas komersial. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai September 2021. Alat yang digunakan antaralain cangkul, penggaris, jangka sorong, timbangan analitik, kamera, RHS, dan UPOV. Bahan tanam terdiri dari 4 genotip yaitu PK 211501, PK 211502, PK 211503, PK 211504, serta dua varietas pembanding yaitu Hammer (PT BISI) dan Samina (Bintang Asia). Bahan lain yang digunakan antaralain air, fungisida, insektisida, Pupuk NPK, Pupuk Daun Mamigro N, MPHP (Mulsa Plastik Hitam Perak), alat tulis, bamboo, tali raffia, plastik semai, kompos, dan cocopeat. Metode penelitian menggunakan RAK non faktorial dengan 4 ulangan sehingga terdapat 24 satuan percobaan. Masing-masing plot berjumlah 20 tanaman, sehingga total populasi 480 tanaman. Pelaksanaan penelitian terdiri dari persiapan lahan, penyemaian, penanaman, pemeliharaan (pemupukan, pewiwilan, pemasangan lanjaran, pengikatan batang bawah, pengendalian OPT, penyiraman), dan pemanenan. Pengamatan karakter terdiri dari kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data pengamatan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Data kualitatif dibandingkan dengan International Union for The Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). Berdasarkan pengamatan kualitatif, bentuk daun pada PK 211501, PK 211502, PK 211503, PK 211504 dan Samina ialah cukup bertekuk, sedangkan Hammer berbentuk sedikit bertekuk. Warna daun dan warna kulit buah ialah hijau. Hasil pengamatan bentuk buah ialah bulat pipih. Warna daging buah kuning yaitu pada PK 211501, PK 211502, dan Hammer, serta oranye kekuningan pada PK 211503, PK 211504, dan Samina. Uji rasa dilakukan oleh 25 responden dengan hasil PK 211501 ii dan PK 211502 memiliki rasa agak manis dan pulen, PK 211503 agak manis dan krispi, PK 211504 agak manis bertekstur lembek. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan 14 karakter kuantitatif, 4 genotipe yang diuji memiliki keunggulan masing-masing dengan nilai KK tergolong sempit (<25%). PK 211501 memiliki keunggulan pada umur berbunga jantan, lebar buah, berat buah per buah, dan berat buah per plot. PK 211503 memiliki keunggulan pada panjang tanaman, panjang dan lebar daun, diameter batang, dan umur berbunga betina. Sedangkan PK 211504 unggul pada karakter tinggi dan ketebalan daging buah. Karakter potensi daya hasil tertinggi dimiliki oleh PK 211501 yaitu pada berat buah per buah dan berat buah plot dengan nilai berturut-turut 2,52 kg/buah dan 44,50 kg/plot, serta hasil uji lanjut menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda nyata dengan varietas pembanding Hammer (1,73 kg/buah dan 28,85 kg/plot) dan tidak berbeda nyata dengan pembanding Samina (1,93 kg/buah dan 30,73 kg/plot).

English Abstract

Pumpkin plants (Cucurbita sp) is one of the potential plants to be developed in Indonesia, because it can grow well in tropical areas. Lowlands to plains with an altitude of 1.500 m asl can be a growing environment for pumpkins. This plant is able to adapt well to temperatures of 18-270C. Consumer demand varies depending on the needs of the consumers themselves, such as small fruit for one consumption, large fruit for processed pumpkin production, there are also consumers who prioritize the nutrients contained in pumpkin. Improvements in the productivity and quality of pumpkin plants will indirectly increase the production of processed pumpkin and increase the interest of farmers in pumpkin cultivation. Therefore, the availability of hybrid pumpkin varieties is expected to be able to assist farmers in increasing interest and maximizing yield potential. This research is intended to obtain character information through characterization and yield potential through the yield power test of the hybrid candidate. The expected character is to get round flattened pumpkin varieties with high yields, one of which is in the highlands so that it is selected to be registered as a commercial variety. The research was conducted from June to September 2021. The tools used included hoes, ruler, caliper, analytical scale, camera, RHS, and UPOV. The planting material consisted of 4 genotypes, namely PK 211501, PK 211502, PK 211503, PK 211504, and two comparison varieties, namely Hammer (PT BISI) and Samina (Bintang Asia). Other materials used include water, fungicides, insecticides, NPK Fertilizer, Mamigro N Leaf Fertilizer, MPHP (Silver Black Plastic Mulch), stationery, bamboo, raffia rope, plastic seedlings, compost, and cocopeat. The research method used RBD non factorial with 4 replications so that there were 24 experimental units. Each plot consists of 20 plants, for a total population of 480 plants. The research implementation consisted of land preparation, seeding, planting, maintenance (fertilization, pruning, plant stake installation, binding of rootstocks, pest control, watering), and harvesting. Characteristics consisted of quantitative and qualitative observations. Observation data were analyzed descriptively. Qualitative data were compared with the International Union for The Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). Based on qualitative observations, the leaf shape of PK 211501, PK 211502, PK 211503, PK 211504, and Samina were weakly incised, while the Hammer was very weakly incised. Leaf color and fruit peel color is green. The result of observations of fruit shape were round flattened. The yellow flesh color was at PK 211501, PK 211502, and Hammer, and yellowish orange at PK 211504, and Samina. The organoleptic tests was carried out by 25 respondents with the result that PK 211501 and PK 211502 had a slightly sweet and fluffier taste, PK 211503 was slightly sweet and crunchy, PK iv 211504 was slightly sweet with a mushy texture. Based on 14 quantitative characters, all of them were significantly different except for harvest age and fruit width. Based on the observation of quantitative characters, the 4 tested genotypes each had advantages with a narrow CV value (<25%). PK 211501 has advantages in male flowering age, fruit width, fruit weight per fruit, and fruit weight per plot. PK 211503 has advantages in plant legth, leaf length and width, stem diameter, and female flowering age. Meanwhile, PK 211504 excels in the character of height and thickness of the fruit flesh. PK 211501 had the highest yield potenstial character, namely fruit weight per fruit and fruit weight per plot with value of 2,52 kg/fruit and 44,50 kg/plot, respectively, and the results of further test result showed significantly different results from the comparison variety Hammer (1,73 kg/fruit and 28,85 kg/plot) and not significantly different from the comparison of Samina (1,93 kg/fruit and 30,73 kg/plot)

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522040085
Uncontrolled Keywords: Labu, Potensi, Pujon, Pumpkin, Potential, Pujon
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 19 Jul 2022 08:53
Last Modified: 19 Jul 2022 08:53
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/192346
Nita Ernawati.pdf
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