Perbedaan Kekerasan Permukaan Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) setelah Penambahan Nano Hidroksiapatit dari Cangkang Telur Ayam

Afifah, Fatimah and Dr. drg. M. Chair Effendi,, SU., Sp.KGA and drg. Ariyati Retno Pratiwi,, M.Kes (2020) Perbedaan Kekerasan Permukaan Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) setelah Penambahan Nano Hidroksiapatit dari Cangkang Telur Ayam. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Latar belakang: Nano Hidroksiapatit (nHA) merupakan partikel hidroksiapati berukuran <100 nanometer (nm) yang biokompatibel, serta memiliki komposisi dan struktur Kristal apatit yang mirip dengan struktur gigi dan tulang manusia. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan hidroksiapatit untuk memperbaiki sifat mekanis dari bahan restoratif gigi. Pada penelitian ini, nHA disintesis dari cangkang telur ayam sebagai sumber kalsium untuk digunakan sebagai prekursor dalam sintesis nHA dengan metode presipitasi kimiawi. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan kekerasan permukaan GIC setelah penambahan nano hidroksiapatit dari cangkang telur ayam. Metode: Sampel dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok, yaitu kelompok GIC tanpa penambahan nHA sebagai kelompok kontrol (n=5), kelompok GIC dengan penambahan 3% nHA sebagai kelompok uji I (n=5), kelompok GIC dengan penambahan 5% nHA sebagai kelompok uji II (n=5), kelompok GIC dengan penambahan 7% nHA sebagai kelompok uji III (n=5), dan kelompok GIC dengan penambahan 9% nHA sebagai kelompok uji IV (n=5). Jumlah keseluruhan spesimen sebanyak 25 silinder berdiameter 5mm dan tinggi 2mm. Kekerasan permukaan GIC diukur dengan Vickers Microhardness Tester. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji One Way Anova. Hasil: Rata-rata kekerasan permukaan GIC kelompok kontrol adalah 61.86 HV, sedangkan rata-rata kekerasan permukaan GIC dengan penambahan nHA 3%, 5%, 7%, dan 9% masing-masing sebesar 70.21 HV, 74.68 HV, 76.16 HV, dan 79.27 HV. Hasil uji One Way Anova pada data tersebut menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan antar kelompok (p<0,05). Perbedaan signifikan dimulai pada penambahan 5%, 7%, dan 9% nHA. Kesimpulan: Penambahan nano hidroksiapatit (nHA) dari cangkang telur ayam pada bubuk GIC dapat meningkatkan kekerasan permukaan Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC).

English Abstract

Background: Nano Hydroxyapatite (nHA) is a <100 nanometer (nm) sized hydroxyapatite particle that is very biocompatible, and has a composition and structure of apatite crystals that are similar to the structure of teeth and human bones. Several studies have attempted to evaluate the effect of the addition of HA powders to improve mechanical properties of dental restorative materials. In this study, nHA was synthesized from chicken egg shells as a source of calcium to be used as a precursor in the synthesis of nHA by using chemical precipitation methods. Objective: To determine the difference in surface hardness of GIC after addition of nano hydroxyapatite from chicken eggshells. Method: The sample was divided into five groups: the GIC group without addition of nHA as a control group (n=5), the GIC group with the addition of 3% nHA as the experimental group I (n=5), the GIC group with the addition of 5% nHA as the experimental group II (n=5), the GIC group with the addition of 7% nHA as the experimental group III (n=5), and the GIC group with the addition of 9% nHA as the experimental group IV (n=5). The total of speciments were 25 cylinders of 5 mm diameter and 2 mm height. The surface hardness of GIC was measured by Vickers Microhardness Tester. The data was analyzed by One Way Anova test. Results: The mean surface hardness for GIC control group was 61.86 HV, while the mean surface hardness of GIC experimental group with addition nHA 3%, 5%, 7%, and 9% were 70.21 HV, 74.68 HV, 76.16 HV, and 79.27 HV. The result One Way Anova test showed significant differences between groups (p<0,05). Significant differences began with the addition of 5%, 7%, and 9% nHA. Conclusion: The incorporation of eggshells-derived nano hydroxyapatite could increase the surface hardness of Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520140031
Uncontrolled Keywords: Nano Hidroksiapatit, Glass Ionomer Cement, Kekerasan Permukaan,Nano Hydroxyapatite, Glass Ionomer Cement, Surface Hardness
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 617 Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology > 617.6 Dentistry
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi > Kedokteran Gigi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 17 Jun 2022 01:17
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2024 01:36
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