Uji Kinerja Mesin Penyawut Serbaguna Tipe Dm-Tep Menggunakan Komoditi Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata)

Rahman, Fidlin Aulia and Dr.Ir.Ary Musthofa Ahmad, MP and Joko Prasetyo, STP, M.Si (2020) Uji Kinerja Mesin Penyawut Serbaguna Tipe Dm-Tep Menggunakan Komoditi Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Labu kuning dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif bahan pangan sumber karbohidrat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi masyarakat indonesia. Keterbatasan teknologi pengolahan labu kuning menyebabkan rendahnya pemanfaatan labu kuning sebagai bahan pangan. Salah satu upaya untuk memanfaatkan labu kuning yaitu dengan diolah menjadi tepung labu kuning, dimana prosesnya membutuhkan mesin penyawut yang bertujuan untuk mereduksi ukuran labu kuning sehingga memaksimalkan proses lain seperti pengeringan dan penepungan. Pada penelitian, mesin penyawut tipe DM-TEP menggunakan motor AC 0,5 HP/1400 rpm serta jumlah pisau penyawut sebanyak 4 unit. Proses pengujian menggunakan 3 perlakuan buah muda, matang dan lewat matang dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Berdasarkan pengukuran hasil uji kinerja, mesin penyawut tipe DM-TEP mempunyai kapasitas aktual dan teoritis sebesar 50,274 Kg/Jam dan 59,476 Kg/Jam, nilai torsi terendah yang dihasilkan sebesar 1,6478 N.m pada perlakuan buah matang dan nilai tertinggi terdapat pada buah lewat matang sebesar 1,7115 N.m, energi spesifik terendah sebesar 4,531 J/Kg pada perlakuan buah muda dan tertinggi pada perlakuan buah matang sebesar 5,454 J/Kg, dan efisiensi penyawutan terhitung sebesar 84,528%. Nilai ketebalan rata – rata berkisar antara 0,849 – 1,17 mm, persentase koefisien keragaman 25,2954%, persentase hasil penyawutan yang rusak 0,006%, dan rendemen 95,544%. Faktor yang mempengaruhi proses pengujian diantaranya adalah tingkat kekerasan bahan, kecepatan putar pisau maupun motor penggerak, tenaga operator saat peng- input-an bahan, dan human error.

English Abstract

Yellow pumpkin can be used as an alternative food source of carbohydrate to meet the nutritional needs of Indonesian people. The limitation of pumpkin processing technology leads to low utilization of pumpkin as foodstuffs. One of the use of yellow pumpkin is to be processed into pumpkin flour, where the process requires cutting tool that aims to reduce the size of the pumpkin so as to maximize other process, such as drying and flour making.In this research, DM-TEP cutting machine uses AC motor with maximum power and rotation of 0.5 HP/1400 RPM and number of cutting blades as much as 4 units. The testing process uses 3 under mature, mature and over mature fruit treatments with 3 repetitions. Based on the measurement of performance test results, DM-TEP sealing machine has actual and theoretical capacity of 50,274 Kg/hour and 59,476 Kg/hour, the lowest torque value generated amounted to 1,6478 N. M in ripe fruit treatment and the highest value found in the old fruit of 1,7115 N. M, the lowest specific energy of 4,531 J/Kg on the young and highest fruit treatment on ripe fruit treatment at 5,454 J/Kg, and the efficiency of the cutting machine is counted at 84,528%. The average thickness range between 0,849 – 1,17 mm, the percentage of the diversity coefficient is 25,2954%, the percentage of the yield of the cut by 0,006%, and the yield of 95,544%. Factors affecting the testing process include the level of hardness of the material, the rotary speed of the blade or the drive motor, the operator when entering materials, and human error.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520100086
Uncontrolled Keywords: labu kuning, mesin penyawut serbaguna, uji kinerja, multipurpose cutting machine, performance test, pumpkin.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 630 Agriculture and related technologies
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Zainul Mustofa
Date Deposited: 07 Jul 2022 07:44
Last Modified: 07 Jul 2022 07:44
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/191708
0520100086 - Fidlin Aulia Rahman.pdf
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