Pengaruh Penerapan Green Retrofit Terhadap Life Cycle Cost Pada Bangunan Gedung

Rahmawati, Aulia (2018) Pengaruh Penerapan Green Retrofit Terhadap Life Cycle Cost Pada Bangunan Gedung. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Alih-alih membangun bangunan hijau baru, terdapat solusi yang lebih baik dalam rangka mewujudkan lingkungan binaan yang berkelanjutan, yaitu green retrofit. Pengubahsuaian tersebut perlu diterapkan, baik secara kuantitas maupun kualitas, dengan melibatkan kesadaran penuh para pengguna bangunan akan pentingnya melakukan efisiensi energi. Obyek studi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah bangunan pendidikan, dimana di Indonesia masih belum ada bangunan non komersial yang tersentuh oleh green retrofit. Dengan menggunakan standar acuan yang berlaku, yaitu GREENSHIP Existing Building (EB), dapat diketahui sejauh mana sebuah bangunan eksisting telah menerapkan efisiensi dan konservasi ke dalam seluruh sistem bangunan yang ditunjukkan dalam sebuah pemeringkatan. Enam kategori yang terlibat di dalamnya adalah Appropriate Site Development, Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Water Conservation, Material Resource and Cycle, Indoor Helath and Comfort dan Building Environmental Management. Pasca dilakukan green retrofit pada bangunan eksisting didapatkan predikat Silver, setelah sebelumnya tidak mendapatkan predikat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan serta biaya penggantian yang terjadi akibat green retrofit berpengaruh terhadap penghematan Life Cycle Cost. Lebih lanjut, dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa penghematan Life Cycle Cost dapat lebih besar apabila penerapan retrofit difokuskan untuk kategori Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Water Conservation dan Indoor Health & Comfort, dibandingkan jika perbaikan tersebut bersifat menyeluruh. Bagaimanapun juga, green retrofit dapat benar-benar terwujud apabila terdapat komitmen penuh dari pihak manajemen yang ditunjukkan oleh SOP dan dokumen pendukung untuk keenam kategori di dalam GREENSHIP EB..

English Abstract

One option that is arguably much more effective than constructing new green buildings in creating sustainable environmental management is green retrofitting the existing buildings. Retrofitting works needs to be implemented qualitatively and quantitatively with the buildings’ users’ full awareness of the importance of adopting energy efficiency measures to achieve the abovementioned goal. This study is using an existing educational building, which none of this type of building has been retrofitted yet. The prevailing standard of “green” quality for buildings, GREENSHIP Existing Building (EB), has been recognized as a legitimate measurement in Indonesia to assess the extent to which an existing building has applied energy efficiency and conservation measures to its whole structural system which is indicated by a rating system. GREENSHIP EB consists of six categories of assesment, namely Appropriate Site Development; Energy Efficiency and Conservation; Water Conservation; Material Resources and Cycle; Indoor Health and Comfort; and Building Environmental Management. Having been retrofitted, the existing building in the present research was certified as Silver by GREENSHIP EB rating, which is substantial progress from its previously non-rated status. It was also observed that the green retrofit of the building resulted in the decrease of its life cycle cost. On other finding of this research is that green retrofitting that is specially directed at achieving a goal categorized as Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Water Conservation, and Indoor Health & Comfort has resulted in greater Life Cycle Cost reduction of the building compared to a thorough retrofitting on it. Nonetheless, green retrofit projects would never be able to be completely accomplished without unified commitment on the management level which is reflected in the SOP and other supporting documents that contain the six categories of assessment prescribed in GREENSHIP EB rating system.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/696/RAH/p/2018/041807681
Uncontrolled Keywords: efisiensi energi, green retrofit, GREENSHIP EB, life cycle cost
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 696 Utilities
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 06 Jun 2022 04:12
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2022 04:12
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