Uji Imunogenitas Protein Rekombinan Fusi Esat-6/Cfp-10 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Terhadap Ekspresi Il-10 Dan Limfosit T Cd4+ Pada Kultur Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (Pengembangan Vaksin Tuberkulosis)

Indrawati, Yeti (2018) Uji Imunogenitas Protein Rekombinan Fusi Esat-6/Cfp-10 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Terhadap Ekspresi Il-10 Dan Limfosit T Cd4+ Pada Kultur Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (Pengembangan Vaksin Tuberkulosis). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Latar Belakang : TB menjadi salah satu penyakit penyumbang kematian terbanyak di dunia. Vaksinasi menjadi salah satu metode pencegahan infeksi TB yang diharapkan menjadi alat yang menghemat biaya untuk eradikasi dan pengendalian TB. Vaksin BCG menjadi satu-satunya cara untuk mengontrol tuberculosis (TB) dimana efikasinya bervariasi, sehingga dibutuhkan perkembangan vaksin baru. Vaksin baru tersebut harus dapat menginduksi respon imun yang optimal dalam melawan infeksi Mtb meliputi aktivasi sel T CD4+ dan sel T CD8+. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti apakah protein fusi rekombinan ESAT-6/CFP-10 Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) dapat menstimulasi respons imun seluler, khususnya prosentase IL-10 dan sel T CD4+ pada kultur PBMC. Metode : Penelitian ini dilaksanakan melalui penelitian eksperimental pada kultur PBMC dari 3 kelompok ( pasien TB, Kontak TB, dan kontrol sehat endemis). Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 8 sampel. Setiap kelompok diinduksi dengan protein rekombinan fusi ESAT-6/CFP-10 M.tb. Penelitian berlangsung selama 3 bulan. Prosentase IL-10 dan sel T CD4+ diukur dengan flow cytometri. Hasil : Protein rekombinan fusi ESAT-6/CFP-10 dapat menstimulasi prosentase IL-10 dan sel T CD4+ pada pasien TB, kontak dan sehat endemis. Hasil prosentase tertinggi dari IL-10 diperoleh dari pasien TB (44,196( 35,259)), yang berbeda bermakna dibandingkan sampel kontak (p= 0,028) dan sehat (p= 0, 028). Hasil prosentase tertinggi sel T CD4+ ditemukan pada pasien TB (27,863 (10,368)), yang tidak berbeda bermakna dengan sampel kontak dan sehat (p= 0,779). Kesimpulan : Prosentase IL-10 yang meningkat pada pasien TB lebih menggambarkan progresivitas penyakit. Sedangkan prosentase sitokin IL-10 dari sel T CD4+ yang rendah pada kelompok kontak TB dan sehat endemik mendukung peran antigen fusi rESAT-6-CFP-10 sebagai kandidat vaksin Tb yang dominan menginduksi respons protektif Th1.

English Abstract

Background: TB is one of the most contributing causes of death diseases in the world. Vaccination is one of the method to prevent TB infection that is expected to be a cost-saving tool for TB eradication and control. The BCG vaccine is the only way to control tuberculosis (TB) but its efficacy varies, so the development of a new vaccine is needed. The new vaccine must be able to induce an immune response that is optimal in fighting Mtb infection including activation of CD4 + T cells and CD8 + T cells. The aim of this study was to examine whether ESAT-6 / CFP-10 recombinant fusion protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) can stimulate cellular immune responses, specifically the percentage of IL-10 and CD4 + T cells in PBMC culture. Methods: This study was carried out through experimental research in PBMC culture from 3 groups (TB patients, TB contacts, and endemic healthy controls). Each group consists of 8 samples. Each group was induced with ESAT-6 / CFP-10 recombinant fusion protein of M.tb The study lasted for 3 months. The percentage of IL-10 and CD4 + T cells is measured by flowcytometry. Results: ESAT-6/CFP-10 recombinant fusion protein can stimulate the percentage of IL-10 and CD4 + T cells in TB patients,TB contact and endemic healthy. The highest percentage results from IL-10 were obtained from TB patients (44,196 (35,259)), which were significantly different than the contact samples (p = 0,028) and healthy samples (p = 0, 028). The highest percentage results of CD4 + T cells were found in TB patients (27,863 (10,368)), which were not significantly different from the contact and the healthy samples (p = 0,779). Conclusion: The increasing percentage of IL-10 in TB patients illustrates the progression of the disease. While the lower percentage of IL-10 cytokines from CD4 + T cells in contact TB and endemic healthy groups supports the role of rESAT-6-CFP-10 fusion antigen as a candidate for the Tb vaccine which appears to predominantly induce a Th1 protective response.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/616.995/IND/u/2018/041911256
Uncontrolled Keywords: protein rekombinan fusi ESAT-6/CFP-10 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, IL-10, sel T CD4+,-Mycobacterium tuberculosis, ESAT-6 / CFP-10 recombinant fusion protein, IL-10, CD4 + T cells
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 616 Diseases > 616.9 Other disease > 616.99 Tumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases > 616.995 Tuberculosis
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Patologi Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 03 Jun 2022 07:57
Last Modified: 03 Jun 2022 07:57
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/190819
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