Pengaruh Military Participative Leadership Terhadap Kinerja Personel Melalui Organization Commitment Dan Remunerasi Sebagai Moderasi (Studi Pada Satuan Kerja Balakpus Tni Angkatan Darat)

Prasetyo, Heru and Prof Dr H Armalu., SE.M Sc and Risna Wiiavanti., SE., MM.. Ph.D. and Dr Sni Aittah, SE,MS (2022) Pengaruh Military Participative Leadership Terhadap Kinerja Personel Melalui Organization Commitment Dan Remunerasi Sebagai Moderasi (Studi Pada Satuan Kerja Balakpus Tni Angkatan Darat). Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini berangkat dari masalah rendahnya daya serap anggaran di satuan kerja Balakpus AD yang dengan pendekatan perubahan gaya kepemimpinan mampu meningkatkan kinerja personel. Gaya militer yang diaplikasikan oleh para komandan satuan cukup variatif dan sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor seperti senioritas, eligible, merit system pola pembinaan karir. Penelitian mengembangkan sebuah gaya kepemimpinan baru di lingkungan militer hasil elaborasi dari tiga gaya kepemimpinan yang sering diaplikasikan oleh para komandan militer yaitu; teori kepemimpinan kontijensi, kepemimpinan partisipatif dan konsep kepemimpinan militer organik menjadi sebuah terminology kepemimpinan yang diberi nama Military Participative Leadership. Studi empirik pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja personel ternyata masih ditemukan ketidakkonsistenan pengaruh tersebut oleh beberapa peneliti sebelumnya. Untuk itu peneliti memasukkan variabel organization commitment sebagai variabel mediasi dan remunerasi sebagai variabel moderasi dalam hal memperkuat pengaruh military participative leadership terhadap kinerja personel. Military Participative leadership dengan indikator: konsultatif, pengambilan keputusan bersama, manajemen demokratis dan pemberdayaan personel dibentuk atas tiga teori kepemimpinan yang banyak diaplikasikan di lingkungan militer yaitu; military leadership khususnya gaya organik, contingency leadership dan participative leadership. Penelitian menguji dan membuktikan secara empiris: 1) Pengaruh Military Participative Leadership terhadap Kinerja Personel. 2) Pengaruh Military Participative Leadership terhadap Organization Commitment. 3) Pengaruh Organization Commitment terhadap Kinerja Personel. 4) Organization Commitment memediasi pengaruh Military Participative Leadership terhadap Kinerja Personel. 5) Remunerasi memoderasi pengaruh Military Participative Leadership terhadap Kinerja Personel. Secara teoritis hasil penelitian ini diharapkan melengkapi khasanah ilmu pengetahuan khususnya dalam bidang kepemimpinan terutama teori participative leadership, sehingga dapat bermanfaat bagi para akademisi dan praktisi. Populasi penelitian adalah pejabat perbendaharaan yang bekerja di Satuan Keja Badan Pelaksana Pusat TNI AD, di Jakarta dan Bandung. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 310 orang terdiri dari Pejabat Penandatangan SPM (PPSPM), Bendaha Pengeluaran (BP), Bendahara Pengeluaran Pembantu (BPP) dan ditambah personel Unit Akuntasi Barang (UAB), Unit Akuntasi Keuangan (UAK) dan personel verifikasi (Vef). Pengambilan sampel menggunakan probability sampling khususnya simple random sampling dan analisis data statistik inferensial penelitian menggunakan aplikasi SmartPLS. x Keterbaharuan dari penelitian ini adalah dikembangkannya sebuah terminologi baru dalam gaya kepemimpinan militer yang disebut Military Participative Leadership yang dimaknai sebagai suatu bentuk kepemimpinan di lingkungan militer dalam mengumpulkan data dilanjutkan penyampaian saran staf kepada Komandan yang selanjutnya menjadi diskusi bersama untuk pengambilan keputusan oleh Komandan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Military participative leadership berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Personel, 2) Military Participative Leadership berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Organization Commitment. 3) Organization Commitment berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Personel. 4) Organization Commitment terbukti memediasi secara parsial pengaruh tidak langsung Military Participative Leadership terhadap Kinerja Personel. 5) Remunerasi terbukti memoderasi pengaruh tidak langsung Military Participative Leadership terhadap Kinerja Personel. Studi selanjutnya disarankan untuk mengeksplorasi karakteristik responden yang berbeda di negara lain di luar Indonesia dan pada matra lain di luar Angkatan Darat serta penelitian selanjutnya disarankan mengikutsertakan pimpinan/komandan sebagai bagian dari responden

English Abstract

This research departs from the the low budget absorption by the Balakpus (Central Orginzer Institution) unit of the Indonesian Army using the approach of leadership style that can improve personnel’s performance. The military style applied by unit commanders is quite divese and highly affected by factor such as seniority, eligible, merit system for career development patterns. This study develops a new leadership style within the military environment as the result from the elaboration of three leadership styles frequently applied by military commanders; they are contingency leadership, participative leadership and the organic military leadership, combine into a new terminology called Military Participative Leadership. Empirical studies on the effect of leadership style on personnel performance have still produced inconsistencies in finding. Therefore, this research incorporates organization commitment as a mediator and remuneration as a moderator in strengthening the effect of military participative leadership on personnel’s performance. Military Participative leadership with the indicators of consultative, joint decision making, democratic management and personnel empowerment was established on the basis of three leadership theories widely applied in the military environment, i.e. military leadership, particularly organic style, contingency and participative leadership. The research assesses and proves the effect of Military Participative Leadership on Personnel’s Performance, the effect of Military Participative Leadership on Organization Commitment, the effect of Organization Commitment on Personnel’s Performance, the mediation of Organization Commitment in the effect of Military Participative Leadership on Personnel’s, Performance, and the moderation of Remuneration in the effect of Military Participative Leadership on Personnel’s Performance. The results of this study are expected to enrich the treasury of science in leadership, especially participative leadership theory, to bring benefit for both academics and practitioners. The population of this research are treasury officials working in the Army’s Central Organizer Institution work units in Jakarta and Bandung. The sample are 310 people consisting of payment-order signing Officials (PPSPM), expenditure treasurer (BP), assistant expenditure treasurer (BPP), good accounting unit (UAB) personnel, financial accounting unit (UAK) personnel, and verification (Vef) personnel. They were selected using simple random sampling. The inferential statistic data analyses were performed using SmartPLS. The novelty of this research is the development of a new terminology in military leadership style, that is Military Participative Leadership which is sensed as a form of leadership in the military environment used in collecting data and delivering staff’s suggestions to the Commanders, which are then discussed to reach decisions. The study finds that Military participative leadership significantly affects Personnel’s Performance, that Military Participative xii Leadership significantly affects Organization Commitment, that Organization Commitment significantly affects Personnel’s Performance, that Organization Commitment partially mediates the indirect effect of Military Participative Leadership on Personnel’s Performance, and that Remuneration moderates the indirect effect of Military Participative Leadership on Personnel’s Performance. Further studies are suggested to explore different respondents’s characteristics in other countries and in other branches of armed forces and to include leaders or commanders as part of the respondents

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 0622020006
Uncontrolled Keywords: Military participative leadership (MPL), Organization Commitment, Kinerja Personel dan Remunerasi, Military participative leadership (MPL), Organization Commitment, Personnel’s Performance and Remuneration.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Manajemen, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 11 Jul 2022 06:11
Last Modified: 11 Jul 2022 06:11
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