Pemetaan Variasi Dialek Bahasa Jawa Di Desa Supiturang Kecamatan Pronojiwo Kabupaten Lumajang (Kajian Dialektologi)

Wulansari, Desi (2017) Pemetaan Variasi Dialek Bahasa Jawa Di Desa Supiturang Kecamatan Pronojiwo Kabupaten Lumajang (Kajian Dialektologi). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kebudayaan Pandalungan merupakan istilah untuk wilayah pulau Jawa di bagian Timur yang dikenal dengan istilah daerah Tapal Kuda. Kabupaten Lumajang yang termasuk ke dalam daerah Tapal Kuda terbagi menjadi beberapa Kecamatan salah satunya, yaitu Kecamatan Pronojiwo. Penelitian ini, dilaksanakan tepatnya di Desa Supiturang Kecamatan Pronojiwo yang didasari oleh alasan (1) secara geografis, ketiga daerah di batasi oleh aliran sungai Besuk yang membentang dari arah Gunung Semeru hingga Laut Bambang, kemudian terdapat lahan pertanian/sawah yang membatasi antara DP1 dan DP2; (2) ditemukan variasi dialek pada tataran fonologi dan leksikal pada BJ, (3) lokasi daerah penelitian termasuk dalam wilayah perbatasan Natural Border dengan dibatasi Pegunungan Gumukmas dan Sungai Besuk, (4) mata pencaharian penduduk mayoritas, yaitu petani. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Kuantitatif dengan pendakatan survei. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian Dialektologi berisi daftar Swadesh dan variasi kosa-kata, dan sumber data diperoleh dari informan yang sesuai dengan kriteria. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan lima poin terpenting yaitu: (1) variasi fonologi dari ketiga DP berada pada kriteria BW yaitu pada perbandingan DP 1 : DP 2, DP 2 : DP 3 dan DP 3 : DP 1. Jenis dari variasi fonologi meliputi: penambahan bunyi, pelesapan bunyi, penaikan dan penurunan bunyi, (2) terdapat tiga jenis variasi leksikal, yaitu onomasiologis, semasiologis dan reduplikasi. Hasil dari analisis BL hanya perbandingan DP 3 : DP 1 saja yang berada pada kriteria BW, sedangkan kedua perbandingan DP yang lain termasuk ke dalam kriteria TB (3) faktor yang mengakibatkan adanya variasi dialek, yakni letak geografis, matapencaharian dan tingkat mobilitas penduduk, (4) terdapat tiga pola fonologi dan leksikal yang membentuk pola penyebaran 2-3-1, (5) terdapat aspek partikel dan afiksasi.

English Abstract

Pandalungan culture is the name of a region in Java island that is located in East Java, called as Tapal Kuda. Lumajang regency included in the region of Tapal Kuda is divided into several districts, one of which is Pronojiwo district. This research is investigated in the Supiturang village, Pronojiwo district and have the fundamental reason (1) Geographically, there are three areas which are bounded by the flow of Besuk river that spread out from Mountain Semeru to Bambang sea, afterwards there are agricultural land or fields that border among DP1 and DP2; (2) founded of dialect variety in the level of phonology and lexical, (3) The area of research is included in the area of Natural Border and bordered by Gumukmas mountain and Besuk river, (4) The major livelihood of the people surround there is farmer. This research aims to (1) know the forms of Javanese Language dialect variety which is exist in the speech of the people in Supiturang village, Pronojiwo district; (2) know the mapping of Javanese Language dialect variety in the level of phonology and lexical which is exist in the speech of the people in Supiturang village, Pronojiwo district. This research uses Quantitative research type with survey approach. The data used in the Dialectology study contains Swadesh lists and vocabulary variations, and data sources are obtained from informants that match the criteria Based on the result of the research, found five important points: (1) Phonology variety of three DP occur in the BW criteria, that in the comparison DP 1 : DP 2, DP 2 : DP 3, and DP 3 : DP 1. The type of these phonology variety consists of: (1) Addition of sound, expression of sound, enhancement and decrease of sound; (2) There are three types of lexical variety which are onomasiologist, semasiologist, and reduplication. The result of BL analysist only use comparison of DP 3 : DP 1 which occur in the BW criteria, whereas the other two comparison of DP occur in the TB criteria; (3) The factor which cause the existence of dialect variety, those are geographic, livelihood and the level of society mobility; (4) There three pattern of the phonology and the lexical which established dispersion pattern 1-2-3; (5) There are aspects of particles and affirmation.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FBS/2017/728/051707509
Uncontrolled Keywords: dialek, Natural Border, Kebudayaan Pandalungan
Subjects: 400 Language > 499 Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages, miscellaneous languages > 499.22 Malayo-Polynesian languages of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, East Timor; Chamic languages > 499.221 Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 30 Aug 2017 07:44
Last Modified: 09 Dec 2020 12:11
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